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<!-- アラビア文字? -->
<moku id="C34S00046" type="10100000" b="Philology/general(151X)">
<t>The Plural of Nouns in the □□□(p) Formations.</t>
<a>Chomsky, W.</a>
<j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
<moku id="C34S00132" type="10100000" b="Religion/general(071X)">
<t>Eine rabbinische Parallele zu □□□□</t>
<a>Künstlinger, D.</a>
<j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, London Institution</j>
<!-- S の上に ̆-->
<moku id="D76S05430" type="10100000" b="Religion/Buddhism/General">
<a>□čerbatskoj, F. I.</a>
<t>Indijskaja kul'tura i buddhism.</t>
<e>Moskva: Akad. nauk SSSlavic Review Inst. Vostokovedenija. Izd-vo "Nauka". Glavnaja redakcija vostočnoj literatury</e>
<p>280 pp.</p>
<review id="D76S05430-2001" type="20100001">
<r>Poucha, P.</r>
<j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
<k>71, 5</k>
<!-- 二箇所とも r の下に○ -->
<moku id="C35S00362" type="10100000" b="Religion/Waet">
<t>V□tra et V□θragna, étude de mythologie indo-iranienne.</t>
<a>Benveniste, E.</a>
<a>Renou, L.</a>
<s>Cahiers de la Société Asiatique, 3</s>
<review id="C35S00362-2001" type="20100001">
<r>Bailey, H. W.</r>
<j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies</j>
<!-- ヘブライ文字? -->
<moku id="C35S00379" type="10100000" b="Religion/Waet">
<t>Psalm xxxv, v. 16. The Meaning of □□□□.</t>
<a>Daiches, S</a>
<j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
<!-- Pahlavi文字、ユニコードに見えない -->
<moku id="C36S00376" type="10100000" b="Philology/India&amp;Indoeuropean">
<t>Remarks on the Pahlavi Ligatures □ and □.</t>
<a>Barr, K.</a>
<j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies</j>
<!-- ウ冠の下に心、宓の誤りか? -->
<moku id="C38S00025" type="10100000" b="History/China">
<a>Macnair, H. F.□享利</a>
<t>Some Aspects of China's Foreign Relations in Long Retrospect.</t>
<j>The Chinese Social and Political Science Review</j>
<!-- 小さな○た縦に二つ、記号?-->
<moku id="C46S01292" type="10100000" b="Philology/Other Asiatic Languages">
<a>Hla Pe</a>
<t>The Origin and Development of the Burmese Composite Word "Mô Kwan □".</t>
<j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London</j>
<k>13 2</k>
<!-- gの下に_-->
<moku id="C55S00835" type="10100000" b="Philosophy, Thought and Education/General">
<a>Ḥasan, Muhammad Ṣa□ẖir</a>
<t>Note on the edition of the Kitāb al-Nafs ascribed to Isḥāq Ibn Ḥunayn.</t>
<j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
<!-- ḝから頭の記号を除去したもの -->
<moku id="C55S00843" type="10100000"
b="Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Classics">
<a>Szlenk, Marzenna//(przel.)</a>
<t>Z Ksi□gi Pieśni, Szy King.</t>
<j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
<k>4 2</k>
<!-- C55S01074 フランス語の序数を表すe,印刷は上付文字だが普通のeを入力-->
<!-- gの下に_ -->
<moku id="C55S01739" type="10100000" b="Philology/Dictionary">
<a>Haywood, John A.</a>
<t>An Indian contribution to the study of Arabic lexicography. The "Bul□ẖa" of Muḥammad Ṣidḍīq Ḥasan Ḵẖān Bahādur, 1832-1890.</t>
<j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
<k>1956 3-4</k>
<!-- aの下にçの下側アクセント記号 -->
<moku id="C65S00661" type="10100000"
b="Literature/Literature in Other Asiatic Languages than Chinese">
<t>W□tek"Madzun Lajla"w literaturge arabskiej.</t>
<j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
<!-- rの上にアクセント、下に.-->
<moku id="C71S00353" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy, and Literature">
<a>Jog, K. P.</a>
<t>On am□tasya cákṣaṇam in Ṛgveda 1. 13. 5.</t>
<j>Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal</j>
<k>8, 1-2</k>
<!-- aの上に˙ ǡ U+01E1はあるが,こいつは見つからない-->
<moku id="C71S00900" type="10100000" b="Philology/Mon-Khmer and Thai">
<a>Nguyẽn, Kh□c-Kham</a>
<t>Influence of old Chinese on the Vietnamese language.</t>
<!-- nの上に̗̗̗̗̗̂ 下付アクセント?-->
<moku id="C75S00397" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy and Literature">
<a>本多 惠</a>
<t>Pa□cādhikaraṇa, a Sāmkhya teacher.</t>
<k>24, 1</k>
<!-- 数学のルート記号にa、数学のルート記号にn -->
<moku id="C76S00278" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy and Literature">
<a>Kamioka, Koji</a>
<t>A note on □ś~□aś</t>
<k>24, 2</k>
<!-- aの下にçの下側アクセント記号 -->
<moku id="C77S00643" type="10100000" b="Miscellaneous">
<a>Zaj□czkowski, Włodzimierz</a>
<t>Gyula Németh (1890-1976).</t>
<j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
<k>1977, 4</k>
<!-- nの上に̄(上付き-)、さらに上にアクセント記号 -->
<moku id="C78S00325" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy and Literature">
<a>Kamioka, Koji</a>
<t>Rigvedica 1 n□ namante (RV 10. 34. 8).</t>
<!-- aの上に̄(上付き-)_、さらに上にアクセント記号-->
<moku id="C78S00327" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy and Literature">
<a>Gopal, Ram</a>
<t>On the interpretations of "kumār□ viśikh□-iva" (ṚV VI, 75, 17).</t>
<j>Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute</j>
<k>Diamond Jubilee Vol.</k>
<!-- īの上にアクセント記号 -->
<moku id="C78S00330" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy and Literature">
<a>Schmidt, Hanns-Peter</a>
<t>Ṛgvedic madhyāyú and madhyamaś□.</t>
<j>Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute</j>
<k>Diamond Jubilee Vol.</k>
<!-- ñの~の下に̄(上付き-) -->
<moku id="C79S00307" type="10100000" b="Religion/ Buddhism/ General">
<a>Forte, Antonino</a>
<t>Le moine khotanais Devendrapraj□a.</t>
<j>Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient</j>
<!-- ẖの大文字 -->
<moku id="C80S00085" type="10100000"
b="History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia">
<a>濱田 正美</a>
<t>L'histoire de □otan de Muḥammad A'lam (II).</t>
<!-- アクセント記号○つきチベット文字? -->
<moku id="C80S00360" type="10100000"
b="Religion/Indian Religion, Philosophy and Literature">
<a>Mayank, Manjul</a>
<t>Re-assessment of the meaning of " आ□ करबा घ□ ीप□न " .</t>
<j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
<review id="D70S05063-2003" type="20100003">
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