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   <moku id="D78S05001" type="10100000">
      <a>Trousdale, William</a>
      <t>The long sword and scabbard slide in Asia.</t>
      <e>Washington:Smithsonian Inst. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05001-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bunker, Emma C.</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05002" type="10100000">
      <a>Leslie, Donald D.//ed.</a>
      <a>Mackerras, Colin//ed.</a>
      <a>Wang, Gungwu //ed.</a>
      <t>Essays on the sources for Chinese history.</t>
      <e>Canberra: Australian National Univ. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05002-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Franke, Herbert</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
   <moku id="D78S05003" type="10100000">
      <a>Pak, Hyobom</a>
      <t>China and the West.Myths and realities in history.</t>
      <e>Leiden: Brill</e>
      <s>Monographs &amp; Theoretical Studies in Sociology &amp; Anthropology in honour of Nels Anderson, 5</s>
      <p>viii,120 pp</p>
      <review id="D78S05003-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Behrsing, S.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05004" type="10100000">
      <a>Murphey, Rhoads</a>
      <t>The outsiders: The Western experience in India and China.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Univ.of Michigan Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05004-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Beers, Burton F.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05005" type="10100000">
      <a>Borsa, Giorgio</a>
      <t>La nascita del mondo moderno in Asia Orientale: La penetrazione europea e la crisi delle società tradizionali in India, Cina e Giappone.</t>
      <e>Milan:Rizzoli Ed.</e>
      <p>603 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05005-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wright, H. R. C.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
   <moku id="D78S05006" type="10100000">
      <a>Alatas, Syed Hussein</a>
      <t>The myth of the lazy native: A study of the image of the Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th century and its function in the ideology of colonial capitalism.</t>
      <e>London: Frank Cass</e>
      <p>viii, 267 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05006-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Colebatch, H. K.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05007" type="10100000">
      <a>Спирин, В. С.</a>
      <t>Построение древнекитайских текстов.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>231 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05007-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Карапетьянц, А. М.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05008" type="10100000">
      <a>Lo, Hui-min//ed.</a>
      <t>The correspondence of G. E. Morrison. I. 1895-1912.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 848 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05008-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curwen, C. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05009" type="10100000">
      <a>Sagaster, Klaus//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Die Weiße Geschichte. Eine mongolische Quelle zur Lehre von den Beiden Ordnungen, Religion und Staat in Tibet und der Mongolei.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen, Bd. 41</s>
      <p>ix. 489 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05009-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05010" type="10100000">
      <a>Hucker, Charles O.</a>
      <t>China's imperial past. An introduction to Chinese history and culture.</t>
      <e>Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 474 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05010-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hervouet, Yves</r>
         <j>Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient</j>
         <k>21, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05010-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Alitto, Guy S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05010-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Mohr, Poul</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
      <review id="D78S05010-20000004" type="20100004">
   <moku id="D78S05011" type="10100000">
      <a>Elvin, Mark</a>
      <t>The pattern of the Chinese past.</t>
      <e>Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>346 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05011-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sivin, N.</r>
         <j>Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies</j>
         <k>38, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05012" type="10100000">
      <a>Eberhard, Wolfram</a>
      <t>A history of China. 4th Rev. Ed.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xix, 388 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05012-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Alitto, Guy S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05013" type="10100000">
      <a>Jugel, Ulrike</a>
      <t>Politische Funktion und soziale Stellung der Eunuchen zur Späteren Hanzeit (25-220 n. Chr.).</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Bd. 15</s>
      <p>xvi, 467 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05013-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Loewe, Michael</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05013-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Tozzi, Daniela Giuli</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05014" type="10100000">
      <a>Backus, Charles R.</a>
      <t>The Nan-Chao kingdom and frontier policy in Southwest China during the Sui and Tang periods.</t>
      <review id="D78S05014-20000001" type="20100001">
   <moku id="D78S05015" type="10100000">
      <a>Perry, John Curtis//ed.</a>
      <a>Smith, Bardwell L.//ed.</a>
      <t>Essays on T'ang society: The interplay of social, political, and economic forces.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>x, 145 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05015-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>WcMullen, D. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05015-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Somers, Robert M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05016" type="10100000">
      <a>Herbert, Penelope Ann</a>
      <t>Under the brilliant emperor: Imperial authority in T'ang China as seen in the writings of Chang Chiu-ling.</t>
      <e>Canberra: Faculty of Asian Studies in assoc. with Australian National Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Oriental Monograph Ser., No. 21</s>
      <p>vi, 156 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05017" type="10100000">
      <a>Haeger, John Minthrop//ed.</a>
      <t>Crisis and prosperity in Sung China.</t>
      <e>Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 264 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05017-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sung, Shee</r>
         <j>Chinese Culture</j>
         <k>19, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05017-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Finegan, Michael H.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05018" type="10100000">
      <a>Aubin, Françoise//ed.</a>
      <t>Études Song: Sung studies in Memoriam Étienne Balazs. Ser. I (History and insttutions),Vol. III; Ser. II (Civilization),Vol.I.</t>
      <e>The Hague: Mouton</e>
      <smoku id="D78S05018-11000001" type="10100001">
      <smoku id="D78S05018-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>92 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05018-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Worthy, Edmund H., Jr.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05019" type="10100000">
      <a>Tao, Jing-shen</a>
      <t>The Jurchen in twelfth-century China: A study of Sinicization.</t>
      <e>Seattle:Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <s>Pub. on Asia of the Inst. for Comparative &amp; Foreign Area Studies 29</s>
      <review id="D78S05019-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dardess, John</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05019-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Franke, Herbert</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05020" type="10100000">
      <a>Vorob'ev, Michail Vasil'evič</a>
      <t>Čžurčženi i gosudarstvo Czin' (X v. -1234 g.). Istoričeski očerk. (Jurchen and the state of Chin [10th century- 1234]. Historical essays).</t>
      <e>Moskau: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka". Glavnaja Redakcija Vostočnoi Literatury</e>
      <review id="D78S05020-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Franke, Herbert</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05021" type="10100000">
      <a>Franke, Herbert</a>
      <t>From tribal chieftain to universal emperor and god: The legitimation of the Yüan dynasty.</t>
      <e>München: Verl. der Bayerischen Akad. der Wissenschaften</e>
      <s>Bayerische Akad. der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, Jahrgang 1978, Heft 2</s>
   <moku id="D78S05022" type="10100000">
      <a>Farmer, Edward L.</a>
      <t>Early Ming government. The evolution of dual capitals (明初兩京制度).</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 271 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05022-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>檀上 寬</r>
         <k>37, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05023" type="10100000">
      <a>Бокщанин, А. А.</a>
      <t>Императорский Китай в начале XV века.</t>
      <e>Москва : Глав, ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>323 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05023-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Лапина, З. Г.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 6</k>
      <review id="D78S05023-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Dardess, John</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05025" type="10100000">
      <a>Wakeman, Frederic, Jr.//ed.</a>
      <a>Grant, Carolyn//ed.</a>
      <t>Conflict and control in late imperial China.</t>
      <e>Berkeley, Los Angeles &amp; London: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxii, 328 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05025-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hucker, Charles O.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05026" type="10100000">
      <a>Fairbank, John K.//ed.</a>
      <t>The Cambridge History of China, Volume 10: Late Ch'ing 1800-1911, Part I.</t>
      <e>Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05026-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rodzinski, Witold</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05027" type="10100000">
      <a>Фомина, Н. И.</a>
      <t>Борьба против Цинов на Юго-Востоке Китая. Середина XVII в.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва《Наука》</e>
      <p>284 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05027-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Доронин, Б. Г.</r>
         <r>Новиков, Б. М.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05028" type="10100000">
      <a>Chang, Chun-shu//ed</a>
      <t>The making of China: Main themes in premodern Chinese history.</t>
      <e>Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall</e>
      <review id="D78S05028-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hervouet, Yves</r>
         <j>Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient</j>
         <k>21, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05029" type="10100000">
      <a>Тихвинский, С. Л.</a>
      <t>История Китая и современность.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во Наука</e>
      <p>359 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05029-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Бродский, Р. М.</r>
         <r>Кутик, В. Н.</r>
         <j>Вопросы Истории</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05030" type="10100000">
      <a>Wakeman, Frederic, Jr.</a>
      <t>The fall of imperial China.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: The Free Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 276 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05030-20000001" type="20100001">
   <moku id="D78S05031" type="10100000">
      <a>Cheng, Ronald Ye-lin</a>
      <t>The first revolution in China. A theory.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Vantage Pr.</e>
      <p>258 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05031-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>McDonald, Angus W., Jr.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05032" type="10100000">
      <a>Naquin, Susan</a>
      <t>Millenarian rebellion in China: The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813.</t>
      <e>New Haven &amp; London: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Yale Histrical Pub., Miscellany, 108</s>
      <p>xii, 384 pp. cf. 5183</p>
      <review id="D78S05032-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jenner, W. J. F.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05032-20000002" type="20100002">
   <moku id="D78S05033" type="10100000">
      <a>Pong, David</a>
      <t>A critical guide to the Kwangtung Provincial Archives deposited at the Public Record Office of London.</t>
      <e>Cambridge, Mass.: East Asian Research Center, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs No. 63</s>
      <p>xii, 203 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05033-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hyder, A. D.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05034" type="10100000">
      <a>Franz-Willing, Georg</a>
      <t>Neueste Geschichte Chinas. 1840 bis zur Gegenwart.</t>
      <e>Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh</e>
      <p>262 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05034-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Felber, Roland</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26, 9</k>
   <moku id="D78S05035" type="10100000">
      <a>Ipatova, A. S.</a>
      <t>Patrioticheskoe dviz-henie na iuge Kitiaia v 40-e gody XIX v.</t>
      <e>Moscow: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"</e>
      <p>206 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05035-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Glatfelter, R. Edward</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05036" type="10100000">
      <a>Nee, Victor//ed.</a>
      <a>Peck, James//ed.</a>
      <t>China's uninterrupted revolution: From 1840 to the present.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Pantheon</e>
      <p>480 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05036-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Witke, Roxane</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05037" type="10100000">
      <a>Curwen, C. A.</a>
      <t>Taiping rebel: The deposition of Li Hsiu-ch'eng</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vii, 357 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05037-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jenner, W. J. F.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05037-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Naquin, Susan</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05038" type="10100000">
      <a>Wong, J. Y.</a>
      <t>Yeh Ming-ch'en: Viceroy of Liang-Kuang, 1852-1858.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xviii, 260 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05038-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Polachek, James</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05039" type="10100000">
      <a>Lewis, Charlton M.</a>
      <t>Prologue to the Chinese revolution. The transformation of ideas and institutions in Hunan Province, 1891-1907.</t>
      <e>Cambrige : East Asian Research Center, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, 70</s>
      <p>xii, 317 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05039-20000001" type="20100001">
         <k>4, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05039-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Barnett, Suzanne Wilson</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05040" type="10100000">
      <a>Bays, Daniel H.</a>
      <t>China enters the twentieth century: Chang Chih-tung and the issues of a new age, 1895-1909.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 295 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05040-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Yang, Richard Hsiuh</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
      <review id="D78S05040-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Smith, Richard J.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05041" type="10100000">
      <a>Bernai, Martin</a>
      <t>Chinese socialism to 1907.</t>
      <e>Ithaca &amp; London: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05041-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>久保田 文次</r>
         <k>59, 3-4</k>
      <review id="D78S05041-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Feigon, Lee</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05042" type="10100000">
      <a>Young, Ernest P.</a>
      <t>The presidency of Yuan Shih-k'ai: Liberalism and dictatorship in early Republican China.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Pr.</e>
      <p>347 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05042-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Canning, Craig N.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05042-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sheridan, James E.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05043" type="10100000">
      <a>Friedman, Edward</a>
      <t>Backward toward revolution - The Chinese Revolutionary Party-.</t>
      <e>Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvii, 237PP.</p>
      <review id="D78S05043-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>高橋 良和</r>
         <k>10, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05044" type="10100000">
      <a>Mackerras, Colin//ed.</a>
      <t>China: The impact of revolution: A survey of twentieth century China.</t>
      <e>Melbourne: Longman Australia</e>
      <p>xii, 273 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05044-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Liew, K. S.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05045" type="10100000">
      <a>McCormack, Gavan</a>
      <t>Chang Tso-lin in Northeast China, 1911-1928: China, Japan, and the Manchurian idea.</t>
      <e>Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vi, 334 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05045-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sheridan, James E.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05046" type="10100000">
      <a>Day, M. Henri</a>
      <t>Máo Zédōng 1917-1927 documents.</t>
      <e>Stockholm Univ.</e>
      <p>394 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05046-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>北村 稔</r>
         <k>10, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05047" type="10100000">
      <a>Hofheinz, Roy, Jr.</a>
      <t>The broken wave: The Chinese communist peasant movement, 1922-1928.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>355 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05047-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hsu, King-yi</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05048" type="10100000">
      <a>Kuo, Heng-yü</a>
      <t>Mao Weg zur Macht und die Komintern am Beispeil der "Antijapanischen Nationalen Einheitsfront" 1931-1938, mit der Schrift "Über die neue Periode" von Mao Tse-tung und anderen Dokumenten.</t>
      <e>Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh</e>
      <p>390 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05048-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lippert, Wolfgang</r>
         <j>Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens</j>
   <moku id="D78S05049" type="10100000">
      <a>Carrington, George Williams</a>
      <t>Foreigners in Formosa, 1841-1874.</t>
      <e>San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center</e>
      <p>xiii, 308 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05049-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hsu, Wen-hsiung</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05050" type="10100000">
      <a>Petech, Luciano</a>
      <t>Aristocracy and government in Tibet, 1728-1950.</t>
      <s>Serie Orientale Roma, vol. XLV</s>
      <review id="D78S05050-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Filibeck, E.</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05051" type="10100000">
      <a>Mehra, Parshotam</a>
      <t>Tibetan polity, 1904-37: The conflict between the 13th Dalai Lama and the 9th Panchen. A case-study.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen, Bd. 49</s>
      <p>xi, 94 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05051-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Richardson, H. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05052" type="10100000">
      <a>Karan, Pradyumna P.</a>
      <t>The changing face of Tibet: The impact of Chinese communist ideology on the landscape.</t>
      <e>Lexington: Univ. of Kentucky Pr.</e>
      <p>114 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05052-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Goldstein, Melvyn C.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05053" type="10100000">
      <a>Bezzola, Gian Andri</a>
      <t>Die Mongolen in abendländischer Sicht (1220-1270).</t>
      <e>Bern &amp; München: Francke Verl.</e>
      <review id="D78S05053-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jahn, K.</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05054" type="10100000">
      <a>Yen, Ching-hwang</a>
      <t>The overseas Chinese and the 1911 revolution: With special reference to Singapore and Malaya.</t>
      <e>N. Y. : Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxvii, 439 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05054-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rhoads, Edward</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05055" type="10100000">
      <a>Yen, Ching-hwang</a>
      <t>The overseas Chinese and the 1911 Revolution.</t>
      <e>Kuala Lumpur &amp; N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxvii, 439 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05055-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rankin, Mary Backus</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05056" type="10100000">
      <a>Corr, Gerard H.</a>
      <t>The war of the Springing Tigers.</t>
      <e>London: Osprey</e>
      <p>viii, 200 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05056-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hauner, Milan</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05057" type="10100000">
      <a>Мхитарян, С. А.</a>
      <t>Подъем революционного движения в Индокитае в начале 30-х годов XX в. (Советы Нге-Тиня).</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>320 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05057-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Дементьев, Ю. П.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05058" type="10100000">
      <a>Kasetsiri, Charnvit</a>
      <t>The rise of Ayudhya: A history of Siam in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.</t>
      <e>Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 194 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05058-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reynolds, Frank</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05058-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Smith, R. B.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05059" type="10100000">
      <a>Bunnag, Tej</a>
      <t>The provincial administration of Siam, 1892-1915: The ministry of the interior under Prince Damrong Rajanubhab.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 322 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05059-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Vella, Walter F.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
      <review id="D78S05059-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Smith, R. B.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05060" type="10100000">
      <a>Constantino, Renato</a>
      <a>Constantino, Letizia R.</a>
      <t>A history of the Philippines: From the Spanish colonization to the Second World War.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Monthly Rev. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 459 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05060-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Larkin, John A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05061" type="10100000">
      <a>Sturtevant, David R.</a>
      <t>Popular uprisings in the Philippines, 1840-1940.</t>
      <e>Ithaca &amp; London: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>317 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05061-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>King, Victor T.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05061-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Rocamora, J. Eliseo</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05062" type="10100000">
      <a>Fryer, Donald W. S James C. Jackson</a>
      <e>London: Ernest Benn; Boulder: Westview Pr.</e>
      <p>xvii, 313pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05062-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reid, Anthony</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05063" type="10100000">
      <a>Legge, J. D.</a>
      <t>Indonesia. Second Ed.</t>
      <e>Sydney: Prentice-Hall</e>
      <p>viii, 208 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05063-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ingleson, John</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05064" type="10100000">
      <a>Naerssen, F. H. van</a>
      <a>Iongh, R. C. de</a>
      <t>The economic and administrative history of early Indonesia.</t>
      <e>Leiden, Köln: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>120 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05064-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ricklefs, M. C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05065" type="10100000">
      <a>Meer, N. C. van Setten van der</a>
      <t>Sawah cultivation in ancient Java: Aspects of development during the Indo-Javanese period, 5th to 15th century.</t>
      <e>Canberra: Faculty of Asian Studies in assoc. with Australian National Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Oriental Monograph Series No. 22</s>
      <p>xx, 168 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05065-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Day, A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05066" type="10100000">
      <a>Kumar, Ann</a>
      <t>Surapati: Man and legend. A study of three babad traditions.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Australian National Univ. Centre of Oriental Studies. Oriental Monograph Ser., No. 20</s>
      <p>xiv, 421 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05066-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ricklefs, M. C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05067" type="10100000">
      <a>Penders, C. L. M.//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Indonesia: Selected documents on colonialism and nationalism, 1830-1942.</t>
      <e>St. Lucia, Queensland: Univ. of Queensland Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 367 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05067-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>O'Malley, William J.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05068" type="10100000">
      <a>Poeze, Harry A.</a>
      <t>Tan Malaka: Strijder voor Indonesië's Vrijheid, Levensloop van 1897 tot 1945.</t>
      <e>'s-Gravenhage : Martinus Nijhoff</e>
      <s>Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Inst. voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde, 78</s>
      <p>v,605 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05068-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mázek, Rudolf</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05069" type="10100000">
      <a>Беленький, А. Б.</a>
      <t>Идеология нацио-налъно-освоболителъного движения в Индонезии 1917-1942 гг. Радикалъный мелкобуржуазный национализм.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>391 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05069-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Рейснер, Л. И.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05070" type="10100000">
      <a>Губер, А. А.</a>
      <t>Избранные труды.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>342 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05070-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Гаврилов, Ю. Н.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05071" type="10100000">
      <a>Moscotti, Albert D.</a>
      <t>British policy and the nationalist movement in Burma 1917-1937.</t>
      <e>The Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <s>Asian Studies at Hawaii, No. 11</s>
      <p>264 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05071-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bečka, Jan</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05072" type="10100000">
      <a>Wolpert, Stanley</a>
      <t>A new history of India.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 471 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05072-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kopf, David</r>
         <j>Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05073" type="10100000">
      <a>Naipaul, V. S.</a>
      <t>India: A wounded civilization.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Alfred A. Knopf</e>
      <p>xi, 191 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05073-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Haynes, Edward S.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05074" type="10100000">
      <a>Darian, Steven G.</a>
      <t>The Ganges in myth and history.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <p>xvii, 219 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05074-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Salomon, Richard</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05075" type="10100000">
      <a>Piano, Stefano</a>
      <t>L'India antica e la sua tradizione.</t>
      <e>Firenze: Casa editrice G. d'Anna</e>
      <p>222 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05075-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Varenne, Jean</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>193, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05076" type="10100000">
      <a>Snellgrove, David L.</a>
      <a>Skorupski, Tadeusz</a>
      <t>The cultural heritage of Ladakh.</t>
      <e>Warminster: Aris &amp; Phillips</e>
      <p>144 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05076-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>K., P.</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05077" type="10100000">
      <a>Sherwani, H. K.//ed.</a>
      <a>Joshi, P. M.//ed.</a>
      <t>History of medieval Deccan (1295-1724).</t>
      <e>Hyderabad : Government of Andhra Pradesh</e>
      <p>xvi, 653 pp., 7 maps; xxx, 629 pp., 90 pl.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05077-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Burton-Page, J.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05078" type="10100000">
      <a>Mukhia, Harbans</a>
      <t>Historians and historiography during the reign of Akbar.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Vikas Pub. House</e>
      <p>xxi, 197 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05078-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hardy, P.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05079" type="10100000">
      <a>Hallissey, Robert C.</a>
      <t>The Rajput Rebellion against Aurangzeb: A study of the Mughal Empire in seventeenth-century India.</t>
      <e>Columbia, Mo.: Univ. of Missouri Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 119 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05079-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hambly, Gavin R. G.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05080" type="10100000">
      <a>Bhatia, H. S.//ed.</a>
      <t>Military history of British India (1607-1947).</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Deep &amp; Deep Pub.</e>
      <p>xii, 256 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05080-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ochs, George</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05081" type="10100000">
      <a>Sarkar, Jagadish Narayan</a>
      <t>A study of eighteenth century India. Vol. I, political history (1707-1761).</t>
      <e>Calcutta: Saraswat Lib.</e>
      <p>xvi, 477 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05081-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wagle, N. K.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05082" type="10100000">
      <a>Chaudhuri, Nirad C.</a>
      <t>Clive of India: A political and psychological essay.</t>
      <e>London: Barrie &amp; Jenkins</e>
      <p>vii, 446 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05082-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Embree, Ainslie T.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05083" type="10100000">
      <a>Apte, B. K.</a>
      <t>History of the Maratha navy and merchantships.</t>
      <e>Bombay: State Board for Literature &amp; Culture</e>
      <p>311 pp., 40 fig., 17 pi.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05083-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deloche, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05084" type="10100000">
      <a>Keller, Werner</a>
      <t>Strukuren der Unterentwicklung Indien 1757-1914: Eine Fallstudie über abhängige Reproduktion.</t>
      <e>Zürich: Atlantis Verl.</e>
      <p>v, 286 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05084-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Nicolson, I. F.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05085" type="10100000">
      <a>Sleeman, W. H.</a>
      <t>Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. Revised, annotated Ed. by V. A. Smith.</t>
      <e>Karachi, London, N. Y. &amp; Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr. 1973.</e>
      <s>Reprint from 1915</s>
      <p>xxxix, 667 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05085-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Buddruss, G.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05086" type="10100000">
      <a>Mill, James</a>
      <t>The history of British India.</t>
      <e>Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <p>xlvii, 599 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05086-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ballhatchet, Kenneth</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05087" type="10100000">
      <a>Pemble, John</a>
      <t>The Raj, the Indian mutiny and the Kingdom of Oudh, 1801-1859.</t>
      <e>Rutherford, N. J.: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Pr</e>
      <p>303 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05087-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kiernan, V. G.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05088" type="10100000">
      <a>Philips, C. H.//ed.</a>
      <t>The correspondence of Lord William Cavendish Bentinck, Governor-General of India, 1828-1835 Vol. I, 1828-1831; Vol. II, 1832-1835.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xlix, 1-740, 741-1483 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05088-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Embree, Ainslie T.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05089" type="10100000">
      <a>Pinney, Thomas//ed.</a>
      <t>The letters of Thomas Babington Macaulay. Vol. III: January 1834- August 1841.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 391 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05089-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kopf, David</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05090" type="10100000">
      <a>Jeffrey, Robin</a>
      <t>The decline of Nayar dominance: Society and politics in Travancore 1847-1908.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Holmes &amp; Meier</e>
      <p>xxii, 376 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05090-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mencher, Joan P.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05091" type="10100000">
      <a>Eastwick, E. B.</a>
      <t>A glance at Sind before Napier or dry leaves from Young Egypt. Reprint from 1851.</t>
      <e>Karachi, London &amp; N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxxiii, 377 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05091-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Harnetty, P.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05092" type="10100000">
      <a>Yadav, K. C.</a>
      <t>The revolt of 1857 in Haryana.</t>
      <e>New Delhi</e>
      <p>192 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05092-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>內藤 雅雄</r>
   <moku id="D78S05093" type="10100000">
      <a>Nanda, B. R.</a>
      <t>Gokhale: The Indian moderates and the British raj.</t>
      <e>Princeton: Princeton Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 520 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05093-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jones, Kenneth W.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05094" type="10100000">
      <a>Bedekar, G. K.</a>
      <t>Towards understanding Gandhi.Ed. by Rajabhau Gawande.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Popular Prakashan</e>
      <p>xix, 172 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05094-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mundschenk, Paul</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05095" type="10100000">
      <a>Mehta, Ved</a>
      <t>Mahatma Gandhi and his apostles.</t>
      <e>New York: Viking Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 260 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05095-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Haynes, Edward S.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05095-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bondurant, Joan V.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05096" type="10100000">
      <a>O'Connor, June</a>
      <t>The quest for political and spiritual liberation: A study in the thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose.</t>
      <e>Cranbury, N. J.: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>153 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05096-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lipski, Alexander</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05097" type="10100000">
      <a>Washbrook, David. A.</a>
      <t>The emergence of provincial politics:The Madras presidency,1870-1920.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Cambridge South Asian Studies, No. 18</s>
      <p>x, 358 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05097-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Frykenberg, Robert Eric</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05097-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Frykenberg, R. E.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05098" type="10100000">
      <a>Bayly, C. A.</a>
      <t>The local roots of Indian politics: Allahabad, 1880-1920.</t>
      <e>Oxford:Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>xviii, 314 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05098-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Taylor, David</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05099" type="10100000">
      <a>Baker, C. J.</a>
      <a>Washbrook, D. A.</a>
      <t>South India: Political institutions and political change, 1880-1940.</t>
      <e>Delhi : Macmillan</e>
      <p>x, 238 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05099-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Frykenberg, R. E.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05100" type="10100000">
      <a>Ahmed, Sufia</a>
      <t>Muslim community in Bengal, 1884-1912.</t>
