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— Datasets of the Bibliography of Oriental Studies and related tools, etc.

  • B

    Data of books included in the Bibliography of Oriental Studies after the 2001 edition.


  • J

    Data of journals included in the Bibliography of Oriental Studies after the 1981 edition.


  • M

    Metadata of the Bibliography of Oriental Studies after the 1981 edition.


  • O

    Text files converted from the old RUIMOKU data (the Bibliography of Oriental Studies; 1981〜2000) edited on a mainframe.


  • O

    This is a set of text files converted from the old CHINA3 data. CHINA3 was a data set that converts the hierarchical structure of the former RUIMOKU (the Bibliography of Oriental Studies; 1981〜2000) into a flat structure for search systems that operate on mainframes of the time.

    このデータセットは 旧 CHINA3 のデータをテキストファイルに変換したものです。CHINA3 は大型計算機上で編纂されていた1981〜2000年度版の東洋学文献類目(旧 RUIMOKU)の階層的な構造を当時の大型計算機上の検索システム用にフラットになるように変換したものでした。

  • P

    Data of papers included in the Bibliography of Oriental Studies after the 2001 edition.


  • R

    XML version of the retrospective input data of the Bibliography of Oriental Studies (1934〜1980).

    1934〜1980年度版東洋学文献類目の遡及入力データの XML 版。