      <e>Bangladesh: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 425 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05100-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hardy, P.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05100-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Broomfield, J. H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05101" type="10100000">
      <a>Pouchepadass, Jacques</a>
      <t>L'Inde au XXe siècle.</t>
      <e>Paris: Pr. Univ. de France</e>
      <s>Collection SUP, L'Historien 21</s>
      <p>214 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05101-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Stern, Henri</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05102" type="10100000">
      <a>Robb, P. G.</a>
      <t>The government of India and reform: Policies towards politics and the constitution, 1916-1921.</t>
      <e>London: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>School of Oriental and African Studies, London Oriental Ser., Vol. 32</s>
      <p>xiv, 379 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05102-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jones, Kenneth W.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05103" type="10100000">
      <a>Moore, R. J.</a>
      <t>The crisis of Indian unity, 1917-1940.</t>
      <e>London: Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 334 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05103-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Minault, Gail</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05104" type="10100000">
      <a>Datta, V. N.//ed.</a>
      <t>New light on the Punjab disturbances in 1919: Vol. VI and VII of Disorders Inquiry Committee Evidence.</t>
      <e>Simla : Indian Inst. of Advanced Study</e>
      <p>ix, 882 pp.; 273 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05104-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Perrill, Jeffrey Price</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05105" type="10100000">
      <a>Baker, Christopher John</a>
      <t>The politics of South India, 1920-1937.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Cambridge South Asian Studies, No. 17</s>
      <p>xxiii, 363 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05105-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Frykenberg, Robert Eric</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
      <review id="D78S05105-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Frykenberg, R. E.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05105-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Barnett, Marguerite Ross</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05106" type="10100000">
      <a>Thursby, G. R.</a>
      <t>Hindu-Muslim relations in British India: A study of controversy, conflict, and communal movements in northern India 1923-1928.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Studies in the History of Religions (Supplements to Numen) No. 35</s>
      <p>xii, 194 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05106-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Taylor, David</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05107" type="10100000">
      <a>Brown, Judith M.</a>
      <t>Gandhi and civil disobedience: The Mahatma in Indian politics, 1928-34.</t>
      <e>Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 414 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05107-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jeffrey, Robin</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05107-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Dalton, Dennis</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05108" type="10100000">
      <a>Tomlinson, B. R.</a>
      <t>The Indian National Congress and the Raj, 1929-1942: The penultimate phase.</t>
      <e>Toronto: Macmillan of Canada &amp; Maclean-Hunter Pr.</e>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05108-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hauser, Walter</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05108-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Hyam, R.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05109" type="10100000">
      <a>Barrier, N. Gerald//ed.</a>
      <t>Roots of communal politics: The Cawnpur Riot Commission Report.</t>
      <e>Columbia, Mo.: South Asia Books</e>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05109-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Oldenburg, Veena Talwar</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05110" type="10100000">
      <a>Mansergh, Nicholas//ed.</a>
      <t>The transfer of power 1942-7. Vol. V: The Simla conference, 1 September 1944-28 July 1945.</t>
      <e>London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office</e>
      <p>xcii, 1346 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05110-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gordon, Leonard A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05111" type="10100000">
      <a>Mansergh, Nicholas//ed.</a>
      <t>The transfer of power 1942-47. Volume VI: The post-war phase: New moves by the labour government, 1 August 1945-22 March 1946. Volume VII: The cabinet mission, 23 March-29 June 1946.</t>
      <e>London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office</e>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05111-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>Ixxxvi, 1280</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05111-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>Ixxxiii, 1130 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05111-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gordon, Leonard A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05112" type="10100000">
      <a>Komarov, E. N.//ed.</a>
      <t>Politik und Ideologie im gegenwärtigen Indien.</t>
      <e>Berlin: Akad.-Verl.</e>
      <s>Akad. der Wissenschaften der DDR, Schriften des Zentralinstituts für Geschichte Bd. 46</s>
      <p>x, 439, 1 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05112-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Krása, Miloslav</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05113" type="10100000">
      <a>Snellgrove, David L.</a>
      <a>Skorupski, Tadeusz</a>
      <t>The cultural heritage of Ladakh. Vol. 1. Central Ladakh.</t>
      <e>Warminster: Aris &amp; Phillips</e>
      <p>xvi, 144 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05113-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Richardson, H. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05114" type="10100000">
      <a>Mrozek, Bogusław</a>
      <t>Indie, Pakistan, Bangladesz. Studia historyczno-politiczne.</t>
      <e>Warszawa: Państwowe wydawnictwo naukowe</e>
      <s>Prace orientalistyczne. Tom XXIII</s>
      <p>260 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05114-20000001" type="20100001">
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05115" type="10100000">
      <a>Редько, И. Б.</a>
      <t>Очерка социалъно-политической истории Непала в новое и новейшее время.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>301 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05115-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Павлов, В. И.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05116" type="10100000">
      <a>Roberts, Michael</a>
      <t>Facets of modern Ceylon history through the letters of Jeronis Pieris.</t>
      <e>Colombo: Hansa Pub.</e>
      <p>ix, 108 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05116-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Peebles, Patrick</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05117" type="10100000">
      <a>Nagarkar, V. V.</a>
      <t>Genesis of Pakistan.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Allied Pub.</e>
      <s>Aspects of Modern Indian History, I</s>
      <p>515 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05117-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Syed, Anwar H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05118" type="10100000">
      <a>Feldman, Herbert</a>
      <t>The end and the beginning: Pakistan 1969-1971.</t>
      <e>London: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 210 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05118-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Khan, Zillur R.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05119" type="10100000">
      <a>Lambrick, H. T.</a>
      <t>Sind before the Muslim conquest.</t>
      <e>Hyderabad, Sind: Sindhi Adabi Board; London: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>History of Sind Ser., 2</s>
      <p>xiii, 219PP.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05119-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schimmel, A.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05120" type="10100000">
      <a>Bosworth, Clifford Edmund</a>
      <t>The later Ghaznavids: Splendour and decay. The dynasty in Afghanistan and Northern India 1040-1186.</t>
      <e>Edinburgh: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vi, 196 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/South-East Asia, India,etc.</b>
      <review id="D78S05120-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Piemontese, A. M.</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
   <moku id="D78S05121" type="10100000">
      <a>Короглы, Х.</a>
      <t>Овузский героический эпос.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва《Наука》</e>
      <p>238 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia</b>
      <review id="D78S05121-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Лебедева, Л. И.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05122" type="10100000">
      <a>Хазанов, А. М.</a>
      <t>Содпалъная историн скифов. Основные проблемы развития древних кочевников евразийских степей.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во《Наука》</e>
      <p>343 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia</b>
      <review id="D78S05122-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Черненко, Е. В.</r>
         <j>Вопросы Истории</j>
         <k>1978, 8</k>
      <review id="D78S05122-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Куббель, Л. Е.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978. 6</k>
      <review id="D78S05122-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Dunn, Stephen P.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05123" type="10100000">
      <a>Плоских, В. М.</a>
      <t>Киргизы и кока-ндское ханство.</t>
      <e>Фрунзе: 《Илим》</e>
      <p>367 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia</b>
      <review id="D78S05123-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кумеков, Б. Е.</r>
         <j>Хабарлары Известия</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
      <review id="D78S05123-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Арапов, Д. Ю.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05124" type="10100000">
      <a>Молодин, В. И.//ed.</a>
      <t>Древние кулътуры Алтая и Западной Сибири.</t>
      <e>Новосибирск: Наука</e>
      <p>203 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia</b>
   <moku id="D78S05125" type="10100000">
      <a>Shirendev, B.//ed.</a>
      <a>Sanjdorj, M.//ed.</a>
      <t>History of the Mongolian People's Republic.</t>
      <e>Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>East Asian Monographs 65</s>
      <p>xv, 897 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia</b>
      <review id="D78S05125-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sinor, Denis</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05126" type="10100000">
      <a>Новгородова, Э. А.</a>
      <t>Сын Хангайских гор.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во 《Наука》</e>
      <p>168 pp.</p>
      <b>History/Other Countries/Central and Northern Asia</b>
      <review id="D78S05126-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Минц, И. И.</r>
         <j>Новая и Новейшая История</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05127" type="10100000">
      <a>Franke, Herbert//ed.</a>
      <t>Sung biographies.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl. GmbH</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Bd. 16, 1-3, 17</s>
      <p>xxix, 478; 479-890; 891-1271; viii, 157 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05127-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>McMullen, D. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05128" type="10100000">
      <a>Franke, Herbert//ed.</a>
      <t>Sung biographies. Part 1-3.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Bd. 16, 1-3</s>
      <p>3 vols, xxix, 1271 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05128-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ecsedy, Ildikó</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05129" type="10100000">
      <a>Franke, Herbert//ed.</a>
      <t>Sung biographies. Part 4: Painters.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien. Bd. 17</s>
      <p>viii, 157 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05129-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ecsedy, Ildikó</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05130" type="10100000">
      <a>Goodrich, L. Carrington//ed.</a>
      <a>Fang, Chaoying//ed.</a>
      <t>Dictionary of Ming biography 1368-1644. 2 vols.</t>
      <e>N. Y. &amp; London: Columbia Univ. Fr.</e>
      <p>xxi, 1751 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05130-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Eberstein, Bernd</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05131" type="10100000">
      <a>Croizier, Ralph C.</a>
      <t>Koxinga and Chinese nationalism: History, myth, and the hero.</t>
      <e>Cambridge, Mass.: East Asian Research Center, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, 67</s>
      <p>x, 116 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05131-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curwen, C. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05131-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Cohen, Paul A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05132" type="10100000">
      <a>Kämpfe, Hans-Rainer//ed.</a>
      <t>Ñi ma'i'od zer/Naran-u gerel. Die Biographie des 2. Pekinger lČan skya-Qutuqtu Roi pa‘i rdo rǰe (1717-1786).</t>
      <e>VGH Wissenschafts-verlag-St. Augustin</e>
      <s>Monumenta Tibetica Historica. Abteilung II. Band I</s>
      <review id="D78S05132-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Guenther, Herbert V.</r>
         <j>(The) Canada-Mongolia Review</j>
         <k>4, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05133" type="10100000">
      <a>Hsiao, Kung-chuan</a>
      <t>A modern China and a new world: K'ang Yu-wei, reformer and utopian, 1858-1927.</t>
      <e>Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 669 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05133-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wakeman, Frederic, Jr.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05134" type="10100000">
      <a>Kuo, Thomas C.</a>
      <t>Ch'en Tu-hsiu (1879-1942) and the Chinese communist movement.</t>
      <e>South Orange, N. J. : Seton Hall Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 428 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05134-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kagan, Richard C.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05135" type="10100000">
      <a>Chao, Yuen-ren</a>
      <t>Yuen Ren Chao's autobiography, First 30 years 1892-1921.</t>
      <e>Ithaca &amp; N. Y.: Spoken Languages Services, Inc.</e>
      <s>Life with Chaos, vol. 2</s>
      <p>v, 113 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05135-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sun, E-tu Zen</r>
   <moku id="D78S05137" type="10100000">
      <a>Shaw, William</a>
      <t>Tun Razak: His life and times.</t>
      <e>London &amp; N. Y. : Longman</e>
      <p>267 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05137-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rogers, Marvin L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05138" type="10100000">
      <a>Ishak, Aziz</a>
      <t>Special guest: The detention in Malaysia of an ex-cabinet minister.</t>
      <e>Singapore: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 210 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05138-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Iongh, Rudy de</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05139" type="10100000">
      <a>Amīr Khusraw Dihlavī</a>
      <t>Amir Khusrau : Memorial volume.</t>
      <e>New Delhi : Pub. Division, Ministry of Information &amp; Broadcasting, Government of India</e>
      <p>208 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05139-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Coppola, Carlo</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05140" type="10100000">
      <a>Graham, G. F. I.</a>
      <t>The life and work of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.</t>
      <e>Karachi : Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvii, 298 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05140-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lelyveld, David</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05141" type="10100000">
      <a>Shirsat, K. R.</a>
      <t>Kaka Joseph Baptista: Father of Home Rule movement in India.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Popular Prakashan</e>
      <p>xv, 179 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05141-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Tucker, Richard P.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05142" type="10100000">
      <a>Krishnamurthy, K.//tr.</a>
      <t>An autobiography: Panikkar, K. M.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vi, 372 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05142-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Heimsath, Charles H.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05143" type="10100000">
      <a>Dorléans, Bernard</a>
      <t>Étude géographique de trois 《kampung》 a Djakarta.</t>
      <e>Paris: Pub. du Dept. de Géographie de l'Univ. de Paris-Sorbonne</e>
      <p>88 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05143-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Saccà, Lucilla</r>
         <j>Istituto Orientale di Napoli. Annali</j>
         <k>28, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05144" type="10100000">
      <a>Netolitzky, Almut//tr.</a>
      <t>Das Ling-wai tai-ta von Chou Ch'ü-fei: Eine Landeskunde Sudchinas aus dem 12. Jahrhundert.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <s>Münchner Ostasiatische Studien, Band 21</s>
      <p>xxiv, 320 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05144-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Peterson, Charles A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of Sung and Yüan Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05145" type="10100000">
      <a>Gole, Susan</a>
      <t>Early maps of India.</t>
      <e>New Delhi</e>
      <s>Sanskriti in association with Arnold Heinemann</s>
      <p>126 pp., 32 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05145-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deloche, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 1-2</k>
      <review id="D78S05145-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Schwartzberg, Joseph E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05146" type="10100000">
      <t>Indian Ocean Atlas.</t>
      <e>Central Intelligence Agency</e>
      <p>80 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05146-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Murton, Brian J.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05147" type="10100000">
      <a>Bhattacharyya, P. K.</a>
      <t>Historical geography of Madhya Pradesh from early records.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass</e>
      <b>Geography/Ancient Geography</b>
      <review id="D78S05147-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Strandberg, Elisabeth</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05148" type="10100000">
      <a>Naumov, V. A.//ed</a>
      <t>Audrey Yefi-movich Martynov, 1768-1826. Akvarel', risunok, gravyura, litografiya. Katalog.</t>
      <e>Leningrad : Gosudarstvennyy Russkiy Muzey</e>
      <p>88 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05148-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bawden, C. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05149" type="10100000">
      <a>Rayfield, Donald</a>
      <t>The dream of Lhasa: The life of Nikolay przhevalsky (1839-88), explorer of Central Asia.</t>
      <e>Athens, Ohio &amp; London: Ohio Univ. Pr. &amp; Elek Books Ltd.</e>
      <p>xii, 221 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05149-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Halpern, Joel M.</r>
         <j>Slavic Review</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05149-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>M., A. W.</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05150" type="10100000">
      <a>Keyes, Charles F.</a>
      <t>The golden peninsula: Culture and adaptation in mainland Southeast Asia.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Macmillian</e>
      <p>xiv, 370 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05150-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Miller, John F., Jr.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05150-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Ebihara, May</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05151" type="10100000">
      <a>Evers, Hans-Dieter//ed.</a>
      <t>Modernization in South-East Asia.</t>
      <e>Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xix, 249 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05151-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>King, Victor T.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05152" type="10100000">
      <a>Banks, David J.//ed.</a>
      <t>Changing identities in modern Southeast Asia.</t>
      <e>The Hague: Mouton</e>
      <p>x, 357 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05152-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jacobson, Helga E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05153" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, Robert J.//ed.</a>
      <t>Social organization and the applications of anthropology. Essays in honor of Lauriston Sharp.</t>
      <e>Ithaca &amp; London: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>337 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05153-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>King, Victor T.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05154" type="10100000">
      <a>Skinner, G. William//ed.</a>
      <a>Kirsch, A. Thomas//ed.</a>
      <t>Change and persistence in Thai society. Essays in honor of Lauriston Sharp.</t>
      <e>Ithaca &amp; London: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>386 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05154-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>King, Victor T.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05155" type="10100000">
      <a>Potter, Jack M.</a>
      <t>Thai peasant social structure.</t>
      <e>Chicago &amp; London: Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05155-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Turton, Andrew</r>
         <j>Comparative Studies in Society and History</j>
         <k>20, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05155-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Whitney, Daniel</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05155-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Kirsch, A. Thomas</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05156" type="10100000">
      <a>Boon, James</a>
      <t>The anthropological romance of Bali 1597-1972 : dynamic perspectives in marriage and caste, politics and religion.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 259 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05156-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Peacock, James</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05156-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Pareja, F. M.</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05157" type="10100000">
      <t>Recherches de sciences sociales sur l'Asie du Sud. Part IⅠ</t>
      <e>Paris: Centre d'études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud</e>
      <p>260 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05157-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Beck, Brenda E. F.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05158" type="10100000">
      <a>Philips, C. H.//ed.</a>
      <a>Wainwright, Mary Doreen//ed.</a>
      <t>Indian society and the beginnings of modernisation, c. 1830-1850.</t>
      <e>London: School of Oriental &amp; African Studies, Univ. of London</e>
      <p>vi, 243 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05158-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mukherjee, S. N.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05158-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Ingham, Kenneth</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05159" type="10100000">
      <a>Kurian, Mathew//ed.</a>
      <t>India-state and society: A Marxian approach.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Orient Longman</e>
      <p>x, 308 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05159-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Novák, Ondřej</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05160" type="10100000">
      <a>Kuppuswamy, B.</a>
      <t>Social change in India.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Vikas</e>
      <p>xi, 429 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05160-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mencher, Joan P.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05161" type="10100000">
      <a>Sharma, K. N.</a>
      <t>Institutions, networks, and social change.</t>
      <e>Simla: Indian Inst. of Advanced Study</e>
      <p>xii, 202 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05161-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mencher, Joan P.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05162" type="10100000">
      <a>Chekki, Danesh A.//ed.</a>
      <t>The social system culture of modern India: A research bibliography.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Garland Pub.</e>
      <p>xxv, 843 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05162-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Yanuck, Martin</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05163" type="10100000">
      <a>Dube, S. C.</a>
      <t>Contemporary India and its modernization.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Vikas</e>
      <p>vii, 145 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05163-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mencher, Joan P.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05164" type="10100000">
      <a>Ahmed, Akbar S.</a>
      <t>Millennium and charisma among Pathans: A critical essay in social anthropology.</t>
      <e>London: Routledge &amp; Kegan Paul</e>
      <p>xvii, 173 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05164-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pastner, Carroll McC.</r>
         <r>Pastner, Stephen L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05165" type="10100000">
      <a>Марков, Г. Е.</a>
      <t>Кочевники Азии. Структура хозяйства и обшественной организации.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во Московского университета</e>
      <p>318 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05165-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Першиц, А. И.</r>
         <j>Вопросы Истории</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
      <review id="D78S05165-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Хазанов, А. М.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05165-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Lattimore, Owen</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05166" type="10100000">
      <a>Alatas, S. H.</a>
      <t>Intellectuals in developing societies.</t>
      <p>130 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05166-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Максименко, В. И.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05167" type="10100000">
      <a>Ebrey, Patricia Buckley</a>
      <t>The aristocratic families of early imperial China: A case study of the Po-ling Ts'ui family.</t>
      <e>Cambringe: The Univ. Pr.</e>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
   <moku id="D78S05168" type="10100000">
      <a>Hoffman, Charles</a>
      <t>The Chinese worker.</t>
      <e>Albany: State Univ. of New York Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 252 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05168-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fried, Morton H.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05169" type="10100000">
      <a>Emmerson, D. K.</a>
      <t>Indonsian elite: Political culture and cultural politics.</t>
      <e>N. Y.</e>
      <p>302 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05169-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Голубева, Е. В.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05170" type="10100000">
      <a>Conlon, Frank F.</a>
      <t>A Caste in a changing world: The Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmans, 1700-1935.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 255 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05170-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Leonard, Karen</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05171" type="10100000">
      <a>Aggarwal, Partap C.</a>
      <a>Ashraf, Mohd Siddiq</a>
      <t>Equality through privilege: A study of special privileges of Scheduled Castes in Haryana.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources</e>
      <p>vii, 206 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05171-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dushkin, Lelah</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05172" type="10100000">
      <a>Chattopadhyay, Amal Kumar</a>
      <t>Slavery in the Bengal Presidency, 1772-1843.</t>
      <e>London: Golden Eagle Pub. House</e>
      <p>xv, 278 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05172-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curley, David L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05173" type="10100000">
      <a>Sen, Sukomal</a>
      <t>Working class of India: History of emergence and movement, 1830-1970.</t>
      <e>Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi &amp; Co.</e>
      <p>466 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05173-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Yang, Anand A.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05174" type="10100000">
      <a>Holmström, Mark</a>
      <t>South Indian factory workers: Their life and their world.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Cambridge South Asian Studies, 20</s>
      <p>xi, 158 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05174-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ramaswamy, E. A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05175" type="10100000">
      <a>Gaborieau, M.</a>
      <t>Minorités musulmanes dans le royaume hindou du Népal.</t>
      <e>Nanterre: Laboratoire d'Ethnologie</e>
      <s>Recherches sur la Haute Asie, 4</s>
      <p>282 pp., 8 pi.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Classes</b>
      <review id="D78S05175-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Shackle, C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05176" type="10100000">
      <a>Greenblatt, Sidney L.//ed.</a>
      <t>The people of Taihang: An anthology of family histories.</t>
      <e>White Plains, N. Y.: International Arts &amp; Sciences Pr.</e>
      <p>1ii,305 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Family</b>
      <review id="D78S05176-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Parish, William L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05177" type="10100000">
      <a>Nanda, B. R.//ed.</a>
      <t>Indian women: From purdah to modernity.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House</e>
      <p>xvi, 187 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Family</b>
      <review id="D78S05177-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gould, Ketayan H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05178" type="10100000">
      <a>Fuller, C. J.</a>
      <t>The Nayars today.</t>
      <e>London: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 173 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Family</b>
      <review id="D78S05178-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pillai, A. K. B.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05179" type="10100000">
      <a>Jones, Rex L.</a>
      <a>Jones, Shirley Kurz</a>
      <t>The Himalayan woman: A study of Limbu women in marriage and divorce.</t>
      <e>Palo Alto: Mayfield Pub.</e>
      <p>xiv, 155 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Family</b>
      <review id="D78S05179-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Caplan, Pat</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05179-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sagant, Philippe</r>
         <j>Kaliash, A journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05180" type="10100000">
      <a>Franda, Marcus F.//ed.</a>
      <t>Responses to population growth in India: Changes in social, political and economic behavior.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Praeger Pub.</e>
      <p>277 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Population</b>
      <review id="D78S05180-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Woodward, Calvin A.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05181" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, Carol A.</a>
      <t>Regional analysis. Vol. I: Economic systems. Vol. II: Social systems.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Academic</e>
      <p>xvi, 370 pp.; xvi, 381 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05181-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Collier, George A.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05182" type="10100000">
      <a>Rozman, Gilbert</a>
      <t>Urban networks in Ch'ing China and Tokugawa Japan.</t>
      <e>Princeton: Princeton Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 355 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05182-20000001" type="20100001">
   <moku id="D78S05183" type="10100000">
      <a>Naquin, Susan</a>
      <t>Millenarian rebellion in China: The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813.</t>
      <e>New Haven &amp; London: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 384 pp. cf. 5032</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05183-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Barrett, T. H.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05183-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Laffey, Ella S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05184" type="10100000">
      <a>Davis, Fei-ling</a>
      <t>Primitive revolutionaries of China: A study of secret societies of the late nineteenth century.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <p>vii, 254 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05184-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Laffey, Ella S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05184-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Watson, J. L.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05185" type="10100000">
      <a>Skinner, G. W.</a>
      <t>The city in late imperial China.</t>
      <e>Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>820 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05185-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Robinet, Isabelle</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05186" type="10100000">
      <a>Hayes, James</a>
      <t>The Hong Kong region, 1850-1911: Institutions and leadership in town and countryside.</t>
      <e>Hamben: Archon Books</e>
      <p>289 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05186-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wickberg, Edgar</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05187" type="10100000">
      <a>Osgood, Cornelius</a>
      <t>The Chinese: A study of a Hong Kong community.</t>
      <e>Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Pr.</e>
      <p>xviii, 1264 pp. (in 3 vols.)</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05187-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chiao, Chien</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05188" type="10100000">
      <a>Geddes, William Robert</a>
      <t>Migrants of the mountains: The cultural ecology of the Blue Miao (Hmong Njua) of Thailand.</t>
      <e>London: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xviii, 274PP.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05188-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Halpern, Joel M.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05189" type="10100000">
      <a>Reed, Robert R.</a>
      <t>City of Pines: The origins of Baguio as a colonial hill station and regional capital.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Center for South &amp; Southeast Asian Studies, Univ. of Calif.</e>
      <p>xxi, 189 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05189-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>McLennan, Marshall S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05190" type="10100000">
      <a>Kerkvliet, Benedict J.</a>
      <t>The Huk Rebellion: A study of peasant revolt in the Philippines.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvii, 305 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05190-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>瀧川 勉</r>
         <k>19, 9</k>
      <review id="D78S05190-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Rocamora, J. Eliseo</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05190-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Zamora, Mario D.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05190-20000004" type="20100004">
         <r>Friend, Theodore</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
   <moku id="D78S05191" type="10100000">
      <a>Lee, Edwin</a>
      <t>The Towkays of Sabah: Chinese leadership and indigenous challenge in the last phase of British rule.</t>
      <e>Singapore: Singapore Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 271 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05191-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fortier, David H.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05192" type="10100000">
      <a>McLeod, W. H.</a>
      <t>The evolution of the Sikh community: Five essays.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>119 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05192-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Uberoi, J. P. S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05193" type="10100000">
      <a>Palit, Chittabrata</a>
      <t>Tensions in Bengal rural society: Landlords, planters and colonial rule, 1830-1860.</t>
      <e>Calcutta : Progressive Pub.</e>
      <p>xi, 226 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05193-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Yang, Anand A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05194" type="10100000">
      <a>Stokes, Eric</a>
      <t>The peasant and the raj: Studies in agrarian socity and peasant rebellion in colonial India.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Camb. S. Asian Stud. 23</s>
      <p>viii, 308 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05194-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fuller, C. J.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05195" type="10100000">
      <a>Mitter, Swasti</a>
      <t>Peasant movements in west Bengal: Their impact on agrarian class relations since 1967.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Univ. of Cambridge Dept. of Land Economy Occasional</e>
      <s>Paper No. 8</s>
      <p>85 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05195-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bhattacharyya, Jnanabrata</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05196" type="10100000">
      <a>Freeman, James M.</a>
      <t>Scarcity and opportunity in an Indian village.</t>
      <e>Menlo Park: Cummings</e>
      <p>xiv, 177 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05196-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Selwyn, Tom</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05197" type="10100000">
      <a>Gurumurthy, K. G.</a>
      <t>Kallapura: A south Indian village.</t>
      <e>Dharwar: Karnatak Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Silver Jubilee Year Pub., Research Pub., Ser. No. 24</s>
      <p>xvi, 203 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05197-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Claus, Peter J.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05198" type="10100000">
      <a>Carstairs, G. M.</a>
      <a>Kapur, R. L.</a>
      <t>The great universe of Kota: Stress, change and mental disorder in an Indian village.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>176 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05198-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Minturn, Leigh</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05199" type="10100000">
      <a>Srinivas, M. N.</a>
      <t>The remembered village.</t>
      <e>Berkeley &amp; London: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 356 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05199-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Selwyn, Tom</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05199-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>McCormack, William C.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05200" type="10100000">
      <a>Ahmad, Saghir</a>
      <t>Class and power in a Punjabi village.</t>
      <e>London: Monthly Review</e>
      <p>174 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05200-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Izmirlian, Harry, Jr.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05201" type="10100000">
      <a>Spodek, Howard</a>
      <t>Urban-rural integration in regional development: A case study of Saurashtra, India, 1800-1960.</t>
      <e>Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Dept. of Geography</e>
      <s>Research Paper No. 171</s>
      <p>xi, 144 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05201-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dickason, David G.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05202" type="10100000">
      <a>Islam, Mustafa Nurul</a>
      <t>Bengali Muslim public opinion as reflected in the Bengali press, 1901-1930.</t>
      <e>Dacca: Bangla Acad.</e>
      <p>vii, 341 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05202-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Broomfield, J. H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05203" type="10100000">
      <a>Rosenthal, Donald B.//ed</a>
      <t>The city in Indian politics.</t>
      <e>Faridabad: Thomson Pr.</e>
      <p>vii, 256 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05203-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Oldenburg, Philip</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05204" type="10100000">
      <a>Oldenburg, Philip</a>
      <t>Big city government in India. Councilor, administrator, and citizen in Delhi.</t>
      <e>Tucson: The Univ. of Arizona Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 400 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05204-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05205" type="10100000">
      <a>Ferreira, J. V.//ed.</a>
      <a>Jha, S. S.//ed.</a>
      <t>The outlook tower: Essays on urbanization in memory of Patrick Geddes.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Popular Prakashan</e>
      <p>xxxiii, 475 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05205-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reed, Wallace</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05206" type="10100000">
      <a>Saberwal, Satish</a>
      <t>Mobile men: Limits to social change in urban Punjab.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Vikas</e>
      <p>xvi, 267 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05206-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lynch, Owen M.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05207" type="10100000">
      <a>Jindel, Rajendra</a>
      <t>Culture of a sacred town: A sociological study of Nathdwara.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Popular Prakashan</e>
      <p>xii, 233 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05207-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Freeman, James M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05208" type="10100000">
      <a>Messerschmidt, Donald A.</a>
      <t>The Gurungs of Nepal: Conflict and change in a village society.</t>
      <e>Warminster, England: Aris &amp; Phillips</e>
      <p>viii, 151 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05208-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Blustain, Harvey S.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05209" type="10100000">
      <a>Gutschow, N.</a>
      <a>Kölver, B.</a>
      <t>Ordered space, concepts and functions in a town of Nepal.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Kommissionverlag F. Steiner</e>
      <p>59 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05209-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Vergati-Stahl, Anne</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05210" type="10100000">
      <a>Gunaratne, Shelton A.</a>
      <t>Modernization and knowledge: A study of four Ceylonese villages.</t>
      <e>Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research &amp; Information Centre</e>
      <p>92 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05210-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ryan, Bryce F.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05211" type="10100000">
      <a>Öhrling, Staffan</a>
      <t>Rural change and spatial reorganization in Sri Lanka: Barriers against development of traditional Sinhalese local communities.</t>
      <e>London : Curzon Pr.</e>
      <s>Scandinavian Inst. of Asian Studies, Monograph Ser., No. 34</s>
      <p>xvi, 289 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05211-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Robinson, Marguerite S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05212" type="10100000">
      <a>Robinson, Marguerite S.</a>
      <t>Political structure in a changing Sinhalese village.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Cambridge South Asian Studies, 15</s>
      <p>xvi, 376 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05212-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reynolds, C. H. B.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
   <moku id="D78S05213" type="10100000">
      <a>Canfield, Robert Leroy</a>
      <t>Faction and conversion in a plural society: Religious alignments in the Hindu Kush.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan</e>
      <s>Anthropological Papers, No. 50</s>
      <p>x. 142 pp.</p>
      <b>Social Studies/Rural and Urban Communities</b>
      <review id="D78S05213-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Löffler, Reinhold</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05214" type="10100000">
      <a>Ulyanovski, R.</a>
      <a>Pavlov, V.</a>
      <t>Asian dilemma.</t>
      <e>Moscow: Progress Pub.</e>
      <p>256 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05214-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ansárí, Dagmar</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46. 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05215" type="10100000">
      <a>Этингер, Я. Я.</a>
      <t>Межгосударственные организации стран Азии и Африки (политические и экономические аспекты).</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд. -во 《Наука》, Главная редакция восточной литературы</e>
      <p>192 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05215-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Райт, М.</r>
         <j>Мировая Экономика и Международные Отношения</j>
         <k>1978, 12</k>
   <moku id="D78S05216" type="10100000">
      <a>Moulder, Frauces V.</a>
      <t>Japan, China, and the modern world economy: Toward a reinterpretation of East Asian development,ca. 1600 to ca. 1918.</t>
      <e>Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>x. 225 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05216-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kershner, Thomas R.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05216-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Beasley, W. G.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05216-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Spooner, Frank</r>
         <j>(The) Economic History Review</j>
         <k>31. 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05217" type="10100000">
      <a>Schran, Peter</a>
      <t>Guerrilla economy: The development of the Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia border region, 1937-1945.</t>
      <e>Albany: State Univ. of New York Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 323 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05217-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Feuerwerker, Albert</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05217-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Gurley, John G.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05218" type="10100000">
      <a>Gurley, John G.</a>
      <t>China's economy and the Maoist strategy.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Monthly Review Pr.</e>
      <p>v. 325 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05218-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lardy, Nicholas R.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05219" type="10100000">
      <a>Galenson, Walter//ed.</a>
      <t>Economic growth and structural change in Taiwan: The postwar experience of the Republic of China.</t>
      <e>Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>512 pp. 15 fig.</p>
      <review id="D78S05219-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Li, Shu-tien</r>
         <j>Chinese Culture</j>
         <k>20, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05220" type="10100000">
      <a>Kuznets, Paul W.</a>
      <t>Economic growth and structure in the Republic of Korea.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 238 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05220-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>柳原 透</r>
         <k>19, 7</k>
   <moku id="D78S05221" type="10100000">
      <a>Nguyen Tien Hung</a>
      <t>Economic development of socialist Vietnam, 1955-80.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Praeger</e>
      <p>xv, 193 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05221-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Truley, William S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05222" type="10100000">
      <a>Alatas, Seyd Hussein</a>
      <t>The myth of the lazy native: A study of the image of the Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th century and its function in the ideology of colonial capitalism.</t>
      <e>London: Frnak Cass</e>
      <p>vii, 267 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05222-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cruikshank, Bruce</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05223" type="10100000">
      <a>Barber, William J.</a>
      <t>British economic thought and India 1600-1858: A study in the history of development economics.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 243 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05223-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Byres, Terence J.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05224" type="10100000">
      <a>Marshall, P. J.</a>
      <t>East Indian fortunes: The British in Bengal in the eighteenth century.</t>
      <e>Clarendon Pr. &amp; Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>284 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05224-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kolff, D. H. A.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient</j>
         <k>21, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05224-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Philips, C. H.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05224-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
      <review id="D78S05224-20000004" type="20100004">
         <r>Kling, Blair B.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05225" type="10100000">
      <a>Keller, Werner</a>
      <t>Strukturen der Unterentwicklung Indien, 1757-1914: Eine Fallstudie über abhängige Reproduktion.</t>
      <e>Zurich: Atlantis</e>
      <s>Beiträge zur Kolonial- &amp; Überseegeschichte, No. 15</s>
      <p>286 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05225-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jonas, Paul</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05226" type="10100000">
      <a>Pavlov, V. I.</a>
      <t>Historical premises for India's transition to capitalism (late 18th to mid-19th century).</t>
      <e>Moscow: 《Nauka》 Pub. House Central Dept. of Oriental Literature</e>
      <p>390 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05226-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ганковский, В. Е.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05227" type="10100000">
      <a>Каменев, С. Н.</a>
      <t>Экономический, роcm Пакистана(анализ общественного продукта).</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>152 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05227-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Архипов, В. Я.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
   <moku id="D78S05228" type="10100000">
      <a>Wang, Yeh-chien</a>
      <t>Land taxation in imperial China, 1750-1911.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Ser., 73</s>
      <p>xv, 172 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05228-20000001" type="20100001">
         <k>9 〈上〉</k>
   <moku id="D78S05229" type="10100000">
      <a>Wang, Yeh-chien</a>
      <t>An estimate of the land-tax collection in China, 1753 and 1908.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harverd Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, 52</s>
      <p>xi, 57 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05229-20000001" type="20100001">
   <moku id="D78S05230" type="10100000">
      <a>Stavis, Benedict</a>
      <t>The politics of agricultural mechanization in China.</t>
      <e>Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>288 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05230-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rawski, Thomas G.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05231" type="10100000">
      <a>Kuo, Leslie T. C.</a>
      <t>Agriculture in the People's Republic of China: Structural changes and technical transformation.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Praeger</e>
      <p>xx, 288 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05231-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rawski, Thomas G.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05232" type="10100000">
      <a>Ishii, Yoneo//ed.</a>
      <t>Thailand: A rice-growing society.</t>
      <a>Hawkes, Stephanie//Tr.</a>
      <e>Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <s>Monographs of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto Univ., English-language Sen, 12</s>
      <p>vii, 340 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
   <moku id="D78S05233" type="10100000">
      <a>Roth, Dennis Morrow</a>
      <t>The Friar estates of the Philippines.</t>
      <e>Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 197 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05233-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Owen, Norman G.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05233-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>McLennan, Marshall S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05234" type="10100000">
      <a>Cushner, Nicholas P.</a>
      <t>Landed estates in the colonial Philippines.</t>
      <e>New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Southeast Asia Studies</e>
      <s>Monograph Ser., No. 20</s>
      <p>vi, 145 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05234-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Owen, Norman G.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05234-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>McLennan, Marshall S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05234-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Тайван, Л. Л.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05235" type="10100000">
      <a>Breman, Jan</a>
      <t>Patronage and exploitation. Changing agrarian relations in south Gujarat, India.</t>
      <e>Berkeley, Los Angeles, &amp; London: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 287 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05235-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ruben, W.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05236" type="10100000">
      <a>Regmi, Mahesh C.</a>
      <t>Landownership in Nepal.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvii, 252 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Land Ownership and Agriculture</b>
      <review id="D78S05236-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lambton, Ann K. S.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05237" type="10100000">
      <a>Eberstein, Bernd</a>
      <t>Bergbau und Bergarbeiter zur Ming-Zeit (1338-1644).</t>
      <e>Hamburg: Gesellschaft für Natur- &amp; Völkerkunde Ostasiens</e>
      <s>Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Natur- &amp; Völkerkunde Ostasiens Bd. LVII</s>
      <p>vi, 243 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05237-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cartier, Michel</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05238" type="10100000">
      <a>Chao, Kang</a>
      <t>The development of cotton textile production in China.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: East Asian Research Center, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 74</s>
      <p>xvi, 402 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05238-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dietrich, Craig</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05238-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Reynolds, Bruce</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05239" type="10100000">
      <a>Veilleux, Louis</a>
      <t>The paper industry in China from 1949 to the Cultural Revolution.</t>
      <e>Toronto: Univ. of Toronto-York Univ. Joint Centre on Modern East Asia</e>
      <s>Pub. Ser., Vol. 1, No. 2</s>
      <p>xii, 155 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05240" type="10100000">
      <a>Sigurdson, Jon</a>
      <t>Rural industrialization in China.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr. for Council on East Asian Studies</e>
      <p>xiv, 281 pp</p>
      <review id="D78S05240-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chuta, Enyinna</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05240-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Robinet, Isabelle</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05241" type="10100000">
      <a>The American Rural Small-scale Industry Delegation</a>
      <t>Rural small-scale industry in the People's Republic of China.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 296 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05241-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chuta, Enyinna</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05242" type="10100000">
      <a>Eckstein, Alexander</a>
      <t>China's economic revolution.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 340 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05242-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hoffmann, Charles</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05242-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Lippit, Victor D.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05243" type="10100000">
      <a>Andors, Stephen</a>
      <t>China's industrial revolution: Politics, planning, and management, 1949 to the present.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Pantheon Books</e>
      <p>xviii, 344 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05243-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hoffmann, Charles</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05243-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Nickum, James E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05244" type="10100000">
      <a>Грикуров, С. С.</a>
      <t>Промышленностъ современного Таиланда.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав, ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>216 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05244-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Моисеев, П. П.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05245" type="10100000">
      <a>Bihari, Bepin</a>
      <t>Rural industrialization in India.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Vikas Pub. House</e>
      <p>232 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05245-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Брагина, Е. А.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05246" type="10100000">
      <a>Chan, Wellington K. K.</a>
      <t>Merchants, mandarins, and modern enterprise in late Ch‘ing China.</t>
      <e>Cambridge, Mass.: East.: Asian Research Center, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, 79</s>
      <p>xiv, 323 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05246-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curwen, C. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05246-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sun, E-tu Zen</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05246-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Hervouet, Yves</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05247" type="10100000">
      <a>Young, John Aubrey</a>
      <t>Business and sentiment in a Chinese market town.</t>
      <e>The Orient Cultural Service</e>
      <s>Asian Folklore &amp; Social Life Monographs, 60</s>
      <p>vi, 150pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05247-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fried, Morton H.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05248" type="10100000">
      <a>Gopal, Surendra</a>
      <t>Commerce and crafts in Gujarat, 16th and 17th centuries: A study in the impact of European expansion on precapitalist economy.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Peoples Pub. House</e>
      <p>xii, 289 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05248-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Furber, Holden</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05249" type="10100000">
      <a>Reisch, Max</a>
      <t>Karawanenstrassen Asiens.</t>
      <e>Wels: Verl. Welsermühl</e>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05249-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kampman, A. A.</r>
         <j>Bibliotheca Orientalis</j>
         <k>34. 5-6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05250" type="10100000">
      <a>Serruys, Henry</a>
      <t>Sino-Mongol relations during the Ming III. Trade relations: The horse fairs (1400-1600).</t>
      <e>Bruxelles: Inst. Belge des Hautes Etudes Chinoises</e>
      <s>Mélanges chinois et bouddhique 17</s>
      <p>288 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05250-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mende, Erling v.</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05251" type="10100000">
      <a>Viraphol, Sarasin</a>
      <t>Tribute and profit: Sino-Siamese trade, 1652-1853.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 76</s>
      <p>xviii, 419pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05251-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dietrich, Craig</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05252" type="10100000">
      <a>Lee, En-han</a>
      <t>China's quest for railway autonomy, 1904-1911: A study of the Chinese railway-rights recovery movement.</t>
      <e>[Singapore] : Singapore Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxi, 316 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05252-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curwen, C. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05253" type="10100000">
      <a>Сладковский, М. И.</a>
      <t>История торгово-экономических отношений СССР с Китаем (1917-1974).</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во 《Наука》</e>
      <p>368 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05253-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ванин, В.</r>
         <j>Вопросы Истории</j>
         <k>1978, 8</k>
   <moku id="D78S05254" type="10100000">
      <a>Wiethoff, Bodo</a>
      <t>Luftverkehr in China 1928-1949: Materialen in einem untauglichen Modernisierungsversuch.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Schriften des Inst. für Asienkunde in Hamburg, Bd. 39</s>
      <p>251 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05254-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lary, Diana</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05255" type="10100000">
      <a>Li, Victor H.//ed.</a>
      <t>Law and politics in China's foreign trade.</t>
      <e>Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 467 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05255-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brockman, Rosser H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05256" type="10100000">
      <a>Hsiao, Gene T.</a>
      <t>The foreign trade of China: Policy, law and practice.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxi, 291 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05256-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brockman, Rosser H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05257" type="10100000">
      <a>Leary, William M., Jr.</a>
      <t>The Dragon's Wings: The China National Aviation Corporation and the development of commercial aviation in China.</t>
      <e>Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 226 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05257-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lary, Diana</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05257-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Buhite, Russell D.</r>
         <j>Pacific Historical Review</j>
         <k>47. 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05258" type="10100000">
      <a>Watson, James L.</a>
      <t>Emigration and the Chinese lineage: The mans in Hong Kong and London.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 242 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05258-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fried, Morton H.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05259" type="10100000">
      <a>Heidhues, Mary F. Somers</a>
      <t>Southeast Asia's Chinese minorities.</t>
      <e>Hawthorn, Victoria Longman</e>
      <p>125 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05259-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Frank, Wolfgang</r>
         <j>Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens</j>
   <moku id="D78S05260" type="10100000">
      <a>Prendergast, John</a>
      <t>The road to India. Guide to the overland routes to the East.</t>
      <e>London: John Murray</e>
      <p>xi, 206 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05260-20000001" type="20100001">
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05261" type="10100000">
      <a>Chandra, Moti</a>
      <t>Trade and trade routes in ancient India.</t>
      <e>New Delhi</e>
      <p>259 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05261-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deloche, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05262" type="10100000">
      <a>Prasad, Prakash Charan</a>
      <t>Foreign trade and commerce in ancient India.</t>
      <e>New Delhi</e>
      <p>255 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05262-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deloche, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05263" type="10100000">
      <a>Farooque, Abul Khair Muhammad</a>
      <t>Roads and communications in Mughal India.</t>
      <e>New Delhi</e>
      <p>xxviii, 248 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05263-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deloche, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05264" type="10100000">
      <a>Chaudhuri, Susil</a>
      <t>Thade and commercial organization in Bengal, 1650-1720: With special reference to the English East India Company.</t>
      <e>Calcutta: Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay</e>
      <p>xiv, 293 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05264-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curley, David L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05265" type="10100000">
      <a>Banerji, R. N.</a>
      <t>Economic progress of the East India Company on the Coromandel Coast, 1702-1646.</t>
      <e>Nagpur Univ.</e>
      <p>xxiii, 244 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05265-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kolff, D. H. A.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient</j>
         <k>21, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05266" type="10100000">
      <a>Tinker, Hugh</a>
      <t>The Banyan Tree: Overseas emigrants from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 204 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05266-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bharati, A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05267" type="10100000">
      <a>Taylor, J. H.</a>
      <t>The half-way generation; A study of Asian youths in Newcastle upon Tyne.</t>
      <e>Windsor, England : NFER Pub.</e>
      <p>267 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05267-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brack, Bruce La</r>
         <j>Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05268" type="10100000">
      <a>Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von</a>
      <t>Himalayan traders: Life in highland Nepal.</t>
      <e>London: John Murray</e>
      <p>xv, 316 pp., 24 pi.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05268-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Denwood, Philip</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05268-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Tumasonis, D. R.</r>
         <j>Kaliash, A journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05269" type="10100000">
      <a>Gillion, K. L.</a>
      <t>The Fiji Indians: Challenge to European dominance 1920-1946.</t>
      <e>Canberra: Australian National Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 231 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Transportation, Trade and Emigration</b>
      <review id="D78S05269-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Murray, David J.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05270" type="10100000">
      <a>Dasgupta, A. K.</a>
      <t>A theory of wage policy.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 78 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Monetary System and Public Finance</b>
      <review id="D78S05270-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Diwan, Romesh</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05271" type="10100000">
      <a>Huang, Ray</a>
      <t>Taxation and governmental finance in sixteenth century Ming China.</t>
      <e>Cambrige: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 385 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Monetary System and Public Finance</b>
      <review id="D78S05271-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Franke, Wolfgang</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05272" type="10100000">
      <a>Cho, Hi-young</a>
      <t>Die Bedeutung des Bankensystems für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Südkoreas.</t>
      <e>Berlin: Duncker &amp; Humblot</e>
      <s>Schriftenreihe zur Industrie &amp; Entwicklungspolitik, Bd. 22</s>
      <p>219 pp.</p>
      <b>Economics/Monetary System and Public Finance</b>
      <review id="D78S05272-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Leinmüller, D.</r>
   <moku id="D78S05273" type="10100000">
      <a>Forte, Antonino</a>
      <t>Political propaganda and ideology in China at the end of the seventh century.</t>
      <e>Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale, Seminario di studi asiatici</e>
      <p>xii, 312 pp. 33 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05273-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jong, J. W. de</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 1-3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05274" type="10100000">
      <a>Solinger, Dorothy J.</a>
      <t>Regional government and political integration in southwest China, 1949-1954: A case study.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 291 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05274-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lieberthal, Kenneth</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05275" type="10100000">
      <a>Lau, Yee-fui</a>
      <a>Ho Wan-yee</a>
      <a>Yeung Sai-cheung</a>
      <t>Glossary of Chinese political phrases. Edited by Nancy Ma, Cathy Poon, Eleana Shair and Moni Tai.</t>
      <e>Hong Kong: Union Research Inst.</e>
      <p>590 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05275-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Norman, Jerry</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05276" type="10100000">
      <a>Doolin, Dennis J.</a>
      <a>Ridley, Charles P.</a>
      <t>A Chinese-English dictionary of Chinese communist terminology.</t>
      <e>Stanford : Hoover Institution Pr., Stanford Univ.</e>
      <p>xiii, 569 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05276-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mohr, Poul</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05277" type="10100000">
      <a>Lieberthal, Kenneth</a>
      <t>A research guide to Central Party and Govornment Meetings in China 1949-1975.</t>
      <e>White Plains: International Arts and Sciences Pr.</e>
      <p>xxix, 322 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05277-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rosen, Stanley</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05278" type="10100000">
      <a>Lampton, David M.</a>
      <t>The politics of medicine in China: The policy process, 1949-1977.</t>
      <e>Boulder, Colorado: Westview Pr.</e>
      <p>xxiii, 301 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05278-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lusas, Anelissa</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05279" type="10100000">
      <a>Bernstein, Thomas P.</a>
      <t>Up to the mountains and down to the villages: The transfer of youth from urban to rural China.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 371 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05279-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Shirk, Susan L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05280" type="10100000">
      <a>Seybolt, Peter J.//ed.</a>
      <t>The rustication of urban youth in China.</t>
      <e>White Plains,N. Y.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc.</e>
      <p>xxxi, 200 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05280-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Shirk, Susan L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05281" type="10100000">
      <a>Tung, Robert</a>
      <t>Proscribed Chinese writing.</t>
      <s>Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Ser. No. 21</s>
      <p>242 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05281-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lundahl, Bertil</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05282" type="10100000">
      <a>Cell, Charles P.</a>
      <t>Revolution at work: Mobilization campaigns in China.</t>
      <e>N. Y., San Francisco, &amp; London: Academic Pr.</e>
      <p>xxi, 221 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05282-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Baum, Richard</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05283" type="10100000">
      <a>Liu, Alan P.</a>
      <t>Political culture and group conflict in communist China.</t>
      <e>Santa Barbara: Clio Books</e>
      <p>xvii, 202 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05283-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Montaperto, Ronald N.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05284" type="10100000">
      <a>Raddock, David M.</a>
      <t>Political behavior of adolescents in China: The Cultural Revolution in Kwangchow.</t>
      <e>Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Pr.</e>
      <s>The Assoc. for Asian Studies, Monograph No. 32</s>
      <p>vii, 242 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05284-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Arkush, R. David</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05284-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Davis-Friedmann, Deborah</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05285" type="10100000">
      <a>Ahn, Byung-joon</a>
      <t>Chinese politics and the Cultural Revolution: Dynamics of policy processes.</t>
      <e>Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 392 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05285-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Harding, Harry</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05286" type="10100000">
      <a>Chang, Y. C.</a>
      <t>Factional and coalition politics in China: The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Praeger</e>
      <p>xiv, 144 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05286-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Butts, Stephen</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05287" type="10100000">
      <a>Hiniker, Paul J.</a>
      <t>Revolutionary ideology and Chinese reality: Dissonance under Mao.</t>
      <e>Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Pub.</e>
      <s>Sage Library of Social Research, No. 47</s>
      <p>320 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05287-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chiu, S. M.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
      <review id="D78S05287-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Dittmer, Lowell</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05288" type="10100000">
      <a>Walder, Andrew G.</a>
      <t>Chang Ch‘un-ch‘iao and Shanghai's January Revolution.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, Univ. of Michigan</e>
      <s>Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, 32</s>
      <p>ix, 150 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05289" type="10100000">
      <a>Solomon, Richard H.</a>
      <t>A revolution is not a dinner party: A feast of images of the Maoist transformation of China.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Anchor Pr.</e>
      <p>208 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05289-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Witke, Roxane</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05290" type="10100000">
      <a>Domes, Jürgen</a>
      <t>China after the Cultural Revolution: Politics between two Party Congresses.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>293 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05290-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Solinger, Dorothy J.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05291" type="10100000">
      <a>Chu, Godwin C.</a>
      <t>Radical change through communication in Mao's China.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <p>x, 340 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05291-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kraus, Richard Curt</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05292" type="10100000">
      <a>Wilson, Dick//ed.</a>
      <t>Mao Tse-tung in the scales of history.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 331 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05292-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Farmer, Edward L.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05292-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Colinas, J. A.</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05293" type="10100000">
      <a>Yeh Ch‘ing</a>
      <t>Inside Mao Tse-tung thought: An analytical blueprint of his actions.</t>
      <a>Pan, Stephen //Tr. &amp; Ed.</a>
      <a>Tsuan, T. H. //Tr. &amp; Ed.</a>
      <a>Mortensen, R. //Tr. &amp; Ed.</a>
      <e>N. Y.: Exposition Pr.</e>
      <p>xxxvi, 336 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05293-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Liew, K. S.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05294" type="10100000">
      <a>Сладковский, М. И.</a>
      <t>Идейно-политическая сущностъ маоизма. Коллектив авторов.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во 《Наука》</e>
      <p>440 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05294-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ванин, В.</r>
         <j>Мировая Экономика и Международные Отношения</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05295" type="10100000">
      <a>Witke, Roxane</a>
      <t>Comrade Chiang Ch‘ing.</t>
      <e>Boston &amp; Toronto: Little, Brown &amp; Co.</e>
      <p>xxviii, 549 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05295-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Friedman, Edward</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05295-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Andors, Phyllis</r>
         <j>Science and Society</j>
         <k>42, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05295-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Wang, Gung-wu</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05296" type="10100000">
      <a>Seymour, James D.</a>
      <t>China: The politics of revolutionary reintegration.</t>
      <e>N.Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.</e>
      <p>xvii,285 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05296-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Starr, John Bryan</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05297" type="10100000">
      <a>Brugger, Bill</a>
      <t>Contemporary China.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Barnes &amp; Noble</e>
      <p>451 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05297-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pfeffer, Richard M.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05298" type="10100000">
      <a>Lieberthal, Kenneth</a>
      <t>Central documents and Politburo politics in China.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, Univ. of Michigan</e>
      <s>Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, 33</s>
      <p>x, 201 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05299" type="10100000">
      <a>Wong, Paul</a>
      <t>China's higher leadership in the socialist transition.</t>
      <e>N. Y. : Free Pr.</e>
      <p>310 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05299-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Butts, Stephen</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05300" type="10100000">
      <a>Bennett, Gordon</a>
      <t>Yundong: Mass campaigns in Chinese communist leadership.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Center for Chinese Studies, Univ. of Calif.</e>
      <p>133 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05300-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Falkenheim, V. C.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05301" type="10100000">
      <a>Dreyer, June Teufel</a>
      <t>China's forty millions. Minority nationalities and national integration in the People's Republic of China.</t>
      <e>Cambridge &amp; London: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Ser, 87</s>
      <p>333 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05301-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kolmaš, Josef</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>38, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05302" type="10100000">
      <a>Ким, Г. Ф.</a>
      <a>Шабшина, Ф. И.</a>
      <t>Союз рабочего класса с крестъянством и опыт социалистических стран Азии (На примере МНР, КНДР, ДРВ)</t>
      <e>Москва : Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>306 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05302-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Дубинский, А. М.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05303" type="10100000">
      <t>Osvoboždenie Korei (Die Befreiung Koreas).</t>
      <e>Moskva: Izd. "Nauka"</e>
      <p>334 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05303-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Göthel, Ingeborg</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26, 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05304" type="10100000">
      <a>Kim, Joungwon A.</a>
      <t>Divided Korea: The politics of development 1945-1972.</t>
      <e>Cambrige: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 471 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05304-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hatch, David A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05305" type="10100000">
      <a>Thompson, W. Scott//ed.</a>
      <a>Frizzell, Donaldson D.//ed.</a>
      <t>The lessons of Vietnam.</t>
      <e>Brisbane: Univ. of Queensland Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 288 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05305-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Osborne, Milton</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05306" type="10100000">
      <t>Die Demokratische Republik Vietnam.</t>
      <e>Hanoi : Verl. für fremdsprachige Literatur</e>
      <p>206 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05306-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lulei, Wilfried</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26. 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05307" type="10100000">
      <t>Demokratičeskaja Respublika V'etnam (Demokratische Republik Vietnam).</t>
      <e>Moskva: Akad. nauk SSSR. Inst. ekonomiki mirovoj socialističeskoj sistemy. Izd. "Nauku"</e>
      <p>144 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05307-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lulei, Wilfried</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26. 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05308" type="10100000">
      <a>Chan, Heng Chee</a>
      <t>The dynamics of one party dominance: The PAP at the grass-roots.</t>
      <e>Singapore: Singapore Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 272 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05308-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bellows, Thomas J.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05309" type="10100000">
      <a>Marlay, Ross</a>
      <t>Pollution and politics in the Philippines.</t>
      <e>Athens: Ohio Univ. Center for International Studies</e>
      <s>Southeast Asia Ser. No. 43</s>
      <p>ix, 121 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05309-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wurfel, David</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05310" type="10100000">
      <a>Lee, Oey Hong//ed.</a>
      <t>Indonesia after the 1971 elections.</t>
      <e>London &amp; Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Hull Monographs on South-East Asia, 5</s>
      <p>viii, 116 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05310-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Coolhaas, W. Ph.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05311" type="10100000">
      <a>Thakin Chit Maung</a>
      <t>Zametki o političeskoj žizni Birmy 1962-1971. Sbornik statej (Notizen über das politische Leben Burmas 1962-1971).</t>
      <e>Moskva: Progress</e>
      <p>294 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05311-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Simon, Maria</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26. 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05312" type="10100000">
      <a>Silverstein, Josef</a>
      <t>Burma: Military rule and the politics of stagnation.</t>
      <e>Ithaca : Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 224 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05312-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Guyot, James F.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05313" type="10100000">
      <a>Crane, Robert I.//ed.</a>
      <t>Aspects of political mobilization in South Asia.</t>
      <e>Syracuse: Maxwell School of Citizenship &amp; Public Affairs, Syracuse Univ.</e>
      <s>Foreign &amp; Comparative Studies Program South Asian Ser, No. I</s>
      <p>vii, 159 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05313-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Somjee, A. H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05314" type="10100000">
      <a>Misra, B. B.</a>
      <t>The Indian political parties: An historical analysis of political behaviour up to 1947.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 665 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05314-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Potter, David C.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05315" type="10100000">
      <a>Sharma, L. N.</a>
      <t>The Indian Prime Minister: Office and powers.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Macmillan Co. of India</e>
      <p>xii, 207 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05315-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kochanek, Stanley A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05316" type="10100000">
      <a>Dasgupta, Biplab</a>
      <a>Morris-Jones, W. H.</a>
      <t>Patterns and trends in Indian politics: An ecological analysis of aggregate data on society and elections.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Allied Pub.</e>
      <p>xii, 364 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05316-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Michie, Aruna Nayyar</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05317" type="10100000">
      <a>Imam, Zafar//ed.</a>
      <t>Soviet view of India, 1957-1975.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Kalyani Pub.</e>
      <p>xxii, 211 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05317-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Adenwalla, Minoo</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05318" type="10100000">
      <a>Pantham, Thomas</a>
      <t>Political parties and democratic consensus: A study of party organisations in an Indian city.</t>
      <e>Delhi:Macmillan Co. of India</e>
      <p>xvi, 215 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05318-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Erdman, Howard</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05319" type="10100000">
      <a>Fickett, Lewis P., Jr.</a>
      <t>The major sosialist parties of India: A study in leftist fragmentation.</t>
      <e>Syracuse: Maxwell School of Citizenship &amp; Public Affairs, Syracuse Univ.</e>
      <s>Foreign &amp; Comparative Studies Program South Asian Ser., No. 2</s>
      <p>vii, 185 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05319-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Heeger, Gerald A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05320" type="10100000">
      <a>Rose, Leo E.</a>
      <t>The politics of Bhutan.</t>
      <e>Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>233 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05320-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Karan, Pradyumna P.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05321" type="10100000">
      <a>Wilson, A. Jeyaratnam</a>
      <t>Electoral politics in an emergent state: The Ceylon general election of May, 1970.</t>
      <e>N. Y. : Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Perspectives on Development, No. 3</s>
      <p>xv, 240 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05321-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Park, Richard L.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05322" type="10100000">
      <a>Barnds, William J.</a>
      <t>Pakistan: The long view.Ed. by Lawrence Ziring &amp; others.</t>
      <e>Durham, N. C. : Duke Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Duke Univ. Center for Commonwealth &amp; Comparative Studies, No. 43.</s>
      <p>xviii, 485 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05322-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Montagno, George L.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05323" type="10100000">
      <a>Korson, J. Henry//ed.</a>
      <t>Contemporary problems of Pakistan.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>v, 151 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05323-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Buddruss, G.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05324" type="10100000">
      <a>Gillard, David</a>
      <t>The struggle for Asia 1828-1914: A study in British and Russian imperialism.</t>
      <e>London: Methuen &amp; Co. Ltd.</e>
      <p>x, 214 pp. 3 maps.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05324-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Adshead, S. A. M.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05325" type="10100000">
      <a>Moses, John A.//ed.</a>
      <a>Kennedy, Paul M.//ed.</a>
      <t>Germany in the Pacific and Far-East 1870-1914.</t>
      <e>St. Lucia: Univ. of Queensland Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 418 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05325-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fricke, Dieter</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26. 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05326" type="10100000">
      <t>Foreign relations of the United States, 1950, Vol. VI: East Asia and the Pacific.</t>
      <e>Washington, D. C.: Govt. Pr. Office</e>
      <s>U. S. Dept. of State Pub. 8858</s>
      <p>x, 1581 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05326-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dingman, Roger</r>
         <j>Pacific Historical Review</j>
         <k>47. 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05327" type="10100000">
      <a>Harrison, Selig S.</a>
      <t>The widening gulf-Asian nationalism and American policy.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: The Free Pr.</e>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05327-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>A., S.</r>
         <k>10, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05328" type="10100000">
      <a>Кременюк, В. А.//ed.</a>
      <a>Лукин, В. П.//ed.</a>
      <a>Руднев, В. С.//ed.</a>
      <t>Политика США в Азии.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во 《Наука》</e>
      <p>272 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05328-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Тихвинский, С. Л.</r>
         <j>Новая и Новейшая История</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05329" type="10100000">
      <a>Клименко, Н. П.</a>
      <t>Колониалъная Политика Англии на Далънем Востоке в середине XIX в.</t>
      <e>Москва: Изд-во 《Наука》</e>
      <p>308 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05329-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Остриков, П. И.</r>
         <j>Новая и Новейшая История</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05330" type="10100000">
      <a>Нарочницкая, Н. А.</a>
      <t>США и 《новая восточная политика》 ФРГ.</t>
      <e>Москва: изд-во 《Наука》</e>
      <p>175 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05330-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Севостьянов, Г. Н.</r>
         <j>Новая и Новейшая История</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05331" type="10100000">
      <t>Научные труды Московского государственного института международных отношений МИД СССР (Проблемы востоковедения). Вып. V.</t>
      <p>285 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05331-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Яшкнн, В. А.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05332" type="10100000">
      <a>Rossabi, Morris</a>
      <t>China and Inner Asia: From 1368 to the present day.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Pica Pr.</e>
      <p>320 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05332-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fields, Lanny B.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05333" type="10100000">
      <a>Widmer, Eric</a>
      <t>The Russian ecclesiastical mission in Peking during the eighteenth century.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: East Asian Research Center, Harverd Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, 69</s>
      <p>xii, 262 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05333-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sleeves, Paul D.</r>
         <j>Slavic Review</j>
         <k>37, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05334" type="10100000">
      <a>Marshall, Julie G.</a>
      <t>Britain and Tibet 1765-1947; the Background to the India-China border dispute: A select annotated bibliography of printed material in European languages.</t>
      <e>Bundoora, Australia: La Trobe Univ. Library</e>
      <s>Library Pub. No. 10</s>
      <p>xxiv, 372 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05334-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rose, Leo E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05335" type="10100000">
      <a>Frodsham, J. D.//tr.</a>
      <t>The first Chinese embassy to the West. The Journals of Kuo Sung-t'ao, Liu Hsi-Hung and Chang Te-yi.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>lxv, 222 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05335-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mende, Erling von</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05336" type="10100000">
      <a>鹿島 守之助</a>
      <t>The diplomacy of Japan, 1894-1922. Vol. I, Sino-Japanese War and Triple Intervention.</t>
      <e>Tokyo: Kajima Inst. of International Peace</e>
      <p>471 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05336-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Iriye, Akira</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05336-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Beasley, W. G.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05336-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Brown, Sidey de Vere</r>
         <j>Monumenta Nipponica</j>
         <k>33. 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05337" type="10100000">
      <a>Schmidt, Vera</a>
      <t>Die deutsche Eisenbahnpolitik in Schantung (1898-1914), ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Imperialismus in China.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <p>236 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05337-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>大島 偕美</r>
         <k>61, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05338" type="10100000">
      <a>McKee, Delber</a>
      <t>Chinese exclusion versus the Open Door Policy, 1900-1906.</t>
      <e>Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>292 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05338-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fowler, Wilton B.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05339" type="10100000">
      <a>Doenhoff, Richard von//ed.</a>
      <t>The McCully report: The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05.</t>
      <e>Annapolis, Md.: Naval Inst. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 338 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05339-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Spendelow, Howard R.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05340" type="10100000">
      <a>Leong, Sow-theng</a>
      <t>Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations, 1917-1926.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii &amp; the Research Co. of the Univ. of Hawaii</e>
      <p>xii, 361 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05340-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schaller, Michael</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05340-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Clark, Jan</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05341" type="10100000">
      <a>Shai, Aron</a>
      <t>Origins of the war in the East: Britain, China and Japan 1937-39.</t>
      <e>London: Croom Helm</e>
      <p>267 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05341-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Clark, Ian</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05341-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sims, R. L.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05342" type="10100000">
      <a>Coox, Alvin D.</a>
      <t>The anatomy of a small war: The Soviet-Japanese struggle for Changkufeng/Khasan, 1938.</t>
      <e>Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr.</e>
      <s>Contributions in Military History, No. 13</s>
      <p>xxvi, 409 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05342-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lensen, George Alexander</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05342-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Dzirkals, Lilita I.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05343" type="10100000">
      <a>Fairbank, Wilma</a>
      <t>America's cultural experiment in China, 1942-1949.</t>
      <e>Washington, D.C. : U. S. Dept. of State, Bureau of Education &amp; Cultural Affairs</e>
      <p>xvii, 233 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05343-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ts‘ai, Shih-shan H.</r>
         <j>Pacific Historical Review</j>
         <k>47. 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05344" type="10100000">
      <a>Wang, Gung-wu</a>
      <t>China and the world since 1949: The impact of independence, modernity and revolution.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: St. Martin's Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 190 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05344-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Alitto, Guy</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05344-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Woodward, Dennis</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05345" type="10100000">
      <a>Bachrack, Stanley D.</a>
      <t>The Committee of One Million: "China Lobby" politics, 1953-1971.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 371 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05345-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Burns, Richard Dean</r>
         <j>Pacific Historical Review</j>
         <k>47. 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05345-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Spence, Jonathan D.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05346" type="10100000">
      <a>Low, Alfred D.</a>
      <t>The Sino-Soviet dispute: An analysis of the polemics.</t>
      <e>Rutherford, N. J.: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>364 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05346-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hinton, Harold C.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05347" type="10100000">
      <a>Kindermann, Gottfried-Karl</a>
      <t>Pekings chinesische Gegenspieler: Theorie und Praxis nationalchinesischen Widerstandes auf Taiwan.</t>
      <e>Düsseldorf: Droste Verl.</e>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05347-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sigel, Louis T.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05348" type="10100000">
      <a>Lee, Chae-Jin</a>
      <t>Japan faces China, Political and economic relations in the postwar era.</t>
      <e>Baltimore &amp; London: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>242 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05348-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>增田 弘</r>
         <k>51, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05349" type="10100000">
      <a>Gottlieb, Thomas M.</a>
      <t>Chinese foreign policy and the origins of the strategic triangle.</t>
      <e>Land Corporation</e>
      <p>145 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05349-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>A., S.</r>
         <k>10, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05350" type="10100000">
      <a>Колосков, Б.</a>
      <t>Внешняя политика Китая, 1969-1976 гг. Основные факторы и ведущие тенденции.</t>
      <e>Москва: Политиздат</e>
      <p>328 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05350-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Димин, Д.</r>
         <j>Мировая Экономика и Международные Отношения</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05351" type="10100000">
      <a>Gupta, Bhabani Sen</a>
      <t>Soviet-Asian relations in the 1970s and beyond: An interperceptional study.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Praeger</e>
      <p>xii, 369 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05351-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mahajani, Usha</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05352" type="10100000">
      <a>Kiyosaki, Wayne S.</a>
      <t>North Korea's foreign relations: The politics of accomodation, 1945-75.</t>
      <e>N.Y.: Praeger</e>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05352-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>小此木 政夫</r>
         <k>19, 7</k>
   <moku id="D78S05353" type="10100000">
      <t>Foreign relations of the United States, 1950, Vol. VII: Korea.</t>
      <e>Washington, D. C.: Govt. Pr. Office</e>
      <s>U. S. Dept. of State Pub. 8859</s>
      <p>xiii, 1675 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05353-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dingman, Roger</r>
         <j>Pacific Historical Review</j>
         <k>47. 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05354" type="10100000">
      <a>Kahn, E. J., Jr.</a>
      <t>The China hands: America's Foreign Service officers and what befell them.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Viking Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 337 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05354-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Spence, Jonathan D.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05355" type="10100000">
      <a>Chung, Chin O.</a>
      <t>P'yŏngyang between Peking and Moscow: North Korea's involvement in the Sino-Soviet dispute, 1958-1975.</t>
      <e>Alabama: Univ. of Alabama Pr.</e>
      <p>230 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05355-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>小此木 政夫</r>
         <k>19, 7</k>
   <moku id="D78S05356" type="10100000">
      <a>Kim, Young C.//ed.</a>
      <a>Halpern, Abraham M.//ed.</a>
      <t>The future of the Korean Peninsula.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Praeger</e>
      <p>viii, 195 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05356-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kim, Chonghan</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05357" type="10100000">
      <a>Colbert, Evelyn</a>
      <t>Southeast Asia in international politics, 1941-1956.</t>
      <e>Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>372 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05357-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Leifer, Michael</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05358" type="10100000">
      <a>Lebra, Joyce C.</a>
      <t>Japanese-trained armies in Southeast Asia: Independence and volunteer forces in World War II.</t>
      <e>Hong Kong, Singapore &amp; Kuala Lumpur: Heinemann Educational Books</e>
      <p>iv, 226 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05358-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Coox, Alvin D.</r>
         <j>Monumenta Nipponica</j>
         <k>33. 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05358-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Oades, Rizalino A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05358-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Boyle, John H.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05359" type="10100000">
      <a>Oey Hong Lee</a>
      <t>Power struggle in South-East Asia.</t>
      <e>Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Co.</e>
      <p>ix, 614 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05359-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Logsdon, Martha Gay</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05360" type="10100000">
      <a>Михеев, Ю. Я.</a>
      <t>Индокитай: Пумъ кмиру (индокитайские проблемы в свете современного международного права).</t>
      <e>Москва: Международные отношения</e>
      <p>296 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05360-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Сочевко, Г. Г.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05361" type="10100000">
      <a>Hooper, Edwin B.</a>
      <a>Allard, Dean B.</a>
      <a>Fitzgerald, Oscar P.</a>
      <t>The United States Navy and the Vietnam conflict. Vol. I: The setting of the stage to 1959.</t>
      <e>Washington, D. C.: Naval History Division, U. S. Dept. of the Navy</e>
      <p>xi, 419 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05361-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Herring, George C.</r>
         <j>Pacific Historical Review</j>
         <k>47. 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05362" type="10100000">
      <a>Jeshurun, Chandran</a>
      <t>The contest for Siam, 1889-1902: A study in diplomatic rivalry.</t>
      <e>Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia</e>
      <p>xxiii, 383 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05362-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Smith, R. B.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05362-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Wilson, Constance M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05363" type="10100000">
      <a>Callahan, Raymond</a>
      <t>The worst disaster: The fall of Singapore.</t>
      <e>Newark: Univ. of Delaware Pr.</e>
      <p>293 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05363-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Falk, Stanley L.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05364" type="10100000">
      <a>Harsono, Ganis//ed.</a>
      <a>Penders, C. L. M. //ed.</a>
      <a>Hering, B. B.//ed.</a>
      <t>Recollections of an Indonesian diplomat in the Sukaruno era.</t>
      <e>St. Lucia: Univ. of Queensland Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 324 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05364-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sundhaussen, U.</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05365" type="10100000">
      <a>Cady, John F.</a>
      <t>The United States and Burma.</t>
      <e>Cambrige: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vi, 303 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05365-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bečka, Jan</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05366" type="10100000">
      <a>Tahtinen, Dale R.</a>
      <t>Arms in the Indian Ocean: Interests and challenges.</t>
      <e>Washington: American Enterprise Inst. for Public Policy Research</e>
      <p>84 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05366-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Рогинко, А.</r>
         <j>Мировая Экономика и Международные Отношения</j>
         <k>1978, 8</k>
   <moku id="D78S05367" type="10100000">
      <a>Rana, A. P.</a>
      <t>The imperatives of nonalignment: A conceptual study of India's foreign policy strategy in the Nehru period.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Macmillan Co. of India</e>
      <p>xv, 322 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05367-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sarbadhikari, Pradip</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05368" type="10100000">
      <a>Sinor, Denis</a>
      <t>Inner Asia and its contacts with medieval Europe.</t>
      <e>London: Variorum Reprints</e>
      <p>392 pp.</p>
      <b>Politics/International Relations</b>
      <review id="D78S05368-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bawden, C. R.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05369" type="10100000">
      <a>Kaminski, Gerd</a>
      <a>Weggel, Oskar</a>
      <t>Das Recht und die Massen. Recht und Rechtspflege in der VR China.</t>
      <s>Nr. 10 der Berichte des Österreichischen China-Forschungs Inst.</s>
      <p>166 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Law</b>
      <review id="D78S05369-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>井上 純一</r>
         <k>10, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05370" type="10100000">
      <a>Hooker, M. B.</a>
      <t>Legal pluralism: An introduction to colonial and neo-colonial laws.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>xxii, 601 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Law</b>
      <review id="D78S05370-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lev, Daniel S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05371" type="10100000">
      <a>Hooker, M. B.</a>
      <t>The personal laws of Malaysia: An introduction.</t>
      <e>Kuala Lumpur:Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxxiv, 276 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Law</b>
      <review id="D78S05371-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lev, Daniel S.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05372" type="10100000">
      <a>Derrett, J. Duncan M.</a>
      <t>Essays in classical and modern Hindu law.</t>
      <e>Leiden:E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>xiii, 386 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Law</b>
      <review id="D78S05372-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05373" type="10100000">
      <a>Hsiao, Ch‘i-ch‘ing</a>
      <t>The military establishment of the Yuan dynasty.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Council of East Asian Studies, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, 77</s>
      <p>vii, 314 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Institutions</b>
      <review id="D78S05373-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rossabi, Morris</r>
         <j>Bulletin of Sung and Yüan Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05374" type="10100000">
      <a>Свистуновой, Н. П.</a>
      <t>《Установления о соли и чае》.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>278 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Institutions</b>
      <review id="D78S05374-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кычанов, Е. И.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05375" type="10100000">
      <a>Torbert, Preston M.</a>
      <t>The C'hing Imperial Household Department. A study of its organization and principal functions, 1662-1796.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs 71</s>
      <p>xii, 267 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Institutions</b>
      <review id="D78S05375-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Loh, Wai-fong</r>
         <j>Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies</j>
         <k>38, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05375-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bartlett, Beatrice</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05375-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Tozzi, Daniela Giuli</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05376" type="10100000">
      <a>Legrand, Jacques</a>
      <t>L'administration dans la domination Sino-Mandchoue en Mongolie Qalq-a. Version mongole du Lifan yuan Zeli.</t>
      <e>Paris: Collège de France</e>
      <s>Mémoires de l'Inst. des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, Vol. II</s>
      <p>221 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Institutions</b>
      <review id="D78S05376-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Serruys, Henry</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
      <review id="D78S05376-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Lattimore, Owen</r>
         <j>(The) Canada-Mongolia Review</j>
         <k>4, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05377" type="10100000">
      <a>Misra, B. B.</a>
      <t>The bureaucracy in India: An historical analysis of development up to 1947.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 421 pp.</p>
      <b>Law and Institutions/Institutions</b>
      <review id="D78S05377-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Israel, Milton</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05378" type="10100000">
      <a>Granet, Marcel</a>
      <t>The religion of the Chinese people.Tr. &amp; Ed. by Maurice Freedman</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Harper &amp; Row</e>
      <p>viii, 200 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05378-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ahern, Emily</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05379" type="10100000">
      <a>Kähler, H.//ed.</a>
      <t>Religionen. Abschnitt 1. (Handuch der Orientalistik. Dritte Abt.: Indonesien, Malaysia und die Philippinen unter Einschluss der Kap-Malaien in Südafrika. Zweiter Bd.)</t>
      <e>Leiden, Köln: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>172 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05379-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Christie, Anthony</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05379-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Ricklefs, M. C.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05380" type="10100000">
      <a>Hooykaas, C.</a>
      <t>Religion in Bali.</t>
      <e>Leiden: Brill</e>
      <p>x, 30 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05380-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gonda, J.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05381" type="10100000">
      <a>Tiliander, Bror</a>
      <t>Christian and Hindu terminology: A study in their mutual relations with special reference to the Tamil area.</t>
      <e>Uppsala: Almqvist &amp; Wiksell</e>
      <s>Skrifter utgivna av Religionshistoriska Institutionen i Uppsala (Hum. Fak.), 12</s>
      <p>xi, 311 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05381-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Marr, J. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05381-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Fišer, Ivo</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
      <review id="D78S05381-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Young, R. F.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05382" type="10100000">
      <a>Oberhammer, Gerhard//ed.</a>
      <t>Offenbarung, geistige Realität des Menschen. Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums zum Offenbarungsbegriff in Indien.</t>
      <e>Wien: Indologisches Inst.; Leiden: Brill i.Komm.;Wien: Gerold i. Komm.; Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass i. Komm.</e>
      <p>237 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05382-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mensching, G.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05383" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, Bardwell L.//ed.</a>
      <t>Religion and social conflict in South Asia.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology, Vol. 22</s>
      <p>117 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05383-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Killingley, D. H.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05383-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Smith, Donald E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05384" type="10100000">
      <a>Oddie, G. A.//ed.</a>
      <t>Religion in South Asia: Religious conversion and revival movements in South Asia in medieval and modern times.</t>
      <e>Columbia, Mo.: South Asia Books</e>
      <p>viii, 204 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05384-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Eaton, Richard M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05385" type="10100000">
      <a>Bilsky, Lester James</a>
      <t>The state religion of ancient China.</t>
      <e>Taipei : Orient Cultural Service</e>
      <s>Asian Folklore and Social Life Monographs, vols. 70 &amp; 71</s>
      <p>2 vols, viii, 448 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Ancient Chinese Religion</b>
      <review id="D78S05385-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Seiwert, Hubert</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05386" type="10100000">
      <a>Eichhorn, Werner</a>
      <t>Die alte chinesisch Religion und das Staatskultwesen.</t>
      <e>Leiden, Köln: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>xvii, 262 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Ancient Chinese Religion</b>
      <review id="D78S05386-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Seiwert, Hubert</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05387" type="10100000">
      <a>Tomassini, Fausto//tr.</a>
      <t>Testi taoisti.</t>
      <e>Turin: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese</e>
      <p>686 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05387-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05388" type="10100000">
      <a>Schipper, K. M.</a>
      <t>Concordance de Houang-t‘ing King, Nei-king et Wai-king.</t>
      <e>Paris: École Française d'Extrême-Orient</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. CIV</s>
      <p>335 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05388-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Saso, Michael</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05389" type="10100000">
      <a>Homann, Rolf</a>
      <t>Pai wen p'ien or the hundred questions.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Religious Texts Translation Ser., Nisaba, Vol. 4</s>
      <p>109 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05389-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hussein, F.</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05390" type="10100000">
      <a>Alsdorf, Ludwig</a>
      <t>Kleine Schriften. Ed. by Albrecht Wezler.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <s>Glasenapp-Stiftung Bd. 10</s>
      <p>xxii, 762 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05390-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05391" type="10100000">
      <a>Gard, Richard A.//ed.</a>
      <t>Buddhist text information. No. 14-18, Cumulative index: 14-18.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: The Inst. for Advanced Studies of World Religions, Melville Memorial Library, State Univ. of N. Y.</e>
      <smoku id="D78S05391-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>13 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05391-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>13 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05391-11000003" type="10100003">
         <p>13 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05391-11000004" type="10100004">
         <p>13 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05391-11000005" type="10100005">
         <p>15 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05392" type="10100000">
      <a>Lüders, Heinrich</a>
      <t>Kleine Schriften. Ed. by Oskar von Hinüber</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Glasenapp-Stiftung, Bd. 7</s>
      <review id="D78S05392-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Słuszkiewicz, Eugeniusz</r>
         <j>Rocznik Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>39, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05393" type="10100000">
      <a>Boisselier, Jean</a>
      <t>The image of the Buddha. Ed. by David L. Snellgrove</t>
      <e>Tokyo: Unesco</e>
      <p>482 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05394" type="10100000">
      <a>Masson, Joseph</a>
      <t>Le bouddhisme, chemin de libération.</t>
      <e>Paris: Desclée de Brouwer</e>
      <p>292 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05394-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>193, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05395" type="10100000">
      <a>Prebish, Charles S.//ed.</a>
      <t>Buddhism in modern perspective.</t>
      <e>The Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 330 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05395-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., A. W.</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5. 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05396" type="10100000">
      <a>Overmyer, Daniel L.</a>
      <t>Folk Buddhist religion: Dissenting sects in late traditional China.</t>
      <e>Cambridge &amp; London: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 295 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05396-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Barrett, T. H.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05397" type="10100000">
      <a>Bunnag, Jane</a>
      <t>Buddhist monk, Buddhist layman. A study of urban monastic organization in Central Thailand.</t>
      <e>Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05397-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>杉山 晃一</r>
         <k>15, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05398" type="10100000">
      <a>Ensink, J.</a>
      <t>De groote Weg naar het Licht. Een Keuze uit de Literatuur van het Mahāyāna-Buddhisme, uit het Sanskrit vertaald en toegelicht. Tweede, herziene en uitgebreide Druk.</t>
      <e>Amsterdam: Wetenscha-ppelijke Uitgeverij</e>
      <p>183 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05398-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mensching, G.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05399" type="10100000">
      <a>Seckel, Dietrich</a>
      <t>Jenseits des Bildes, Anikonische Symbolik in der buddhistischen Kunst.</t>
      <e>Heidelberg : Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philisophisch-historische Klasse</e>
      <p>80 pp. 32 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05399-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05400" type="10100000">
      <a>Lauf, Detlef Ingo</a>
      <t>Tibetan sacred art: The heritage of Tantra.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Shambhala</e>
      <p>228 pp., 86 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05400-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kritzer, Robert</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05401" type="10100000">
      <a>Phadnis, Urmila</a>
      <t>Religion and politics in Sri Lanka.</t>
      <e>Columbia, Mo.: South Asia Books</e>
      <p>xiv, 376 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05401-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kearney, Robert N.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05402" type="10100000">
      <a>Suksamran, Somboon</a>
      <t>Political Buddhism in Southeast Asia: The role of the Sangha in the modernization of Thailand.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: St. Martin's Pr.</e>
      <p>xviii, 154 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05402-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Tambiah, S. J.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05403" type="10100000">
      <a>Mendelson, E. Michael</a>
      <t>Sangha and state in Burma: A study of monastic sectarianism and leadership. Ed. by John P. Ferguson</t>
      <e>Ithaca &amp; London: Cornell Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>400 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05403-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Okell, John</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05403-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Gokhale, B. G.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05404" type="10100000">
      <a>Dragonetti, Carmen//tr.</a>
      <t>Dīgha Nikāya. Diálogos mayores de Buda.</t>
      <e>Caracas Monte Avila Ed.</e>
      <review id="D78S05404-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pérez-Remón, Joaquín</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05405" type="10100000">
      <a>Ergardt, Jan T.</a>
      <t>Faith and knowledge in early Buddhism: An analysis of the contextual structures of an Arahant-formula in the Majjhima-Nikāya.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Studies in the History of Religions [Supplements to Numen] XXXVII</s>
      <p>xii, 182 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05405-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Swearer, Donald K.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05406" type="10100000">
      <a>Cone, Margaret//tr.</a>
      <a>Gombrich, Richard F.//tr.</a>
      <t>The perfect generosity of Prince Vessantara: A Buddhist epic, translated from the Pali and illustrated by unpublished paintings from Sinhalese temples.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>xlvii, 111 pp.44 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05406-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Norman, K. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05406-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Fišer, Ivo</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05407" type="10100000">
      <a>Prebish, Charles S.</a>
      <t>Buddhist monastic discipline. The Sanskrit Prātimokṣa Sūtras of the Mahāsāṃghikas and Mūlasarvāstivādins.</t>
      <e>University Park &amp; London: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05407-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bechert, Heinz</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05408" type="10100000">
      <a>Eecke, Jacqueline Ver//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Le Dasavatthuppakaraṇa.</t>
      <e>Paris: Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient 108</s>
      <p>xvi, 155 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05408-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
      <review id="D78S05408-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Norman, K. R.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05409" type="10100000">
      <a>Denis, Eugène</a>
      <t>La Lokapaññatti et les idées cosmologiques du bouddhisme ancien.</t>
      <e>Paris: Univ. de Lille</e>
      <p>t. I: 228, lxxvi, 192 pp.; t. II: xliv, 330 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05409-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05410" type="10100000">
      <a>Rahula, Bhikkhu Telwatte</a>
      <t>A critical study of the Mahāvastu.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass</e>
      <p>xv, 435 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05410-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jong, J. W. de</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05411" type="10100000">
      <a>Lamotte, Étienne//tr.</a>
      <t>Le traité de la grande vertu de sagesse de Nāgārjuna (Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra) avec une étude sur la Vacuité. Tom. IV. Chapitres xlii-xlviii.</t>
      <e>Louvain: Inst. Orientaliste, Univ. de Louvain</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'Inst. Orientaliste de Louvain, 12</s>
      <p>xix, 1735-2162 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05411-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brough, J.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05411-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Jong, J. W. de</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 1-3</k>
      <review id="D78S05411-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Ruegg, D. Seyfort</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05412" type="10100000">
      <a>Harrison, Paul M.//ed.</a>
      <t>The Tibetan text of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Sammuk-hāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra.</t>
      <e>Tokyo :Reiyukai Lib.</e>
      <s>Studia Philologica Buddhica: Monograph Ser., 1</s>
      <p>xix, 239 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05413" type="10100000">
      <a>湯山 明//ed.</a>
      <t>Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā (Sanskrit recension A).</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>Ixxii, 214 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05413-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Norman, K. R.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05413-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Conze, Edward</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05413-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>長尾 雅人</r>
   <moku id="D78S05414" type="10100000">
      <a>Chandra, Lokesh//ed.</a>
      <t>Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra, Kashgar Manuscript.</t>
      <e>Tokyo: The Reiyukai</e>
      <p>ii, 15,435pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05414-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
      <review id="D78S05414-20000002" type="20100002">
   <moku id="D78S05415" type="10100000">
      <a>Doi, Torakazu//tr.</a>
      <t>Gandavyuha: Das Kegon Sutra. Das Buch vom Eintreten in den Kosmos der Wahrheit.</t>
      <e>Tokyo: Von den Freunden des Übersetzers in Druck gegeben</e>
      <s>Doitsubun-Kegonkyo-Kankokai c/o Sanyoshuppan-boeki</s>
      <p>v,463 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05416" type="10100000">
      <a>Thurman, Robert A. F.//tr.</a>
      <t>The holy teaching of Vimalakīrti: A Mahāyāna scripture.</t>
      <e>University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr.</e>
      <review id="D78S05416-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Houston, G. W.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05417" type="10100000">
      <a>Oetke, Claus</a>
      <t>Die aus dem chinesischen übersetzten tibetischen Versionen des Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra. Philologische und linguistische Beiträge zur klassifizierenden Charakterisierung übersetzter Texte.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 18</s>
      <p>vi, 462 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05417-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05418" type="10100000">
      <a>Shukla, Karunesha//ed.</a>
      <t>Śrāvakabhūmi (Tivetan Stanskrit works' series, Volume XIV).</t>
      <e>Gorakhpur: Univ. of Gorakhpur</e>
      <p>511 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05418-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Haldar, Aruna</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>26. 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05419" type="10100000">
      <a>Kvaerne, Per</a>
      <t>An anthology of Buddhist tantric songs. A study of the Caryagiti.</t>
      <e>Oslo: Universitetsforlaget</e>
      <p>ix, 275 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05419-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05420" type="10100000">
      <a>Kongtrul, Jamgon</a>
      <t>The torch of certainty.</t>
      <e>Shamhala Pr.</e>
      <p>161 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05420-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ray, Reginald</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05421" type="10100000">
      <a>Eimer, Helmut</a>
      <t>Berichte, über das Leben des Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījñana). Eine Untersuchung der Quellen.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen Bd. 51</s>
      <p>364 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05421-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dargyay, E. K.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05422" type="10100000">
      <a>Toalster, John Peter Claver//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Die uigurische Xuan-Zang-Biographie, 4. Kapitel.</t>
      <e>Giessen, Lahn: the author</e>
      <p>lxxxi, 276 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05422-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hamilton, James</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05423" type="10100000">
      <a>Liebenthal, Walter//tr.</a>
      <t>Wu-men Hui-k'ai: Ch'an-tsung Wu-men kuan. Zutritt nur durch die Wand. Übersetzt und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen.</t>
      <e>Heidelberg: Lambert Schneider</e>
      <review id="D78S05423-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Demiéville, P.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
      <review id="D78S05423-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig</r>
         <j>Zentralasiatische Studien</j>
   <moku id="D78S05425" type="10100000">
      <a>Sagaster, Klaus//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Die Weisse Geschichte (Čaϒan teüke). Eine mongolische Quelle zur Lehre von den Beiden Ordnungen: Religion und Staat in Tibet und der Mongolei.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen, Bd. 41</s>
      <p>ix, 489 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05425-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bawden, C. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05426" type="10100000">
      <t>Mhā jaTi 20 n văt sīh kraisr.</t>
      <p>96 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05426-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Peltier, Anatole-Roger</r>
         <j>Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient</j>
         <k>65, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05427" type="10100000">
      <a>Fremantle, Fancesca//tr.</a>
      <a>Trungpa, Chögyam//tr.</a>
      <t>The Tibetan book of the Dead: The great liberation through hearing in the Bardo.</t>
      <e>Berkeley &amp; London: Shambhala</e>
      <p>xx, 120 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05427-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Thurman, Robert A. F.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05428" type="10100000">
      <a>Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig</a>
      <t>DasHungming Chi und die Aufnahme des Buddhismus in China.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Bd. 12</s>
      <p>viii, 212 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05428-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Simon, W.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05428-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05429" type="10100000">
      <a>Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar</a>
      <t>L'ātman-brahman dans le bouddisme ancien.</t>
      <s>Pub. de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. XC</s>
      <p>183 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05429-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bäumer, B.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05430" type="10100000">
      <a>Stcherbatsky, Th.</a>
      <t>The conception of Buddhist Nirvāṇa (With Sanskrit text of Madhyamaka-Kārikā). Second Rev. Ed.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass</e>
      <p>xiii, 100, 222, 51, 42 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05430-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05431" type="10100000">
      <a>Жуковская, Н. Л.</a>
      <t>Ламаизм и ранние формы религии.</t>
      <p>198 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05431-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кычанов, Е. И.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05431-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bawden, C. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05432" type="10100000">
      <a>Rabten, Guéshé//tr.</a>
      <t>La lumière du Tibet, Enseignement oral du bouddhisme au Tibet.</t>
      <e>Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve</e>
      <p>160 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05432-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05433" type="10100000">
      <a>Dargyay, Eva M.</a>
      <t>The rise of esoteric Buddhism in Tibet.</t>
      <e>Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass</e>
      <p>xii, 272 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05433-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05434" type="10100000">
      <a>Cook, Francis H.</a>
      <t>Hua-yen Buddhism. The Jewel Net of Indra.</t>
      <e>Univ. Park &amp; London: The Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 146 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05434-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>原尻 惠眞</r>
      <review id="D78S05434-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Unno, Taitetsu</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05435" type="10100000">
      <a>Kalupahana, David J.</a>
      <t>Buddhist philosophy: A historical analysis.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: The Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <p>xxi, 189 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05435-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Keyt, Christine</r>
         <j>(The) Philosophical Review</j>
         <k>87, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05436" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, Bardwell L.//ed.</a>
      <t>Tradition and change in Theravada Buddhism. Essays on Coylon and Thailand in the 19th and 20th centuries.</t>
      <e>Leiden: Brill</e>
      <s>Contributions to Asian Studies, 4</s>
      <p>vii, 105 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05436-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gombrich, R.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05437" type="10100000">
      <a>Malalgoda, Kitsiri</a>
      <t>Buddhism in Sinhaless society, 1750-1900: A study of religious revival and change.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 300 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05437-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reynolds, C. H. B.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05437-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Gombrich, Richard</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05438" type="10100000">
      <a>Tambiah, S. J.</a>
      <t>World conqueror and world renouncer: A study of Buddhism and polity in Thailand against a historical background.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology, 15</s>
      <p>viii, 557 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05438-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gombrich, Richard</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05438-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Whitney, Daniel</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05439" type="10100000">
      <a>Zachariae, Theodor</a>
      <t>Opera minora zur indischen Wortforschung, zur Geschichte der indischen Literatur und Kultur, zur Geschichte der Sanskritpilologie.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <p>xiv, 974 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05439-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fišer, Ivo</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
      <review id="D78S05439-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05440" type="10100000">
      <a>Nayagam, X. S. Thani//ed.</a>
      <a>Gros, François//ed.</a>
      <t>Compte-rendu de la troisième conférence internationale, Paris 1970.</t>
      <e>Pondichéry: Institut français d'indologie</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'Institut français d'indologie No. 50</s>
      <p>279, xiii, pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05440-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Zvelebil, Kamil V.</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05441" type="10100000">
      <a>Oberhammer, Gerhard//ed.</a>
      <t>Offenbarung, geistige Realität des Menschen. Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums zum Offenbarungsbegriff in Indien.</t>
      <e>Wien &amp; Leiden: Brill</e>
      <s>Pub. of the de Nobili Research Library. Vol. 2.</s>
      <p>237 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05441-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schmitt, Walter</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05442" type="10100000">
      <a>Kaschewsky, Rudolf, Klaus Sagaster//ed.</a>
      <a>Weiers, Michael//ed.</a>
      <t>Seria Tibeto-Mongolica. Festschrift für Walther Heissig zum 60. Geburtstag am 5. 12. 1973.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz</e>
      <p>376 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05442-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Uebach, Helga</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05443" type="10100000">
      <a>Plott, John C.</a>
      <t>Global history of philosophy. Vol. I.</t>
      <e>Delhi: M/S Motilal Banarasidass</e>
      <p>xx, 240 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05443-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Divetia, S. H.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>27, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05444" type="10100000">
      <a>Stutley, Margaret</a>
      <a>Stutley, James</a>
      <t>A dictionary of Hinduism. Its mythology, folklore and development. 1500 B. C.-1500 A. D.</t>
      <e>London: Routledge &amp; Kegan Paul</e>
      <p>xvii, 372 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05444-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pareja, F. M.</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
      <review id="D78S05444-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Wojtilla, Gyula</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05445" type="10100000">
      <a>Basu, Sobharani</a>
      <t>Modern Indian mysticism: A comparative and critical study. Vol. I, II, III.</t>
      <e>Varanasi : Bhargava Bhushan Pr.</e>
      <p>3 vols., 353 pp.; 721 pp.; 333 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05445-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Larson, Gerald J.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05446" type="10100000">
      <a>Bharati, Agehananda</a>
      <t>The light at the center: Context and pretext of modern mysticism.</t>
      <e>Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson</e>
      <p>254 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05446-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Staal, Frits</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05447" type="10100000">
      <a>Herbert, Jean</a>
      <t>L'hindouisme vivant.</t>
      <e>Paris: Laffont</e>
      <p>272 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05447-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Varenne, Jean</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>193, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05448" type="10100000">
      <a>Kinsley, David R.</a>
      <t>The sword and the flute: Kālī and Kṛṣṇa, dark visions of the terrible and the sublime in Hindu mythology.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 168 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05448-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Werner, Katel</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05449" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, Bardwell L.//ed.</a>
      <t>Hinduism: New essays in the history of religions.</t>
      <e>Leiden : E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Studies in the History of Religions (Supplements to Numen) No. XXXIII</s>
      <p>viii, 231 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05449-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Killingley, D. H.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05450" type="10100000">
      <a>Staal, Frits</a>
      <t>Exploring mysticism. A methodological essay.</t>
      <e>Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xix, 230 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05450-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Strandberg, Elisabeth</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05451" type="10100000">
      <a>O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger</a>
      <t>Hindu myths: A sourcebook translated from the Sanskrit.</t>
      <e>Harmondsworth : Penguin Books</e>
      <p>358 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05451-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brockington, J. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05452" type="10100000">
      <a>Solomon, Esther A.</a>
      <t>Indian dialectics-Vol. I.</t>
      <p>ix, 510, 15 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05452-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wadhwani, Yashodhara</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
   <moku id="D78S05453" type="10100000">
      <a>Malik, Yogendar K.//ed.</a>
      <t>Politics and the novel in India.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Contributions to Asian Studies, Vol. 6</s>
      <p>155 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05453-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ansárí, Dagmar</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05454" type="10100000">
      <a>Mukherjee, Sujit</a>
      <t>Towards a literary history of India.</t>
      <e>Simla : Indian Inst. of Advanced Study</e>
      <p>vii, 103 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05454-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dulai, Surjit Singh</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05455" type="10100000">
      <a>Sternbach, Ludwik</a>
      <t>Indian riddles. A forgotten chapter in the history of Sanskrit literature.</t>
      <e>Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Inst.</e>
      <s>Vishveshvaranand Indological Ser.-67. Vishveshvaranand Inst. Pub. -632</s>
      <p>132 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05455-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bandyopadhyay, Pratap</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05455-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bhargva, P. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05456" type="10100000">
      <a>Jettmar, Karl</a>
      <t>Die Religionen des Hindukusch.</t>
      <e>Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln &amp; Mainz: Verl. W. Kohlhammer</e>
      <p>525pp. 2 map.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05456-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fišer, Ivo</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05457" type="10100000">
      <a>Devaraja, N. K.//ed.</a>
      <t>Indian philosophy today.</t>
      <e>Delhi: The Macmillan Co. of India</e>
      <p>286 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05457-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Malhotra, Ashok</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05458" type="10100000">
      <a>Gonda, Jan</a>
      <t>Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. II, Fasc. 1.</s>
      <p>316 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05458-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Smith, John D.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05459" type="10100000">
      <a>Lawrence, Bruce B.</a>
      <t>Shahrastānī on the Indian religions.</t>
      <e>The Hague &amp; Paris: Mouton</e>
      <s>Religion &amp; Society 4</s>
      <p>297 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05459-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wojtilla, Gyula</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
   <moku id="D78S05460" type="10100000">
      <a>Gonda, Jan</a>
      <t>The meaning of the Sanskrit term dhāman-.</t>
      <e>Amsterdam :Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij.</e>
      <s>Verhandelingen d. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akad. van Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde. N. R. D73, Nr. 2</s>
      <p>100 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05460-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schlerath, Bernfried</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05461" type="10100000">
      <a>Костюченко, В. С.</a>
      <e>Москва: 《Мысль》</e>
      <p>190 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05461-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Килунов, А. Ф.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05462" type="10100000">
      <a>Ермакова, С. Н.</a>
      <t>Отражение националъно-освободителъной боръбы индийского народа в творчестве С. К. Чау хан.</t>
      <e>Ташкент: Изд-во 《Фан》</e>
      <p>141 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05462-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Сухочев, А. С.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
   <moku id="D78S05463" type="10100000">
      <a>Гусева, Н. Р.</a>
      <t>Индуизм. История формирования. Кулътовая практика.</t>
      <p>326 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05463-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Андрианов, Б. В.</r>
         <r>Семашко, И. М.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05464" type="10100000">
      <a>Słuszkiewicz, Eugenius</a>
      <t>Anantapāraṁ kila śabdaśāstram.</t>
      <e>Wydanictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego</e>
      <p>290 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05464-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poucha, P.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05465" type="10100000">
      <a>Nicolás, Antonio T. dé</a>
      <t>Meditations through the Ṛg Veda.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Nicolás Hays</e>
      <p>xvii, 284 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05465-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Malhotra, Ashok</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05466" type="10100000">
      <a>Елизаренковой, Т. Я.//ed.</a>
      <t>Атхарваведа. Избранное.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>406 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05466-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Эрман, В. Г.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05467" type="10100000">
      <a>Gonda, J.</a>
      <t>Triads in the Veda.</t>
      <e>Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub.</e>
      <s>Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Noderlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks, Vol. 91</s>
      <p>246 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05467-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brockington, J. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05468" type="10100000">
      <a>Dange, Sadashiv Ambadas</a>
      <t>Vedic concept of "field" and the divine fructification: A study in fertility and sex-symbolism with special reference to the Ṛgveda.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Univ. of Bombay</e>
      <p>xiv236 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05468-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kantawala, S. G.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>27, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05469" type="10100000">
      <a>Seebold, Elmar</a>
      <t>Das System der indogermanischen Halbvokale. Untersuchungen zum sogenannten 'Sieversschen Gesetz' und zu den halbvokalhaltigen Suffixen in den indogermanischen Sprachen, besonders im Vedischen.</t>
      <s>Indogermanische Bibliothek. Reihe 3: Untersuchungen</s>
      <p>360 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05469-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Tischler, Johann</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05470" type="10100000">
      <a>Howard, Wayne</a>
      <t>Sāmvedic chant.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxv, 572 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05470-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Thite, Ganesh</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05471" type="10100000">
      <a>Sharma, B. R.//ed.</a>
      <t>Ārṣeyakalpa of Maśaka with the commentary of Varadarāja.</t>
      <e>Hoshiarpur: Vishweshwarnand Vedic Research Institute</e>
      <p>62, 604 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05471-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kashikar, C. G.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>26. 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05472" type="10100000">
      <a>Gonda, Jan</a>
      <t>The ritual Sūtras.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, Fasc. 2.</s>
      <p>465-684 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05472-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wright, J. C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05472-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Wright, J. C.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05472-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Krick, H.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05473" type="10100000">
      <a>Gonda, Jan</a>
      <t>Vedic literature (Saṃhi-tās and Brāhmanas).</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, Fasc. 1.</s>
      <p>vii, 463 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05473-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wright, J. C.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05474" type="10100000">
      <a>Köhler, Hans-Werbin</a>
      <t>Śrad-dhā in der vedischen und altbuddhistischen Literatur. Ed. by Klaus L. Janert</t>
      <e>Wisbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <s>Glasenapp-Stiftung Bd. 9</s>
      <p>xi, 76 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05474-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Słuszkiewicz, Eugeniusz</r>
         <j>Rocznik Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>40, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05475" type="10100000">
      <a>Bodewitz, H. W.</a>
      <t>The daily evening and morning offering (Agnihotra) according to the Brāhmaṇas.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>xii, 211 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05475-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bäumer, B.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05476" type="10100000">
      <a>Sarma, E. R. Sreekrishna//ed.</a>
      <t>Kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa 2-3 : Vyākhyā of Udaya.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <s>Verzeichnis der Oriental. Handschriften in Deutschland. Supplementbd. 9, 2-3</s>
      <p>xiii, 713 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05476-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Krick, H.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05477" type="10100000">
      <t>The further shore. "Sannyāsa" and "The Upanishads-an introduction".</t>
      <e>Delhi: I. S. P. C. K.</e>
      <p>120 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05477-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bäumer, B.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05478" type="10100000">
      <a>Jog, K. P.//ed.</a>
      <t>The Vimalodayamālā of Jayantasvāmin (A Gṛhya-Prayoga text of the Āśvalāyana tradition).</t>
      <e>Poona: Univ. of Poona</e>
      <s>Pub. of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Class C, No. 8</s>
      <p>xxiii, 232 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05478-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bodewitz, H. W.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05479" type="10100000">
      <a>Derrett, J. Duncan M.</a>
      <t>Bhāruci's commentary on the Manusmṛti (The Manuśastra-vivaraṇa, Books 6-12). Text, translation and notes.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden : Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Schriftenreihe des Südasien-Inst. der Univ. Heidelberg, 18</s>
      <p>18, 316; 3, 489 pp</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05479-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rocher, Ludo</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05480" type="10100000">
      <a>Sternbach, Ludwik</a>
      <t>The Mānava Dharmaśāstra I-III and the Bhaviṣya Purāṇa.</t>
      <e>Varanasi : All-India Kashi Raj Trust</e>
      <p>121 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05480-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bandyopadhyay, Pratap</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05481" type="10100000">
      <a>Derrett, J. Duncan M.</a>
      <t>Dharmaśāstra and juridical literature.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. V, Fasc. 1, pp. 1-75</s>
      <p>75 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05481-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
      <review id="D78S05481-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sontheimer, G. D.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05482" type="10100000">
      <a>Filliozat, Pierre//tr.</a>
      <t>Le Mahābhāsya de Patañjali, avec le Pradīpa de Kaiyaṭa et l'Uddyota de Nāgeśa: Adhyāya 1, pāda 1, āhnika 1-4.</t>
      <e>Pondichéry: Inst. Français d'Indologie</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'Inst. Français d'Indologie, No. 54, 1</s>
      <p>vii, 659 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05482-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Burrow, T.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05482-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Rocher, Rosane</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05483" type="10100000">
      <a>Joshi, S. D.//tr.</a>
      <a>Roodbergen, J. A. F.//tr.</a>
      <t>Patañjali's Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāṣya. Anabhihitāhnika (P. 2. 3. 1-2. 3. 17).</t>
      <e>Poona: Univ. of Poona</e>
      <s>Pub. of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Class C, No. 11</s>
      <p>iv, lu, 46, 141 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05483-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05484" type="10100000">
      <a>Scharfe, H.</a>
      <t>Grammatical literature.</t>
      <e>Wiesdaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. V, Fase. 2, pp. 76-216</s>
      <p>141 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05484-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>256, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05485" type="10100000">
      <a>Shastri, Kapila Deva</a>
      <t>Vaiyākaraṇa-Siddhānta-Parama-Laghumañjūṣā of Nāgeṣa Bhaṭṭa.</t>
      <e>Kurukshetra Univ.</e>
      <p>14, 39, 452 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05485-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cardona, George</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>26. 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05486" type="10100000">
      <a>Buitenen, J. A. B. van</a>
      <t>The Mahābhāraia. Vol. 1: The book of the beginning. Vol. 2: The book of the assembly hall. The book of the forest.</t>
      <e>Chicago &amp; London: The Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05486-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>xlix, 492 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05486-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>xi, 864 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05486-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rocher, Ludo</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05487" type="10100000">
      <a>Goldman, Robert P.</a>
      <t>Gods, priests, and warriors: The Bhṛgus of the Mahābhārata.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Studies in Oriental Culture No. 12</s>
      <p>xii, 195 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05487-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Biardeau, Madeleine</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05488" type="10100000">
      <a>Tola, Fernando//tr.</a>
      <t>Bhagavad Gītā. El canto del Señor.</t>
      <e>Caracas: Monte Avila Ed.</e>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05488-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pérez-Remón, Joaquín</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05489" type="10100000">
      <a>Filipský, Jan//tr.</a>
      <a>Vacek, Jaroslav//tr.</a>
      <e>Prague: Odeon</e>
      <p>208 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05489-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., V.</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05490" type="10100000">
      <a>Frith, Nigel</a>
      <t>The legned of Krishna.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Schocken Books</e>
      <p>237 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05490-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>O'Connell, Joseph T.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05491" type="10100000">
      <a>Shah, U. P.//ed.</a>
      <t>The Vālmlki-Rāmāyaṇa: Critical edition. Vol. VII: Uttarakāṇḍa, Fase. 3.</t>
      <e>Baroda: Oriental Inst.</e>
      <p>505-666, v, 54, Ivi, 7 pi.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05491-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brockington, J. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
   <moku id="D78S05492" type="10100000">
      <a>Antoine, Robert</a>
      <t>Rāma and the bards: Epic memory in the Rāmāyaṇa.</t>
      <e>Calcutta: A Writer's Workshop Greybird Book</e>
      <p>114 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05492-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Goldman, Robert P.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05493" type="10100000">
      <a>Wurm, Alis</a>
      <t>Character portrayals in, the Rāmāyaṇa Of Vālmīki: A systematic representation.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Ajanta Pub.</e>
      <p>xx, 570 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05493-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Raju, B. Rama</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>27, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05494" type="10100000">
      <a>Gerow, Edwin</a>
      <t>Indian poetics.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowits</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. V, Fasc. 3, pp. 217-301</s>
      <p>85 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05494-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05495" type="10100000">
      <a>Pollock, Sheldon Ivan</a>
      <t>Aspects of versification in sanskrit lyric poetry.</t>
      <e>New Haven, Conneticut: American Oriental Society</e>
      <s>American Oriental Ser., Vol. 61</s>
      <p>x, 335 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05495-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05496" type="10100000">
      <a>Hahn, Michael//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Candra-gomins Lokānandanāṭaka nach dem tibetischen Tanjur: Ein Beitrag zur klassischen indischen Schauspieldichtung.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen Bd. 39</s>
      <p>ix, 290 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05496-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Denwood, Philip</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05497" type="10100000">
      <a>Naik, M. K.//ed.</a>
      <a>Mokashi-Punekar, S.//ed.</a>
      <t>Perspectives on Indian drama in English.</t>
      <e>Madras &amp; N. Y. : Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 214 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05497-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Karkala, John B. Alphonso</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05498" type="10100000">
      <a>Ghosh, Manomohan//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Glimpses of sexual life in Nanda-Maurya India. Parts I-II.</t>
      <e>Calcutta: Manisha Granthalaya Private Ltd.</e>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05498-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>viii, 183</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05498-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>Iviii, 144 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05498-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05499" type="10100000">
      <a>Schokker, G. H.//tr.</a>
      <a>Worsley, P. J.//tr.</a>
      <t>The Pādatāḍitaka of Śyāmilaka. Part 2.</t>
      <e>Dordrecht: D. Reidel</e>
      <p>viii, 261 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05499-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Vreese, K. de</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
   <moku id="D78S05500" type="10100000">
      <a>Sternbach, Ludwik</a>
      <t>Mahā-Subhāşita-Saṁgraha. Vols. II-III.</t>
      <e>Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Inst.</e>
      <s>Vishveshvaranand Indological Ser. 69, 71</s>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05500-11000001" type="10100001">
      <smoku id="D78S05500-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>1033-1596 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05500-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wojtilla, Gyula</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05500-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bäumer, B.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05501" type="10100000">
      <a>Mirashi, V. V.</a>
      <e>Delhi: M/s Motilal Banarasidass</e>
      <p>x, 412, 6 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05501-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Thaker, J. P.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>27, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05502" type="10100000">
      <a>Beer, Roland</a>
      <t>Indische Spruchweisheit.</t>
      <e>Weimar: Kiepenheuer</e>
      <p>242 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05502-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Feistel, H. -O.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05503" type="10100000">
      <a>Varenne, Jean</a>
      <t>Célébration de la grande déesse (Devī-Māhātmya).</t>
      <e>Paris: Soc. d'Éd. "Les Belles Lettres", "Le monde indien"</e>
      <s>Collection UNESCO d'oeuvres représentatives, Sér. Indienne</s>
      <p>xxviii 101 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05503-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bäumer, B.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05504" type="10100000">
      <a>Krishnamoorty, K.//ed./tr.</a>
      <t>Anandavardhana's Dhvanyāloka:A critical edition with introduction, English translation, and notes.</t>
      <e>Dharwar: Karnatak Univ.</e>
      <p>xli, 407 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05504-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05505" type="10100000">
      <a>Olivelle, Patrick//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Yatidharmaprakāśa by Vāsudevāśrama. A treatise on world renunciation. Pt. I. II.</t>
      <s>Pub. of the De Nobili Research Lib., ed. by G. Oberhammer, Vol. Ill</s>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05505-11000001" type="10100001">
      <smoku id="D78S05505-11000002" type="10100002">
      <review id="D78S05505-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>辻 直四郎</r>
         <k>60, 1-2</k>
      <review id="D78S05505-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05506" type="10100000">
      <a>Coward, Harold G.</a>
      <e>Boston: Twayne Pub.</e>
      <s>Twayne's World Authors Ser. 403</s>
      <p>150 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05506-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bishop, Donald H.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05506-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Miller, Barbara Stoler</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05507" type="10100000">
      <a>Piantelli, M.</a>
      <t>Saṅkara e la rinascita del Brāhmanesimo.</t>
      <e>Fossano: Editrice Esperienze</e>
      <p>vii, 315 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05507-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Scialpi, Fabio</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05508" type="10100000">
      <a>Sastri, C. Markandeya</a>
      <t>Sureśvara's contribution to Advaita.</t>
      <e>Vemur, Andhra Pradesh : Sundari Samskrita Vidyalaya</e>
      <p>287 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05508-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mesquita, R.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05509" type="10100000">
      <a>Kar, Bijayananda</a>
      <t>Analytical studies in the Samkhya philosophy.</t>
      <e>Bhubaneswar: Utkal Univ.; Post-Graduate Dept. of Philosophy</e>
      <p>71 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05509-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Potter, Karl H.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05510" type="10100000">
      <a>Varenne, Jean</a>
      <t>Yoga and the Hindu tradition.</t>
      <e>Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 253 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05510-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>193, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05511" type="10100000">
      <a>Koelman, Caspar M.</a>
      <t>Pātañjala Yoga: From related ego to absolute self.</t>
      <e>Poona: Papal Athenaeum</e>
      <p>280 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05511-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Larson, Gerald J.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05512" type="10100000">
      <a>Narain, Harsh</a>
      <t>Evolution of the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika categoriology. Vol. I: Early Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika categoriology.; Vol. II: Development of the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika categoriology.</t>
      <e>Varanasi: Bharati Prakashan</e>
      <p>256 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05512-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Larson, Gerald J.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05513" type="10100000">
      <a>Tripāthī, Chandrabhāl</a>
      <t>Catalogue of the Jaina manuscripts at Strasbourg.</t>
      <e>Leiden : E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Indologica Berlinensis, Bd. 4</s>
      <p>xviii, 425 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05513-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bender, Ernest</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05514" type="10100000">
      <a>Okuda, Kiyoaki//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Eine Digambara-Dogmatik: Das fünfte Kapitel von Vaṭṭakeras Mūlācāra.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <s>Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien 15</s>
      <p>164 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05514-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Norman, K. R.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05515" type="10100000">
      <a>Shah, U. P.</a>
      <t>More documents of Jaina paintings and Gujarati paintings of sixteenth and later centuries.</t>
      <e>Ahmedabad: L. D. Institute of Indology</e>
      <p>28 pp., 83 pi.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05515-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Parimoo, Ratan</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>27, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05516" type="10100000">
      <a>Ramnikvijayaji, Muni Shri//ed.</a>
      <t>Indrahaṁsa's Bhuvanabhānukevalīcariya</t>
      <e>Ahedabad-9: L. D. Institute of Indology</e>
      <p>14, 150 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05516-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Upadhye, P. M.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Oriental Institute</j>
         <k>27, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05517" type="10100000">
      <a>Carlstedt, Gunnar</a>
      <t>Till Kulas lov. Kulamāhātmyakathana ur Kulār ṇavatantra. Preprint; Studier i Kulārṇavatantra.</t>
      <s>Skrifter utgivna av Religions-historiska Institutionen i Uppsala (Hum. Fak.) genom C. -M. Edsman. Nr. 13; 14</s>
      <p>49, 68 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05517-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Strandberg, Elisabeth</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05518" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, H. Daniel</a>
      <t>A descriptive bibliography of the printed texts of the Pāñcarātrāgama. Vol. I.</t>
      <e>Baroda: Oriental Inst.</e>
      <s>Gaekwad's Oriental Ser., No. 158</s>
      <p>xxxv, 560 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05518-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gonda, J.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05518-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Wilson, Frances A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05519" type="10100000">
      <a>Vivanti, Maria Pia</a>
      <t>Il Kiraṇāgama, testo e traduzione del 《Vidyāpāda》.</t>
      <e>Napoli: Istituto Orientale di Napoli</e>
      <p>82 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05519-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brunner, Hélène</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05520" type="10100000">
      <a>Miller, Barbara Stoler//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Love song of the Dark Lord: Jayadeva's Gitagovinda.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 225 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05520-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Nelson, Donald</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05521" type="10100000">
      <a>Liyanaratne, Jinadasa</a>
      <t>Le Purāṇa Mayamataya. Manuel astrologique singhalais de construction.</t>
      <s>Pub. de l'École Française d'Éxtrême Orient, CIX</s>
      <p>138 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05521-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bausani, Alessandro</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05522" type="10100000">
      <a>McLeod, W. H.</a>
      <t>The evolution of the Sikh community. Five essays.</t>
      <e>Oxford : Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 119 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05522-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dewey, Clive</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05523" type="10100000">
      <a>Schimmel, Annemarie</a>
      <t>Pain and grace: A study of two mystical writers of eighteenth-century Muslim India.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Studies in the History of Religions-Supplements to Numen-, XXXVI</s>
      <p>xiv, 310 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05523-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Matthews, D. J.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05524" type="10100000">
      <a>Mishra, Jayakanta</a>
      <t>History of Maithili literature.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: Sahitya Akad.</e>
      <p>vii, 308 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05524-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Чернышев, В. А.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05525" type="10100000">
      <a>Zbavitel, Dušan</a>
      <t>Bengali literature.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. IX, Fasc. 3, pp. 119-307</s>
      <p>189 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05525-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Salomon, Carol</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05526" type="10100000">
      <a>Qureshi, Mahmud Shah//ed.</a>
      <t>Poèmes mystiques bengalis. Chants Bâuls.</t>
      <e>Paris: Éditions Saint-Germain-des-Près</e>
      <p>260 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05526-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Preinhaelterová, Hana</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05526-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05527" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, John D.//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>The VīsaỊadevarāsa: A restoration of the text.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Univ. of Cambridge Oriental Pub., No. 26</s>
      <p>viii, 335 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05527-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Brough, J.</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05527-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Burrow, T.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05527-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Bahl, Kali Charan</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05528" type="10100000">
      <a>Serebrjakova, I. D.//tr.</a>
      <t>Bakhtāvar, Sūnisār. Ed. by V. M. Beskrovnyj</t>
      <e>Moskva: Publishing House Nauka</e>
      <p>125 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05528-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mazánková, Sárka</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>16, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05529" type="10100000">
      <a>Vaudeville, Ch.</a>
      <t>Kabīr, I.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Clarendon Pr.; London: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv. 340 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05529-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schimmel, A.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05530" type="10100000">
      <a>Rubin, David//tr.</a>
      <t>A season on the earth: Selected poems of Nirala.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>152 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05530-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Snell, Rupert</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05530-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Schomer, Karine</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05531" type="10100000">
      <a>Nilsson, Usha Saksena//tr.</a>
      <t>Hindi stories: A dual language reader for area and advanced language students.</t>
      <e>Madison: South Asian Language &amp; Area Center, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison</e>
      <s>Pub. Ser., No. I</s>
      <p>xix, 324 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05531-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Roberts, John T.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05532" type="10100000">
      <a>Lago, Mary M.</a>
      <t>Rabindranath Tagore.</t>
      <e>Boston: Twayne Pub.</e>
      <s>Twayne's World Authors Ser., 402</s>
      <p>176 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05532-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sarkar, Pabitra</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05533" type="10100000">
      <a>Mallik, Bhaktiprasad</a>
      <t>Language of the underworld of West Bengal.</t>
      <e>Calcutta : Sanskrit College</e>
      <s>Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Ser. No. 76, Studies No. 53</s>
      <p>ix, 130 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05533-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Berger, Hermann</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05534" type="10100000">
      <a>Zvelebil, Kamil Veith.</a>
      <t>Tamil literature.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Handbuch der Orientalistik, Zweite Abteilung, 2 Bd., I Abschnitt</s>
      <p>xii, 307 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05534-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lindholm, James M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05535" type="10100000">
      <a>Zvelebil, Kamil Veith</a>
      <t>Tamil literature.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrssowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. I</s>
      <p>viii, 316 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05535-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lindholm, James M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05536" type="10100000">
      <a>Hart, George Luzerne</a>
      <t>The relation between Tamil and classical Sanskrit literature.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A History of Indian Literature, Vol. X, Fasc. 2, pp. 313-52</s>
      <p>40 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05536-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Nelson, Donald</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05536-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Sternbach, Ludwik</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05537" type="10100000">
      <a>Devasenapathi, V. A.</a>
      <t>Kāmakottam,Nāyanmārs and Ādi Śaṅkara.</t>
      <e>Madras: The Institute of Traditional Cultures</e>
      <b>Religion/Indian Religion, Philoshopy and Literature</b>
      <review id="D78S05537-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sastri, K. A. Sivaramakrishna</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
         <k>37, 1-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05538" type="10100000">
      <a>Hyatt, Irwin T., Jr.</a>
      <t>Our ordered lives confess : Three nineteenth-century American missionaries in east Shantung.</t>
      <e>Cambridge &amp; London: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard Studies in American-East Asian Relations, 8</s>
      <p>xv, 323 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05538-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ion, A. Hamish</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05538-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Schrecker, John</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05539" type="10100000">
      <a>Kuepers, Jacobus Joannes Antonius Mathias</a>
      <t>China und die katholische Mission in Süd-Shantung 1882-1900. Die Geschichte einer Konfrontation. Proefschrift.</t>
      <e>Nettetal: Steyler Missionsbuchhandlung</e>
      <p>232 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05539-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Feifel, E.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05540" type="10100000">
      <t>Alla scoperta del Tibet.</t>
      <e>Bologne: Editrice Missionaria Italiana</e>
      <s>Biblioteca Scientifica no. 4</s>
      <p>500 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05540-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bareau, André</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05541" type="10100000">
      <a>Hart, Bonn V.</a>
      <t>Compadrinazgo: Ritual kinship in the Philippines.</t>
      <e>DeKalb: Northern Illinois Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 256 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05541-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rosaldo, Renato</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05542" type="10100000">
      <a>Lavan, Spencer</a>
      <t>Unitarians and India. A study in encounter and response.</t>
      <e>Boston: Beacon Pr.</e>
      <p>vi, 217 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05542-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Forbes, Geraldine H.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05543" type="10100000">
      <a>Pelliot, Paul</a>
      <t>Recherches sur les chrétiens d'Asie centrale et d'Extrême-Orient.</t>
      <e>Paris: Imprimerie Nationale</e>
      <p>iv, 310 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05543-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Guillaumont, A.</r>
         <j>Revue de l'Histoire des Religions</j>
         <k>194, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05544" type="10100000">
      <a>Раевский, Д. С.</a>
      <t>Очерки идеологии скифо-сакских племен. Опыт реконструкции скифской мифологии.</t>
      <e>Москва: Глав. ред. вост. лит-ры изд-ва 《Наука》</e>
      <p>216 pp.</p>
      <b>Religion/Mazdeism, Manichaeism and Other Religions</b>
      <review id="D78S05544-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Лелеков, Л. А.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05545" type="10100000">
      <a>Leslie, Donald Daniel</a>
      <t>Islam in China to 1800. A bibliographical guide.</t>
      <e>Leiden: Abr-Nahrain</e>
      <p>16-48 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05545-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Loewenthal, R.</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05546" type="10100000">
      <a>Gowing, Peter//ed.</a>
      <a>McAmis, Robert D.//ed.</a>
      <t>The Muslim Filipinos.</t>
      <e>Manila : Solidaridad Pub. House</e>
      <p>xi, 311 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05546-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Yengoyan, Aram A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05547" type="10100000">
      <a>Rasjidi, H. M.</a>
      <t>Documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Islam à Java.</t>
      <s>Pub. de l'École Française d'Extrême Orient, CXII</s>
      <p>282 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05547-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bausani, Alessandro</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05548" type="10100000">
      <a>Noer, Deliar</a>
      <t>The modernist Muslim movement in Indonesia, 1900-1942.</t>
      <e>Singapore: O. U. P.</e>
      <p>xii, 390 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05548-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Huisman, A. J. W.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05549" type="10100000">
      <a>Pijper, G. F.</a>
      <t>Studiën over de geschiedenis van de Islam in Indonesia, 1900-1950.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>v, 160 pp., 8 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05549-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ricklefs, M. C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05550" type="10100000">
      <a>Schimmel, Annemarie</a>
      <t>Islamic literatures of India.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>A Histry of Indian Literature, VII</s>
      <p>iv, 60 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05550-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Spies, O.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05551" type="10100000">
      <a>Lelyveld, David</a>
      <t>Aligarh's first generation: Muslim solidarity in British India.</t>
      <e>Princeton: Princeton Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxii, 380 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05551-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hambly, Gavin R. G.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05552" type="10100000">
      <a>Feibleman, James K.</a>
      <t>Understanding oriental philosophy: A popular account for the Western World.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Horizon Pr. &amp; New American Lib.</e>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05552-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>303 pp</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05552-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>239 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05552-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Payne, Richard K.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05553" type="10100000">
      <a>Murty, K. Satchidananda</a>
      <t>Far Eastern philosophies.</t>
      <e>Prasārāga: Univ. of Mysore</e>
      <p>24, 220 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05553-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кобзев, А. И.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05554" type="10100000">
      <a>Organ, Troy Wilson</a>
      <t>Western approaches to Eastern philosophy.</t>
      <e>Athens: Ohio Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>282 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05554-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Riepe, Dale</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05555" type="10100000">
      <a>中村 元</a>
      <t>Parallel developments: A comparative history of ideas.</t>
      <e>[Tokyo]: Kodan-sha</e>
      <p>587 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05555-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>玉城 康四郎</r>
   <moku id="D78S05556" type="10100000">
      <a>Ching, Julia</a>
      <t>Confucianism and Christianity: A comparative study.</t>
      <e>Tokyo, N. Y. &amp; San Francisco: Kodansha International, Institute of Oriental Religions, Sophia Univ.</e>
      <p>xxvi, 234 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05556-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chan, Wing-tsit</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05557" type="10100000">
      <a>Cheng, Chung-ying</a>
      <t>Chiing-kuo chêh-hsüeh yü chung-kuo wên-hua (Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture).</t>
      <e>Taipei: Sanmin Book Co.</e>
      <p>233 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05557-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fu, Charles Wei-hsun</r>
         <j>Journal of Chinese Philosophy</j>
         <k>5, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05558" type="10100000">
      <a>Cheng, Chung-ying</a>
      <t>K'o-hsüeh chên-li yü jên-lei chia-chih. (Scientific truth and human value).</t>
      <e>Taipei: Sanmin Book Co.</e>
      <p>243 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05558-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fu, Charles Wei-hsun</r>
         <j>Journal of Chinese Philosophy</j>
         <k>5. 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05559" type="10100000">
      <a>Munro, Donald J.</a>
      <t>The concept of man in contemporary China.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: The Univ. of Michigan Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 248 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05559-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jiang, Paul Y. M.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05560" type="10100000">
      <a>Lodrö, Geshe G.</a>
      <t>Geschichte der Kloster-Universität Drepung mit einem Abriß der Geistesgeschichte Tibets. 1. Teil:Tibetischer Text.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Univ. Hamburg</e>
      <s>Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Auslandskunde 73, Reihe B Bd. 42</s>
      <p>vi, 452 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05560-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
      <review id="D78S05560-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Aris, Michael</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05561" type="10100000">
      <a>Tu, Wei-ming</a>
      <t>Centrality and commonality: An essay on Chungyung.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: The Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <s>Monographs of the Soc. for Asian &amp; Comparative Philosophy No. 3</s>
      <p>194 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Confucianism</b>
      <review id="D78S05561-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gardner, Daniel K.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05562" type="10100000">
      <a>Wilhelm, Hellmut</a>
      <t>The book of changes in the western tradition. A selective bibliography.</t>
      <e>Seattle: Inst. for Comparative &amp; Foreign Area Studies, Univ. of Washington</e>
      <p>29 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Confucianism</b>
      <review id="D78S05562-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Seiwert, Hubert</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05563" type="10100000">
      <a>Grimm, Tilemann</a>
      <t>Meister Kung. Zur Geschichte der Wirkungen des Konfuzius.</t>
      <e>Opladen: Westdeutscher Verl.</e>
      <p>44 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Confucianism</b>
      <review id="D78S05563-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Felber, Roland</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft</j>
         <k>26. 8</k>
   <moku id="D78S05564" type="10100000">
      <a>Metzger, Thomas A.</a>
      <t>Escape from predicament: Neo-Confucianism and China's evolving political culture.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 303 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Confucianism</b>
      <review id="D78S05564-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Tillman, Hoyt Cleveland</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05564-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Handlin, Joanna F.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05564-20000003" type="20100003">
   <moku id="D78S05565" type="10100000">
      <a>Rubin, V. A.</a>
      <t>Individual and slate in ancient China, essays on four Chinese philosophers.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>140 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05565-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Robinet, Isabelle</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05566" type="10100000">
      <a>Smith, D. Howard</a>
      <t>Confucius (in the series "Makers of new worlds". Ed. by Brandon, S. G. F. &amp; J. R. Hinnells).</t>
      <e>London: Temple Smith</e>
      <p>240 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05566-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kramers, R. P.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05567" type="10100000">
      <a>Feoktistov, Vitalij Fedorovič</a>
      <t>Filosofskije i občestvenno-političeskije vzgljady Sjunczy. Issledovanije i perevod.</t>
      <e>Moskva: Izd.-vo Nauka, Glavnaja redakcija vostočnoj literatury</e>
      <p>283 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05567-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bayerleová, Ema</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05568" type="10100000">
      <a>Robinet, Isabelle</a>
      <t>Les commentaires du Tao tö king jusqu'au VIIe siècle.</t>
      <e>Paris: Collège de France, Inst. des Hautes études chinoises</e>
      <s>Mémoires de l'Inst. des Hautes études chinoises, Vol. V</s>
      <p>317 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05568-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Holzman, Donald</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05569" type="10100000">
      <a>Creel, Herrlee G.</a>
      <t>Shen Pu-hai, a Chinese political philosopher of the fourth century B. C.</t>
      <e>Chicago &amp; London: The Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <p>ix, 446 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05569-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ricket, W. Allyn</r>
         <j>Journal of Chinese Philosophy</j>
         <k>5, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05569-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Pokora, T.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05570" type="10100000">
      <a>Moritz, Ralf</a>
      <t>Hui Shi und die Entwicklung des philosophischen Denkens im alten China.</t>
      <e>Berlin: Akad.-Verl.</e>
      <s>Schriften zur Geschichte &amp; Kultur des Alten Orients 12</s>
      <p>203 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05570-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pokora, Timoteus</r>
         <j>Journal of Chinese Philosophy</j>
         <k>5, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05571" type="10100000">
      <a>Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig//tr. &amp;ed.</a>
      <t>Mo Ti, Schriften. I. Solidarität und allgemeine Menschenliebe. II. Gegen den Krieg.</t>
      <e>Düsseldorf, Köln: Eugen Diederichs Verl.</e>
      <p>184, 200 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05571-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Durrant, Stephen W.</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05572" type="10100000">
      <a>Lo, Winston Wan</a>
      <t>The life and thought of Yeh Shih.</t>
      <e>Hong Kong: The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong: Gainesville: Univ. Pr. of Florida</e>
      <p>206 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05572-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Freeman, Michael</r>
         <k>9 〈下〉</k>
   <moku id="D78S05573" type="10100000">
      <a>Tu, We-ming</a>
      <t>Neo-Confucian thought in action: Wang Yang-ming's youth (1472-1509).</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 222 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05573-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ames, Roger T.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05574" type="10100000">
      <a>Ching, Julia</a>
      <t>To acquire wisdom: The way of Wang Yang-ming.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxiii, 373 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05574-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chang, Hao</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05575" type="10100000">
      <a>Dimberg, Ronald G.</a>
      <t>The sage and society: The life and thought of Ho Hsin-yin.</t>
      <e>Honolulu: The Univ. Pr. of Hawaii</e>
      <s>Monographs of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, No. 1</s>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05575-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Taylor, Rodney L.</r>
         <j>Journal of Chinese Philosophy</j>
         <k>5, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05576" type="10100000">
      <a>Wong, Shirleen S.</a>
      <t>Kung Tzu-chen.</t>
      <e>Boston: Twayne Pub.</e>
      <p>180 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05576-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lynn, Richard John</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05577" type="10100000">
      <a>Munro, Donald J.</a>
      <t>The concept of man in contemporary China.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor, Michigan: Univ. of Michigan Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 248 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Chinese Philosophers</b>
      <review id="D78S05577-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hsiung, James C.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05577-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Chou, Min-chih</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05578" type="10100000">
      <a>Lidin, Olof G.</a>
      <t>The life of Ogyū Sorai. A Tokugawa Confucian philosopher.</t>
      <e>Lund: Studentlitteratur</e>
      <s>Scandinavian Inst. of Asian Studies Monograph Ser., 19</s>
      <p>209 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Classical Chinese Studies in Japan and Korea</b>
      <review id="D78S05578-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Feifei, Eugen</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05579" type="10100000">
      <a>West, Philip</a>
      <t>Yenching University and Sino-Western relations, 1916-1952.</t>
      <e>Cambridge &amp; London: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Ser., 85</s>
      <p>xiii, 327 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05579-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Curwen, C. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05580" type="10100000">
      <a>Keenan, Barry</a>
      <t>The Dewey experiment in China: Educational reform and political power in the early republic.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard Univ.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Monographs, No. 81</s>
      <p>xii, 335 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05580-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Buck, David D.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05581" type="10100000">
      <a>Huang, Fu-ch‘ing</a>
      <t>Ch‘ing-mo liu-Jih hsüeh-sheng (Chinese students in Japan in late Ch‘ing period).</t>
      <e>Taipei: Inst. of Modern History, Acad. Sinica</e>
      <s>Monograph Ser., No. 34</s>
      <p>340 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05581-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reynolds, Douglas R.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05582" type="10100000">
      <a>Tsurumi, E. Patricia</a>
      <t>Japanese colonial education in Taiwan, 1895-1945.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Ser., 88</s>
      <p>xiii, 334 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05582-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Conroy, Hilary</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05582-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Chen, Edward I-te</r>
         <j>Monumenta Nipponica</j>
         <k>33. 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05583" type="10100000">
      <a>Foley, Douglas E.</a>
      <t>Philippine rural education: An anthropological perspective.</t>
      <e>DeKalb : Northern Illinois Univ. Center for Southeast Asian Studies</e>
      <s>Special Report No. 13</s>
      <p>xi, 112 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05583-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kaut, Charles</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05584" type="10100000">
      <a>Narain, Iqbal</a>
      <a>Pande, K. C.</a>
      <a>Sharma, Mohan Lal</a>
      <t>Panchayati Raj and educational administration.</t>
      <e>Jaipur: Aalekh Pub.</e>
      <p>iii, 331 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05584-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cashman, Richard</r>
         <j>(The) Australian Journal of Politics and History</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05585" type="10100000">
      <a>Zongtse, Champa Thupten</a>
      <t>History of the Monastic University dGa'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gliṅ.</t>
      <s>Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indologie &amp; Buddhismuskunde der Univ. Göttingen 1</s>
      <p>xxv, xiii, 369 pp.</p>
      <b>Philosophy, Thought and Education/Education</b>
      <review id="D78S05585-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Steinkellner, E.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05586" type="10100000">
      <a>Capra, Fritjof</a>
      <t>The Tao of physics: An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Shambhala</e>
      <p>330 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05586-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dull, A.</r>
         <j>Philosophy East and West</j>
         <k>28, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05587" type="10100000">
      <a>Needham, Joseph</a>
      <t>Science and civilisation in China. Vol. V: chemistry and chemical technology Part 2: spagyrical discovery and invention: historical survey, from cinnabar elixirs to synthetic insulin.</t>
      <e>Cambridge &amp; N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxxv, 481 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05587-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Major, John S.</r>
         <k>69, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05587-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Girardot, N. J.</r>
         <j>Journal of Chinese Philosophy</j>
         <k>5, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05588" type="10100000">
      <a>Needham, J.</a>
      <t>Chinas Bedeutung für die Zukunft der westlichen Welt.</t>
      <e>Köln : Deutsche China-Gesellschaft</e>
      <s>Schriftenreihe Nr. 1</s>
      <p>115 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05588-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Malek, Roman</r>
         <j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05589" type="10100000">
      <a>Jeon, Sang-woon</a>
      <t>Science and technology in Korea. Traditional instruments and techniques.</t>
      <e>Cambrige, Mass. &amp; London: MIT Pr.</e>
      <s>The MIT East Asian Science Sen, 4</s>
      <p>xxii, 383 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05589-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Harmer, Willy</r>
         <k>69, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05590" type="10100000">
      <a>Clark, David H.</a>
      <a>Stephenson, F. Richard</a>
      <t>The historical supernovae.</t>
      <e>Oxford, etc.: Pergamon Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 233 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Astronomy and Calendar</b>
      <review id="D78S05590-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cullen, Christopher</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05591" type="10100000">
      <a>Schuh, Dieter</a>
      <t>Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der tibetischen Kalenderrechnung.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: F. Steiner V.</e>
      <s>Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Supplementband 16</s>
      <p>164, 239 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Astronomy and Calendar</b>
      <review id="D78S05591-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Stein, R. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient</j>
         <k>65, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05592" type="10100000">
      <a>山田 憲太郎</a>
      <t>A study of the history of perfumery and spices in the Far East.</t>
      <e>Tokyo: Chūō-Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan</e>
      <p>497 pp. 18 pi.</p>
      <b>Science/Medicine, Herbais and Natural History</b>
      <review id="D78S05592-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wai, Lin Tien</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05593" type="10100000">
      <a>Berger, F.//ed.</a>
      <a>Bonsack, W.//ed.</a>
      <t>Meister, George: Der orientalisch-indianische Kunst- und Lust-Gärtner.</t>
      <e>Weimar: Kiepenheuer</e>
      <p>226 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Medicine, Herbais and Natural History</b>
      <review id="D78S05593-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Feislel, H. -O.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05594" type="10100000">
      <a>Leslie, Charles//ed.</a>
      <t>Asian medical systems: A comparative study.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 419 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Medicine, Herbais and Natural History</b>
      <review id="D78S05594-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hughes, Charles C.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05594-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Chiu, Martha Li</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05595" type="10100000">
      <a>Rinpoche, Rechung//tr.</a>
      <a>Kunzang, Jampal//tr.</a>
      <t>Tibetan medicine, illustrated in original texts.</t>
      <e>Berkeley &amp; Los Angeles: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>340 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Medicine, Herbais and Natural History</b>
      <review id="D78S05595-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kania, Ireneusz</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05596" type="10100000">
      <a>Finckh, Elisabeth</a>
      <t>Grundlagen tibetischer Heilkunde, nach dem Buche rGyud bźi, Bd. 1.</t>
      <e>Uelzen: Medizinisch Literarische Verl.</e>
      <p>107 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Medicine, Herbais and Natural History</b>
      <review id="D78S05596-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05597" type="10100000">
      <a>Rau, Wilhelm</a>
      <t>Metalle und Metallgeräte im vedischen Indien.</t>
      <e>Mainz: Verl. der Akad. der Wissenschaften &amp; der Literatur; Wiesbaden: Steiner i. Komm.</e>
      <p>70 pp.</p>
      <b>Science/Other Physical Sciences and Technics</b>
      <review id="D78S05597-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mylius, K.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05598" type="10100000">
      <a>Nienhauser, William H., Jr.//ed.</a>
      <t>Critical essays on Chinese literature.</t>
      <e>Hong Kong: The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong</e>
      <p>206 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05598-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gálik, Marián</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05598-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Malmqvist, Göran</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
      <review id="D78S05598-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Idema, W. L.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05599" type="10100000">
      <a>Birch, Cyril//ed</a>
      <t>Studies in Chinese literary genres.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>398 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05599-20000001" type="20100001">
      <review id="D78S05599-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Chang, Kang-i Sun</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05600" type="10100000">
      <a>Goldman, Merle//ed.</a>
      <t>Modern Chinese literature in the May Fourth era.</t>
      <e>Cambridge &amp; London: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard East Asian Ser., 89</s>
      <p>xii, 464 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05600-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pollard, D. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05600-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bady, Paul</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05601" type="10100000">
      <a>Berninghausen, John//ed.</a>
      <a>Huters, Ted//ed.</a>
      <t>Revolutionary literature in China: An anthology.</t>
      <e>White Plains, N. Y.: M. E. Sharpe</e>
      <p>103 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05601-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gibbs, Donald A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05602" type="10100000">
      <a>Liu, wu-chi//ed.</a>
      <a>Lo, Irving Yucheng//ed.</a>
      <t>Sunflower splendor: Three thousand years of Chinese poetry.</t>
      <e>Garden City, N. Y.: Anchor Pr., Doubleday</e>
      <p>Ixiv, 630 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05602-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Holzman, D.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
      <review id="D78S05602-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Feifei, Eugen</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05603" type="10100000">
      <a>Bischoff, Friedrich A.</a>
      <t>Interpreting the fu: A study in Chinese literary rhetoric.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Bd. 13</s>
      <p>xvii, 446 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05603-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sanders, Tao Tao</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05604" type="10100000">
      <a>Knechtges, David R.</a>
      <t>The Han rhapsody. A study of the fu of Yang Hsiung (53 B. C.- A. D. 18).</t>
      <e>Cambridge, London N. Y. &amp; Melbourne: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05604-20000001" type="20100001">
   <moku id="D78S05605" type="10100000">
      <a>Diény, Jean-Pierre</a>
      <t>Pastourelles et Magnanarelles. Essai sur un thème littéraire chinois.</t>
      <e>Genève &amp; Paris: Librairie Droz</e>
      <p>index 141 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05605-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Idema, W. L.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05606" type="10100000">
      <a>Holzman, Donald</a>
      <t>Poetry and politics. The life and works of Juan Chi (A. D. 210-263).</t>
      <e>Cambridge, London, N. Y. &amp; Melbourne: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>316 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05606-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>N., Z. H.</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05607" type="10100000">
      <a>Liu, I-ch'ing</a>
      <t>Shih-shuo Hsin-yü, a new account of tales of the world. Tr. by Mather, Richard B.</t>
      <e>Minneapolis: Univ. of Minesota Pr.</e>
      <p>xxxii, 726 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05607-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Beck, B. J. Mansvelt</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05608" type="10100000">
      <a>Owen, Stephen</a>
      <t>The poetry of the early T‘ang.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 455 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05608-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Walls, Jan W.</r>
         <j>Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies</j>
         <k>38, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05608-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Liu, James J. Y.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05609" type="10100000">
      <a>Stimson, Hugh M.</a>
      <t>Fifty-five T‘ang poems: A text in the reading and understanding of T‘ang poetry.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ.</e>
      <p>x, 239 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05609-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mei, Tsu-Lin</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05610" type="10100000">
      <a>Stimson, Hugh M.</a>
      <t>T‘ang poetic vocabulary.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ.</e>
      <p>xii, 142 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05610-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mei, Tsu-Lin</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05611" type="10100000">
      <a>Robinson, G. W.</a>
      <t>Poems of Wang Wei.</t>
      <e>Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books</e>
      <p>144 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05611-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lynn, Richard John</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 1-3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05612" type="10100000">
      <a>Cooper, Arthur//tr.</a>
      <t>Li Po and Tu Fu.</t>
      <e>Baltimore: Penguin Books</e>
      <p>249 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05612-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cheung, Dominic</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05613" type="10100000">
      <a>Frankel, Hans H.</a>
      <t>The flowering plum and the palace lady: Interpretations of Chinese poetry.</t>
      <e>New Haven &amp; London: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 276 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05613-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schafer, Edward H.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05613-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Chaves, Jonathan</r>
         <j>Modern Asian Studies</j>
         <k>12, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05613-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Miao, Ronald</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05614" type="10100000">
      <a>McDougall, Bonnie S.//tr. &amp;ed.</a>
      <t>Paths in Dreams: Selected prose and poetry of Ho Ch'i-fang.</t>
      <e>St. Lucia: Univ. of Queensland Pr.</e>
      <s>Asian &amp; Pacific Writing 7</s>
      <p>xi, 244 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Verse and Prose</b>
      <review id="D78S05614-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Palandri, Angela Jung</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05615" type="10100000">
      <a>Shih, Chung-wen</a>
      <t>The golden age of Chinese drama: Yüan Tsa-chü.</t>
      <e>Princeton: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 312 pp., 8 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05615-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dudbridge, G.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
   <moku id="D78S05616" type="10100000">
      <a>Ch'en, Li-li//tr.</a>
      <t>Master Tung's Western Chamber Romance (Tung chieh-yüan Hsi-hsiang chi chu-kung-tiao) : A Chinese chantefable.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxviii, 238 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05616-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Doleželová-Velingerová, Milena</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05616-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Idema, W. L.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 1-3</k>
      <review id="D78S05616-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Perng, Ching-hsi</r>
         <j>Bulletin of Sung and Yüan Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05617" type="10100000">
      <a>Mao, Nathan K.</a>
      <a>Liu, Ts un-yan</a>
      <t>Li Yü.</t>
      <e>Boston: Twayne's World Authors Ser., 447</e>
      <p>173 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05617-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pollard, D. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05618" type="10100000">
      <a>West, Stephen H.</a>
      <t>Vaudeville and narrative: Aspects of Chin theater.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, Band 20</s>
      <p>x, 190 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05618-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lanciotti, Lionello</r>
         <j>East and West</j>
         <k>27, 1-4</k>
      <review id="D78S05618-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Idema, W. L.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
      <review id="D78S05618-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Liu, Chun-jo</r>
         <j>Bulletin of Sung and Yüan Studies</j>
   <moku id="D78S05619" type="10100000">
      <a>Plaks, Andrew H.//ed.</a>
      <t>Chinese narrative: Critical and theoretical essays.</t>
      <e>Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 365 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05619-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pollard, D. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05619-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Ma, Y. W.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05620" type="10100000">
      <a>Mahder, Richard B.//tr.</a>
      <t>Shih-shuo Hsin-yü. A new account of tales of the world, by Liu I-ch‘ing, with commentary by Liu Chün.</t>
      <e>Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Pr.</e>
      <p>xxxii, 726 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05620-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Holzman, Donald</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 1-2</k>
      <review id="D78S05620-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Knechtges, David R.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05621" type="10100000">
      <a>Yu, Anthony C.//tr. &amp;ed.</a>
      <t>The journey to the west. Volume I.</t>
      <e>Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 530 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05621-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pollard, D. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05621-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Wang, John C. Y.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05622" type="10100000">
      <a>Plaks, Andrew H.</a>
      <t>Archetype and allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber.</t>
      <e>Princeton: Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 269 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05622-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Allan, Sarah</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05623" type="10100000">
      <a>Hawkes, David//tr.</a>
      <t>Cao Xueqin "The Story of the Stone". Vol. 1: The golden days. Vol. 2: The crab-fiower club.</t>
      <e>Penguin Classics</e>
      <smoku id="D78S05623-11000001" type="10100001">
      <smoku id="D78S05623-11000002" type="10100002">
      <review id="D78S05623-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>小濱 陵一</r>
   <moku id="D78S05624" type="10100000">
      <a>Fišman, O. L.</a>
      <t>Yuan Mei, Novye [zapisi] Ts'i-hiai [ou Ts'i Hiai?] (Sin Ts'i-hiai), ili O čem ne govoril Konfutsiï (Tseu pou yu). Perevod s kitaiskogo, predislovie, kommentariï i priloženija.</t>
      <e>Moskva: "Nauka"</e>
      <s>Pamjatniki pis'mennosti vostoka, LV. Izd.</s>
      <p>501 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05624-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Demiéville, P.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 4-5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05625" type="10100000">
      <a>Fišman, Ol'ga Lazarevna//tr.</a>
      <t>Czi Jun': Zametki iz chižiny "Velikoe v Malom" ( Juevei Caotan Biczi).</t>
      <e>Moskva : Nauka Pub. House</e>
      <s>Pamjatniki Pis'mennosti Vostoka XLIV</s>
      <p>587 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05625-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>K., O.</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05625-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Franke, Herbert</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05626" type="10100000">
      <a>Chen, Pearl Hsia</a>
      <t>The social thought of Lu Hsun: 1881-1936: A mirror of the intellectual current of modern China.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Vantage Pr.</e>
      <p>cl, 515 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05626-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bady, Paul</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05627" type="10100000">
      <a>Lyell, William A., Jr.</a>
      <t>Lu Hsün's vision of reality.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>x, 355 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05627-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pollard, D. E.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05628" type="10100000">
      <a>Lin, Man-shu</a>
      <t>Wen I-to yen-chin.</t>
      <e>Hong Kong: Hsin yuan ch'u-pan she</e>
      <p>156 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05628-20000001" type="20100001">
   <moku id="D78S05629" type="10100000">
      <a>Poppe, Nikolaus</a>
      <t>Mongolische Epen I-IV.</t>
      <e>Wisbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen XLII, XLIII, XLVII, XLVIII</s>
      <b>Literature/Literature in Other Asiatic Languages than Chinese</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05629-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>202 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05629-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>196 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05629-11000003" type="10100003">
         <p>178 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05629-11000004" type="10100004">
         <p>250 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05629-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Eberhard, Wolfram</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05629-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Serruys, Henry</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
      <review id="D78S05629-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Doerfer, Gerhard</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05630" type="10100000">
      <a>Macdonald, Ariane//ed.</a>
      <a>Imaeda, Yoshiro//ed.</a>
      <t>Essais sur l'art du Tibet.</t>
      <p>188 pp. cf. 5642</p>
      <b>Literature/Literature in Other Asiatic Languages than Chinese</b>
      <review id="D78S05630-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kvaerne, Per</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05631" type="10100000">
      <a>Huffman, Franklin, E.</a>
      <a>Proum, Im</a>
      <t>Cambodian literary reader and glossary.</t>
      <e>New Haven &amp; London: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vii, 327, vii, 152 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Literature in Other Asiatic Languages than Chinese</b>
      <review id="D78S05631-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jacob, J. M.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05632" type="10100000">
      <a>Brakel, L. F.</a>
      <t>The Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah: A medieval Muslim-Malay romance.</t>
      <e>The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff</e>
      <s>Bibliotheca Indonesica, 12</s>
      <p>ix, 319 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Literature in Other Asiatic Languages than Chinese</b>
      <review id="D78S05632-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kratz, E. U.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05633" type="10100000">
      <a>Brakel, L. F.//ed.</a>
      <t>Literaturen. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Dritte Abt.: Indonesien, Malaysia und die Philippinen, unter Einschluss der Kap-Malaien in Süd-Afrika. Dritter Bd.).</t>
      <e>Leiden, Köln: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>337 pp.</p>
      <b>Literature/Literature in Other Asiatic Languages than Chinese</b>
      <review id="D78S05633-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ricklefs, M. C.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05634" type="10100000">
      <a>Sullivan, Michael</a>
      <t>The meeting of Eastern and Western art from the sixteenth century to the present day.</t>
      <e>London: Thames &amp; Hudson</e>
      <p>296 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05634-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Miller, B. D. H.</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05635" type="10100000">
      <a>Capon, Edmund</a>
      <t>Art and archaeology in China.</t>
      <e>Cambridge, Mass. &amp; London: MIT Pr.</e>
      <p>188 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05635-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Medley, Margaret</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05636" type="10100000">
      <a>Murck, Christian F.//ed.</a>
      <t>Artists and traditions: Uses of the past in Chinese culture.</t>
      <e>Princeton: Art Museum, Princeton Univ.</e>
      <p>xxi, 230 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05636-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Clapp, Anne de Coursey</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05637" type="10100000">
      <a>Watson, William</a>
      <t>Style in the arts of China.</t>
      <e>Baltimore: Penguin Books</e>
      <p>126 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05637-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>McCallum, Donald F.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05638" type="10100000">
      <a>Impey, Oliver</a>
      <t>Chinoiserie: The impact of Oriental style on Western art and decoration.</t>
      <e>O. U. P.</e>
      <review id="D78S05638-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Constantinidi, Philip</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05639" type="10100000">
      <a>Vanderstappen, Harrie A.//ed.</a>
      <t>The T. L. Yuan bibliography of western writings on Chinese art and archaeology.</t>
      <e>London: Mansell</e>
      <p>xlvii, 606 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05639-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rudolph, Richard C.</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
      <review id="D78S05639-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Seckel, Dietrich</r>
         <j>Asiatische Studien</j>
         <k>32, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05640" type="10100000">
      <a>Белобородова, К. П.</a>
      <t>Приамурские узоры.</t>
      <p>106 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05640-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кочешков, Н. В.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05641" type="10100000">
      <a>José, Pereira</a>
      <t>Monolithic Jinas [The iconography of the Jain temples of Ellora].</t>
      <e>Delhi, Varanasi &amp; Patna: Motilal Banarsidass</e>
      <p>xix, 186 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05641-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gaillat, Colette</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05642" type="10100000">
      <a>Macdonald, Ariane//ed</a>
      <a>Imaeda, Yoshiro//ed</a>
      <t>Essais sur l'art du Tibet.</t>
      <e>Paris: Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient, Jean Maisonneuve, succ.</e>
      <p>x, 188 pp. 2 maps. cf. 5630</p>
      <review id="D78S05642-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kolmaš, Josef</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05642-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>May, Jacques</r>
         <j>Asiatische Studien</j>
         <k>32, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05643" type="10100000">
      <a>Trungpa, Chögyam</a>
      <t>Visual Dharma: The Buddhist art of Tibet.</t>
      <e>Berkeley &amp; London: Shambhala</e>
      <p>140 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05643-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Thurman, Robert A. F.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05644" type="10100000">
      <a>Horváth, Vera</a>
      <t>Görög istenek Indián. Gandhára művészete. [The Greek Gods in India. The Gandhara art.]</t>
      <e>Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadô</e>
      <s>Kőrösi Csoma Kisk-önyvtár, vol. 12</s>
      <p>165 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05644-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wojtilla, Gyula</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05645" type="10100000">
      <a>Weiner, Sheila L.</a>
      <t>Ajaṇtā: Its place in Buddhist art.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 194 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05645-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Begley, Wayne E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05646" type="10100000">
      <a>Snellgrove, David</a>
      <a>Skorupski, Tadeusz</a>
      <t>The cultural heritage of Ladakh. Vol. I.</t>
      <e>Warminster: Aris &amp; Phillips</e>
      <review id="D78S05646-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lowry, John</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05647" type="10100000">
      <a>Michell, George</a>
      <t>An architectural description and analysis of the early western Calukyan temples.</t>
      <e>London: AARP</e>
      <p>2 vols, v, 121; 41 fig.</p>
      <review id="D78S05647-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Marr, J. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05648" type="10100000">
      <a>Viennot, Odette</a>
      <t>Temples de l'Inde centrale et occidentale: Étude stylistique et essai de chronologie relative dv VIe au milieu du Xesiècle.</t>
      <s> l'École français d'Extrême-Orient, Mémoires archéologiques XI</s>
      <p>2 vols., 255 pp.; 71 figs., 303 photos</p>
      <review id="D78S05648-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Williams, Joanna</r>
         <j>Artibus Asiae</j>
         <k>40, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05649" type="10100000">
      <a>Korn, Wolfgang</a>
      <t>Traditional architecture of the Kathmandu Valley.</t>
      <e>Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar</e>
      <s>Bibliotheca Himalayica, Series III, Volume 11</s>
      <p>xix, 121 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05649-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dobriner, David</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05650" type="10100000">
      <a>Bandaranayake, Senake</a>
      <t>Sinhalese monastic architecture; The Vihāras of Anurādhapura.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Studies in South Asian Culture, Vol. IV</s>
      <p>xx, 404 pp., 32 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05650-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Reynolds, C. H. B.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05651" type="10100000">
      <a>Schloss, Ezekiel</a>
      <t>Ancient Chinese ceramic sculpture: From Han through Tang.</t>
      <e>Stamford, Conn.: Castle Pub. Co.</e>
      <p>259 pp., 108 fig.</p>
      <review id="D78S05651-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Capon, Edmund</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05652" type="10100000">
      <a>Denes, Françoise</a>
      <t>Catalogue raisonné des objets en bois provenant de Dunhuang et conservés au musée Guimet.</t>
      <e>Paris: L'Inst. des Hautes Etudes chinoises, Collège de France</e>
      <s>Étude des collections du musée, Tom. II</s>
      <p>85 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05652-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Desroches, Jean-Paul</r>
         <j>Arts Asiatiques</j>
   <moku id="D78S05653" type="10100000">
      <a>Murthy, K. Krishna</a>
      <t>The Gandhara sculptures-A Cultural study.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Ajanta Pub.</e>
      <p>146 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05653-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sankalia, H. D.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
         <k>37, 1-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05654" type="10100000">
      <a>Bhattacharya, Chhaya</a>
      <t>Art of Central Asia (With special reference to wooden objects from the northern Silk Route).</t>
      <e>Delhi : National Museum New-Delhi, Agem Prakashan</e>
      <p>viii, 160 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05654-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jera-Bezard, Robert</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05655" type="10100000">
      <t>Peintures monochromes de Dunhuang (Dunhuang Baihua) ; manuscrits reproduits en facsimilé, d'après les originaux inédits conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris.</t>
      <e>Paris: École Française d'Extrême-Orient</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient. Mémoires archéologiques, 13</s>
      <p>3 vols.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05656" type="10100000">
      <a>Acker, William R. B.</a>
      <t>Some T‘ang and pre-T‘ang texts on Chinese painting, Vol. II, Parts 1 and 2.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>vii, 327, 70 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05656-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Laing, E. J.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05657" type="10100000">
      <a>Cahill, James</a>
      <t>Hills beyond a river: Chinese painting of the Yüan Dynasty, 1279-1368.</t>
      <e>N. Y. &amp; Tokyo: John Weatherhill</e>
      <p>xvii, 198 pp., 8, 94 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05657-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hay, John</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05658" type="10100000">
      <a>Watt, James C. Y.//éd.</a>
      <t>The translation of art: Essays on Chinese painting and poetry.</t>
      <e>Hong Kong: Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong; Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <p>216 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05658-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Cahill, James</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05659" type="10100000">
      <a>Edwards, Richard</a>
      <t>The art of Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559).</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Museum of Art</e>
      <p>viii, 244 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05659-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Barnhart, Richard</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05659-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Girard-Geslan, Maud</r>
         <j>Arts Asiatiques</j>
   <moku id="D78S05660" type="10100000">
      <a>Brinker, Helmut</a>
      <t>Die Zen-buddhistische Bildnismalerei in China und Japan von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Eine Untersuchung zur Ikonographie, Typen- und Entwicklungsgeschichte.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Steiner</e>
      <s>Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, 10</s>
      <p>x, 279 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05660-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Boháčková, L.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05661" type="10100000">
      <a>Mallmann, Marie Thérèse de</a>
      <t>Introduction à l'iconographie du Tantrisme bouddhique.</t>
      <e>Paris: Librairie Adrien Maisonneuve</e>
      <s>Bibliothèque du Centre de recherches sur l'Asie, vol. I</s>
      <p>xii, 497 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05661-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., A. W.</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05662" type="10100000">
      <a>Brooks, Robert R. R.</a>
      <a>Wakankar, Vishnu S.</a>
      <t>Stone age painting in India.</t>
      <e>New Haven &amp; London: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 116 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05662-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Christie, Anthony</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05662-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Schmanddt-Besserat, Denise</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05662-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Dales, George F.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05662-20000004" type="20100004">
         <r>Alichin, Bridget</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05663" type="10100000">
      <a>Bhattacharya, Asok K.</a>
      <t>Technique of Indian painting.</t>
      <e>Calcutta : Saraswat Lib.</e>
      <p>174 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05663-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Topsfield, Andrew</r>
         <j>(The) Burlington Magazine</j>
         <k>120, 903</k>
   <moku id="D78S05664" type="10100000">
      <a>Chandra, Pramod</a>
      <t>The Tuti-nama of the Cleveland Museum of Art and the origins of Mughal painting. Vol. I, II.</t>
      <e>Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt</e>
      <p>204 pp., 120 pl.; 341 folios</p>
      <review id="D78S05664-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Beach, Wilo Cleveland</r>
         <j>Artibus Asiae</j>
         <k>40, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05665" type="10100000">
      <a>Archer, W. G.</a>
      <t>Visions of courtly India: The Archer Collection of Pahari miniatures.</t>
      <e>London &amp; N. Y.: Sotheby Parke Bernet Pub.</e>
      <p>xiii, 156 pp., 80 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05665-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chandra, Pramod</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05665-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Falk, Toby</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05666" type="10100000">
      <a>Aijazuddin, F. S.</a>
      <t>Pahari paintings and Sikh portraits in the Lahore Museum.</t>
      <e>London &amp; N. Y.: Sotheby Parke Bernet; Karachi &amp; Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxviii, 101 pp., 16, 280 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05666-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chandra, Pramod</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05666-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Beach, Milo Cleveland</r>
         <j>Artibus Asiae</j>
         <k>40, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05667" type="10100000">
      <a>Goswamy, B. N.</a>
      <t>Pahari paintings of the Nala-Damayati theme in the collection of Dr. Karan Singh.</t>
      <e>New Delhi: National Museum</e>
      <p>xi, 158 pp., 25, 22 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05667-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chandra, Pramod</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05667-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Beach, Milo Cleveland</r>
         <j>Artibus Asiae</j>
         <k>40, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05668" type="10100000">
      <a>Centlivres-Demont, Micheline</a>
      <t>Popular art in Afghanistan. Paintings on trucks, mosques and tea-houses.</t>
      <e>Graz: Akad. Druck-&amp; Verlagsanstalt</e>
      <p>64 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05668-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bečka, Jiří</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05669" type="10100000">
      <a>Johns, Anthony H.</a>
      <t>Cultural options and the role of tradition: A collection of essays of modern Indonesian and Malaysian literature.</t>
      <e>Canberra: Faculty of Asian Studies, in association with the Australian National Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>vi, 241 pp.</p>
      <b>Art/Industrial Arts</b>
      <review id="D78S05669-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Quinn, George</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05670" type="10100000">
      <a>Dwivedi, V. K.</a>
      <t>Indian ivories.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Agam Prakashan</e>
      <p>xx, 152 pp.</p>
      <b>Art/Industrial Arts</b>
      <review id="D78S05670-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deo, S. B.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
         <k>37, 1-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05671" type="10100000">
      <a>Dhavalikar, M. K.</a>
      <t>Masterpieces of Indian terracottas.</t>
      <e>Bombay: D. B. Taraporevala Sons &amp; Co.</e>
      <p>66 pp.</p>
      <b>Art/Industrial Arts</b>
      <review id="D78S05671-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mate, M. S.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
         <k>37, 1-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05672" type="10100000">
      <a>Medley, Margaret</a>
      <t>The Chinese potter. A practical history of Chinese ceramics.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Phaidon Pr.</e>
      <p>288 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05672-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wirgin, Jan</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05673" type="10100000">
      <a>Peterson, Harold//ed.</a>
      <t>Chinese jades: Archaic and modern, from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.</t>
      <e>London: Lund Humphries</e>
      <p>176 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05673-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Medley, Margaret</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05674" type="10100000">
      <a>Tregear, Mary</a>
      <t>Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Catalogue of Chinese greenware.</t>
      <e>Oxford: Clarendon Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 84 pp., 70 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05674-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Medley, Margaret</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05675" type="10100000">
      <a>Medley, Margaret</a>
      <t>Illustrated catalogue of celadon wares.</t>
      <e>London: School of Oriental and African Studies</e>
      <p>39 pp., 12 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05675-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gompertz, G. St. G. M.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05675-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Gompertz, G. St. G. M.</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05676" type="10100000">
      <a>Oort, H. A. van</a>
      <t>Chinese porcelain of the 19th and 20th centuries.</t>
      <e>Lochern, the Netherlands : Uitgeversmaatschappij De Tijdstroom</e>
      <p>198 pp., 245 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05676-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Upshur, Jiu-hwa Lo</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05677" type="10100000">
      <a>Brown, Roxanna M.</a>
      <t>The ceramics of South-East Asia; their dating- and identification.</t>
      <e>Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 84 pp., 63 pi.</p>
      <review id="D78S05677-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Goodall, John A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05677-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Addis, John</r>
         <j>Oriental Art</j>
         <k>24, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05678" type="10100000">
      <a>Frasché, Dean F.</a>
      <t>Southeast Asian ceramics, ninth through seventeenth centuries.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Asia Society in association with John Weatherhill Inc.</e>
      <p>144 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05678-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Christie, Anthony</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05679" type="10100000">
      <a>Anand, Mulk Raj//ed.</a>
      <t>Homage to kalamkari.</t>
      <e>Bombay: Marg Pub.</e>
      <s>Marg,XXXI, 4</s>
      <p>85 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05680" type="10100000">
      <a>Pal, Pratapaditya</a>
      <t>Bronzes of Kashimir, with 120 illustrations.</t>
      <e>Graz: Akademische Druck- &amp; Verlagsanstalt</e>
      <p>255 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05680-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Strandberg, Elisabeth</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05681" type="10100000">
      <a>Rye, O. S.</a>
      <a>Evans, C.</a>
      <t>Traditional pottery techniques of Pakistan: Field and laboratory studies.</t>
      <e>Washington, D. C. : Smithsonian Inst. Pr.</e>
      <s>Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, No. 21</s>
      <p>283 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05681-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Allan, J. W.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05682" type="10100000">
      <a>Chang, Kwang-chih</a>
      <t>The archaeology of ancient China. Third Ed.</t>
      <e>New Haven &amp; London: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xx, 535 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05682-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Smalley, I. J.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05683" type="10100000">
      <a>Barnard, Noel</a>
      <a>Sato, Tamotsu</a>
      <t>Metallurgical remains of ancient China.</t>
      <e>Tokyo: Nichiosha</e>
      <p>xxxii, 343 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05683-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Franklin, Ursula Martius</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05684" type="10100000">
      <a>Ho, Ping-ti</a>
      <t>The cradle of the East: An inquiry into the indigenous origins of techniques and ideas of neolithic and early historic China, 5000-1000 B. C.</t>
      <e>Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr.; Hong Kong: Chinese Univ. Pub. Office</e>
      <p>xxi, 440 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05684-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Aigner, Jean S.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05684-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Chang, K. C.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05684-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Кучера, С</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05685" type="10100000">
      <a>Li, Chi</a>
      <e>Seattle: The Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <p>xviii, 304 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05685-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chang, Kwang-chih</r>
         <j>Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies</j>
         <k>38, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05685-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Keightley, David N.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05685-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Bilsky, Lester J.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 5</k>
      <review id="D78S05685-20000004" type="20100004">
         <r>Smalley, I. J.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05686" type="10100000">
      <a>Alichin, Bridget</a>
      <a>Goudie, Andrew</a>
      <a>Hegde, Karunakara</a>
      <t>The prehistory and palaeogeography of the Great Indian desert.</t>
      <e>London, N. Y. &amp; San Francisco : Academic Pr.</e>
      <p>xix, 370 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05686-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sankalia, H. D.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05687" type="10100000">
      <a>Clason, A. T.</a>
      <t>Jacht en Veeteelt-van Prehistorie tot Middeleeuwen.</t>
      <e>Haarlem: Fibula van Dishoeck</e>
      <p>232 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05687-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Paddayya, K.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
         <k>37, 1-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05688" type="10100000">
      <a>Leeuw, J. E. van Lohuizen-de//ed.</a>
      <a>Ubaghs, J. J. M.//ed.</a>
      <t>South Asian archaeology 1973.</t>
      <e>Leiden: E. J. Brill</e>
      <p>xi, 187 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05688-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Possehl, Gregory L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05689" type="10100000">
      <t>Kathmandu valley. The preservation of physical environment and cultural heritage. A protective inventory.</t>
      <e>Vienne: A. Schroll</e>
      <p>2 vol. 256, 267 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05689-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Stahl, Anne Vergati</r>
         <j>Arts Asiatiques</j>
   <moku id="D78S05690" type="10100000">
      <a>Fussman, Gérard</a>
      <a>Berre, Marc Le</a>
      <t>Monuments bouddhiques de la région de Caboul. I. Le monastère de Gul Dara.</t>
      <e>Paris: Diffusion de Boccard</e>
      <s>Mémoires de le Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, Tom. XXII</s>
      <p>ix, 110 pp., 50 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05690-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bivar, A. D. H.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05690-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05691" type="10100000">
      <a>Coq, Albert von le</a>
      <a>Waldschmidt, E.</a>
      <t>Die buddhistische Spätantike in Mittelasien. VII: Neue Bildwerke, III.</t>
      <e>Graz: Akademisshe Druck- &amp; Verlagsanstalt</e>
      <p>80 pp., 34 pl.</p>
      <review id="D78S05691-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gabain, A. von</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05692" type="10100000">
      <a>Gropp, Gerd</a>
      <t>Archäologische Funde aus Khotan. Chinesisch-Ostturkestan. Die Trinkler-Sammlung im Übersee-Museum, Bremen.</t>
      <e>Bremen: Röver</e>
      <s>Monographien der Wittheit zu Bremen, 11</s>
      <p>409 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05692-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Zieme, P.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05692-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Jera-Bezerd, Robert</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05693" type="10100000">
      <a>Coq, Albert von Le</a>
      <t>Auf Hellas Spuren in Ostturkistan. Berichte und Abenteuer der II. und III. deutschen Turfan-Expedition.</t>
      <e>Graz: Akad. Druck &amp; Verl.</e>
      <p>166 pp., 52 Taf.</p>
      <review id="D78S05693-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kampman, A. A.</r>
         <j>Bibliotheca Orientalis</j>
         <k>34. 5-6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05694" type="10100000">
      <t>Якутия и ее соседи в древности.. Якутск</t>
      <review id="D78S05694-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Гришин, Ю. С.</r>
         <r>Матюшин, Г. Н.</r>
         <j>Советская Археология</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05695" type="10100000">
      <a>Петренко, В. Г.</a>
      <t>Украшени Скифии, Vll-IIIвв. до Н. Э.</t>
      <e>Москва: Наука</e>
      <s>Археология СССР; свод археологических источников. Вып. Д4-5</s>
      <p>141 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05696" type="10100000">
      <a>Hume, Gary W.</a>
      <t>The Ladizian: An industry of the Asian chopper-chopping tool complex in Iranian Baluchistan.</t>
      <e>Philadelphia: Dorrance</e>
      <p>xv, 296 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05696-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Speth, John D.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80. 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05697" type="10100000">
      <a>Mahadevan, Iravatham</a>
      <t>The Indus script: Texts, concordance, and tables.</t>
      <e>New Delhi : Archaeological Survey of India</e>
      <p>829 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/General</b>
      <review id="D78S05697-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sankalia, H. D.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute</j>
         <k>37, 1-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05698" type="10100000">
      <a>Gaur, Albertine</a>
      <t>Indian charters on copper plates in the department of Oriental manuscripts and printed books.</t>
      <e>London: Britisn Museum Pub.</e>
      <p>xv, 41 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Inscriptions on Metal</b>
      <review id="D78S05698-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Burrow, T.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05698-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Maurer, Walter Harding</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05699" type="10100000">
      <a>Koskenniemi, Seppo</a>
      <a>Parpola, Asko</a>
      <a>Parpola, Simo</a>
      <t>Materials for the study of the Indus script. I: A concordance to the Indus inscriptions.</t>
      <s>Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia-Annales Acad. Scientiarum Fennicae, Sarja-Ser. B, Nide Tom. 185</s>
      <p>xxviii, 528, 55 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Inscriptions on Stone</b>
      <review id="D78S05699-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rau, W.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05700" type="10100000">
      <a>Pridmore, F.</a>
      <t>The coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations to the end of the reign of George VI, 1952. Part 4: India. Vol. 1: East India Company, presidency series c!642-1835.</t>
      <e>London: Spink &amp; Son</e>
      <p>xxv, 275 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Numismatics and Seals</b>
      <review id="D78S05700-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Deyell, J. S.</r>
         <r>Frykenberg, R. E.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05701" type="10100000">
      <a>Rasidondug, Š.//tr.</a>
      <t>Petitions and grievances submitted by the people (18th-beginning of the 20th century).</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen, Bd. 44</s>
      <p>x, 209 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05701-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Serruys, Henry</r>
         <j>Monumenta Serica</j>
   <moku id="D78S05702" type="10100000">
      <a>Heissig, Walther</a>
      <t>Die mongolischen Handschriften reste aus Olon Süme, Innere Mongolei (16. -17. Jhdt.).</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden : Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Asiatische Forschungen, Bd. 46</s>
      <p>viii, 634 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05702-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05703" type="10100000">
      <a>Лувсанбалдан, Х.</a>
      <t>Тод усэг, тууний дурасгалууд.</t>
      <p>356 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05703-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Раднаев, В. Э.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05704" type="10100000">
      <a>Schuh, Dieter</a>
      <t>Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke sowie Tonbandaufnahmen tibetischer Erzählungen.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: F. Steiner V.</e>
      <s>Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Bd. XI, 5</s>
      <p>xxxviii, 338 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05704-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Stein, R. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient</j>
         <k>65, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05705" type="10100000">
      <a>Schuh, Dieter</a>
      <t>Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Bd. XI, 6, Gesammelte Werke des Koṅ-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas.</s>
      <p>xxviii, 350 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05705-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Stein, R. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient</j>
         <k>65, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05705-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Dargyay, E. K.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05706" type="10100000">
      <a>Terjék, József</a>
      <t>Collection of Tibetan MSS and xylographs of Alexander Csoma de Körös.</t>
      <e>Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akad. Könyvtára</e>
      <p>114 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05706-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mejor, Marek</r>
         <j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05707" type="10100000">
      <a>Casparis, J. G. de</a>
      <t>Indonesian palaeography.</t>
      <e>Leiden &amp; Köln: E. J. Brill</e>
      <s>Handbuch der Orientalistik, Dritte Abteilung, Vierter Bd., Erste Lieferung</s>
      <p>viii, 96 pp., 10 pl.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05707-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Echols, John M.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05708" type="10100000">
      <a>Ricklefs, M. C.</a>
      <a>Voorhoeve, P.</a>
      <t>Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain: A catalogue of manuscripts in Indonesian languages in British public collections.</t>
      <e>Oxford : Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>London Oriental Bibliographies, Vol. 5</s>
      <p>xxix, 237 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05708-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Roolvink, R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05709" type="10100000">
      <a>Naerssen, F. H. van</a>
      <a>Pigeaud, Th.</a>
      <a>Voorhoeve, P.</a>
      <t>Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts. Xylographs, &amp; c. in Danish Collection. Vol. 4, Part. 2. Old Javanese charters. Javanese, Malay &amp; Lampung manuscripts. Mads Lange's Balinese letters &amp; official letters in Indonesian languages.</t>
      <e>Copenhagen: The Royal Lib.</e>
      <p>179 pp.</p>
      <b>Inscription and Palaeography/Palaeography</b>
      <review id="D78S05709-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pareja, F. M.</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05710" type="10100000">
      <a>Axelsen, Hans Guldberg</a>
      <t>The Sherpas of the Solu District.</t>
      <e>Copenhagen: Hist. Filos. Vid. Selsk.</e>
      <p>71 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05710-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>K., P.</r>
         <j>Kaliash, A journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05711" type="10100000">
      <a>Гурвич, И. С.</a>
      <t>Кулътура северных якутов-оленеводов(К вопросу о поздних этапах формирования якутского народа).</t>
      <p>245 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05711-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Окладников, А. П.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05712" type="10100000">
      <a>Pirazzolit-t'Serstevens, Michèle</a>
      <t>La civilisation du royaume de Dian à l'époque Han d'après le matériel exhumé à Shizhai shan (Yunnan).</t>
      <e>Paris: École Française d'Extrême-Orient</e>
      <s>Pub. de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. XCIV</s>
      <p>339 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05712-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pokora, Timoteus</r>
         <j>Asiatische Studien</j>
         <k>32, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05713" type="10100000">
      <a>Hicks, David</a>
      <t>Tetum ghosts and kin: Fieldwork in an Indonesian community.</t>
      <e>Palo Alto. Calif.: Mayfield</e>
      <p>143 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05713-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Peacock, James</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05714" type="10100000">
      <a>Fox, James J.</a>
      <t>Harvest of the palm: Ecological change in eastern Indonesia.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xv, 290 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05714-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Niel, Robert van</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05715" type="10100000">
      <a>Členov, M. A.</a>
      <t>Naselenie molukkskiu ostrovov (Population of the Molucca Islands).</t>
      <e>Moscow: Nauka</e>
      <p>285 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05715-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dunn, Stephen P.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05716" type="10100000">
      <a>Anatriello, Pasquale</a>
      <t>Al ritmo dei sacri tamburi: Storia costumi credenze dei popoli Kayah dell'Unione Birmana.</t>
      <e>Bologna : Editrice Missionaria Italiana</e>
      <s>Collana ‘Studi e Saggi', 4</s>
      <p>216 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05716-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Henderson, Eugénie J. A.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05717" type="10100000">
      <a>Burton, Richard F.</a>
      <t>Sindh and the races that inhabit the valley of the Indus.</t>
      <e>Karachi, London, N. Y., Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xxiv, 427 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05717-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Schimmel, A. S.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05718" type="10100000">
      <a>Седловская, А. Н.</a>
      <t>Малые народы Бихара (историко-этнографический очерк).</t>
      <p>125 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05718-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кочнов, В. И.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05719" type="10100000">
      <a>Gautam, Mohan K.</a>
      <t>In search of an identity: A case of the Santal of northern India.</t>
      <e>Leiden: the author</e>
      <p>xvi, 296 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05719-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Selwyn, Tom</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05720" type="10100000">
      <a>Messerschmidt, Donald A.</a>
      <t>The Gurungs of Nepal: Conflict and change in a village society.</t>
      <e>Warminster: Aris &amp; Phillips</e>
      <p>151 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05720-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hitchcock, John</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05721" type="10100000">
      <a>Macfarlane, Alan</a>
      <t>Resources and population: A study of the Gurungs of Nepal.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Studies in Social Anthropology 12</s>
      <p>xviii, 364 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05721-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hitchcock, John</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05721-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Blustain, Harvey S.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05722" type="10100000">
      <a>Jest, Corneille</a>
      <t>Dolpo. Communautés de langue tibétaine du Népal.</t>
      <s>Cahiers Népalais. Ed. du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique</s>
      <p>481 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05722-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dargyay, E. K.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05723" type="10100000">
      <a>Axelsen, Hans Guldberg</a>
      <t>The Sherpas in the Solu district: A preliminary report on ethnological field research in the Solu district of north-eastern Nepal.</t>
      <e>Copenhagen: Royal Danish Acad. of Sciences &amp; Letters</e>
      <s>Historisk-Filosofiske Meddelelser 47, 7</s>
      <p>71 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05723-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Paul, Robert A.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05724" type="10100000">
      <a>Snoy, Peter</a>
      <t>Bagrot: Eine dardische Talschaft im Karakorum.</t>
      <e>Graz, Austria: Akad. Druck- &amp; Verlagsanstalt</e>
      <s>Bergvölker im Hindukush &amp; Karakorum Ser., 2</s>
      <p>245 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05724-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Löffler, Reinhold L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05724-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Ferdinand, Klaus</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
      <review id="D78S05724-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Fussman, Gérard</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05725" type="10100000">
      <a>Dor, R.</a>
      <t>Contribution à l'étude des Kirghiz du Pamir Afghan.</t>
      <s>Cahiers Turcica, I</s>
      <p>341 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05725-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Мокеев, А. М.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05726" type="10100000">
      <a>Смоляк, А. В.</a>
      <t>Этнические процессы у народов Нижнего Амура и Сахалина (середина ХⅠХ-начало XX в.)</t>
      <p>231 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05726-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Кабо, В. Р.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05727" type="10100000">
      <a>Bodde, Derk</a>
      <t>Festivals in classical China; New Year and other annual observances during the Han dynasty 206 B. C. -A. D. 220.</t>
      <e>Princeton, New Jerser: Princeton Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xvi, 439 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05727-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hulsewé, A. F. P.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 1-3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05728" type="10100000">
      <a>Chang, K. C.//ed.</a>
      <t>Food in Chinese culture: Authropological and historical perspectives.</t>
      <e>New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>ix, 429 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05728-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Lawless, Robert</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05728-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Baker, Hugh D. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05728-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Haeger, John W.</r>
         <j>Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies</j>
         <k>38, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05728-20000004" type="20100004">
         <r>Hayford, Charles W.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05729" type="10100000">
      <a>Gupta, Tapan Kumar Das</a>
      <t>Der Vajra, eine vedische Waffe.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <s>Alt- &amp; Neu- Indische Studien 16</s>
      <p>119 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05729-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Krick, H.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
      <review id="D78S05729-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
      <review id="D78S05729-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Brockington, J. L.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05730" type="10100000">
      <a>Khare, Ravindra S.</a>
      <t>Culture and reality: Essays on the Hindu system of managing foods.</t>
      <e>Simla: Indian Inst. of Advanced Study</e>
      <p>xxi, 210 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05730-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Parry, J. P.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05730-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Beech, Mary Higdon</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05731" type="10100000">
      <a>Khare, Ravindra S.</a>
      <t>The Hindu hearth and home.</t>
      <e>Durham, N. C.: Carolina Academic Pr.</e>
      <p>ix, 315 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05731-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Parry, J. P.</r>
         <j>Man, the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</j>
         <k>13, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05731-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Beech, Mary Higdon</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05732" type="10100000">
      <a>Sagant, Philippe</a>
      <t>Le Paysan Limbu: Sa maison et ses champs.</t>
      <e>Paris: Mouton</e>
      <p>404 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05732-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Gellner, Ernest</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05733" type="10100000">
      <a>Дьяконова, В. П.</a>
      <t>Погребалъный обряд тувинцев как историкоэтногра-фаческий источник.</t>
      <p>163 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Manners and Customs</b>
      <review id="D78S05733-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Поляков, С. П.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05734" type="10100000">
      <a>Wang, C. H.</a>
      <t>The bell and the drum: Shih Ching as formulaic poetry in an oral tradition.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 153 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05734-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Dudbridge, G.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05735" type="10100000">
      <a>Ting, Nai-tung</a>
      <a>Ting, Lee-hsia</a>
      <t>Chinese folk narratives. A bibliographical guide.</t>
      <e>San Francisco</e>
      <s>Chinese Materials &amp; Research Aids Service Center, Inc. Bibliographical Aids Ser., No. 4</s>
      <p>68 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05735-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Eder, Matthias</r>
         <j>Asian Folklore Studies</j>
         <k>37, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05736" type="10100000">
      <a>Eberhard, Wolfram</a>
      <t>Studies in Hakka folktales. Ed. by Lou Tsu-k'uang.</t>
      <e>The Orient Cultural Service</e>
      <s>Asian Folklore &amp; Social Life Monographs, 61</s>
      <p>iv, 277 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05736-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fried, Morton H.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
   <moku id="D78S05737" type="10100000">
      <a>Eliasberg, Danielle</a>
      <t>Le roman du pourfendeur de démons.</t>
      <e>Paris: Collège de France, Inst. des hautes études chinoises</e>
      <p>424 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05737-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Robinet, Isabelle</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05738" type="10100000">
      <a>Nebesky-Wojkowitz, René de</a>
      <t>Tibetan religious dances. Ed. by Ch. von Fürer-Haimendorf.</t>
      <e>The Hague &amp; Paris: Mouton</e>
      <p>viii, 319 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05738-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., A. W.</r>
         <j>Kailash, A Journal of Himalayan Studies</j>
         <k>5. 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05739" type="10100000">
      <a>Lee, Peter H.</a>
      <t>Songs of Flying Dragons', a critical reading.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Harvard- Yenching Inst. Monograph Ser., Vol. 22</s>
      <p>xvii, 314 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05739-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>McCann, David R.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05740" type="10100000">
      <a>Brun, Viggo</a>
      <t>Sug, the trickster who fooled the monk: A northern Thai tale with vocabulary.</t>
      <e>London: Curzon Pr.</e>
      <s>Scandinavian Inst. of Asian Studies Monograph Ser., No. 27</s>
      <p>191 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05740-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Chitakasem, M.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05740-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Lindell, Kristina</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05741" type="10100000">
      <a>Lindell, Kristina//ed.</a>
      <t>А Kammu story-listener's tales.</t>
      <e>Lund: Curzon Pr.</e>
      <s>Scandinavian Inst. of Asian Studies Monograph No. 33</s>
      <p>113 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05741-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Eder, Matthias</r>
         <j>Asian Folklore Studies</j>
         <k>37, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05742" type="10100000">
      <a>Pink, Peter Wilhelm//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Gathutkaca nagih janji: Gathutkaca fordert die Einlösung eines Versprechens. Lakon des javanischen wayang purwa, aufgeführt von Radên Soetrisno.</t>
      <e>Berlin: Dietrich Reimer</e>
      <s>Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universitat Hamburg, Bd. 12.</s>
      <p>vi, 516 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05742-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ricklefs, M. C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05743" type="10100000">
      <a>Manik, Liberty</a>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Steiner</e>
      <p>x, 253 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05743-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Roolvink, R.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05744" type="10100000">
      <a>Kapp, Dieter B.</a>
      <t>Ein Menschenschöp-fungsmythos der Mundas und seine Parallelen.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft</e>
      <s>Abdhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes XLIII, 2</s>
      <p>ix, 64pp</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05744-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Eder, Matthias</r>
         <j>Asian Folklore Studies</j>
         <k>37, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05744-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Krick, H.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05745" type="10100000">
      <a>O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger</a>
      <t>The origins of evil in Hindu mythology.</t>
      <e>Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 411pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05745-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Das, Veena</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05746" type="10100000">
      <a>Ghosh, Manomohan//ed. &amp;tr.</a>
      <t>Nandikeśvara's Abhinayadarpaṇam: A manual of gesture and posture used in ancient Indian dance and drama. 3d Rev. Ed.</t>
      <e>Calcutta: Manisha Granthalaya</e>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05746-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Jones, Clifford Reis</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05747" type="10100000">
      <a>Vatsyayan, Kapila</a>
      <t>Traditions of Indian folk dance.</t>
      <e>New Delhi : Indian Book Co.</e>
      <p>280 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Mythology, Folk Tales and Songs</b>
      <review id="D78S05747-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Erdman, Joan L.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05748" type="10100000">
      <a>Wolf, Arthur P.//ed.</a>
      <t>Religion and ritual in Chinese society.</t>
      <e>Stanford : Stanford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xii, 377 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Belief and Rites</b>
      <review id="D78S05748-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fried, Morton H.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05749" type="10100000">
      <a>Rolland, Pierre</a>
      <t>Compléments au rituel domestique védique. Le Vārāhagṛhya-puruṣa.</t>
      <e>Aix: Éditions de l'Univ. de Provence</e>
      <s>Études indiennes, 3</s>
      <p>218 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Belief and Rites</b>
      <review id="D78S05749-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Filliozat, Jean</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05750" type="10100000">
      <a>Hitchcock, John T.//ed.</a>
      <a>Jones, Rex L.//ed.</a>
      <t>Spirit possession in the Nepal Himalayas.</t>
      <e>Warminster, England: Aris &amp; Phillips</e>
      <p>xxviii, 401 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Belief and Rites</b>
      <review id="D78S05750-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Blustain, Harvey S.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05751" type="10100000">
      <t>Природа а человек в религиозных представлениях народов Сибири и Севера (вторая половина ХⅠХ-начало XX в.).</t>
      <p>333 pp.</p>
      <b>Ethnography/Belief and Rites</b>
      <review id="D78S05751-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Бутинова, М. С.</r>
         <r>Соколова, З. П.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05752" type="10100000">
      <a>Parret, Herman//ed.</a>
      <t>History of linguistic thought and contemporary linguistics.</t>
      <e>Berlin &amp; N. Y.: Walter de Gruyter</e>
      <p>ix, 816 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05752-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rocher, Rosane</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05753" type="10100000">
      <a>Masica, Colin P.</a>
      <t>Defining a linguistic area: South Asia.</t>
      <e>Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 234 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05753-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sherzer, Joel</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05754" type="10100000">
      <a>Jamieson, John C.</a>
      <a>Shih, Li-lin</a>
      <t>Elementary Chinese Companion. Vol. 1.</t>
      <s>Studies in Chinese Terminology Nr. 16</s>
      <p>418 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05754-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Martin, Helmut</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05755" type="10100000">
      <a>Chi, Wen-shun//comp.</a>
      <t>Chinese-English dictionary of contemporary usage.</t>
      <e>Berkeley, etc.: Univ. of Calif. Pr.</e>
      <p>xix, 484 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05755-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Baker, Hugh D. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05755-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Norman, Jerry</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05756" type="10100000">
      <a>Mateos, Fernando//ed.</a>
      <a>Otegui, Miguel//ed.</a>
      <a>Arrizabalaga, Ignacio//ed.</a>
      <t>Diccionario español de la lengua china.</t>
      <e>Madrid: Inst. Ricci. Espasa-Calpe</e>
      <p>xxxviii, 1140, 179 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05756-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Colinas, J. A.</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05757" type="10100000">
      <a>Coyaud, Maurice</a>
      <t>Classification nominale en chinois. Les particules numérales.</t>
      <e>La Haye &amp; Paris: Mouton</e>
      <p>82 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05757-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kalousková, J.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05758" type="10100000">
      <a>Howie, John Marshall</a>
      <t>Acoustical studies of Mandarin vowels and tones.</t>
      <e>Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <s>Princeton-Cambridge Studies in Chinese Linguistics, VI</s>
      <p>xxiii, 280 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05758-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bennett, David C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05759" type="10100000">
      <a>Milsky, Constantin</a>
      <t>Préparation de la réforme de l'écriture en République Populaire de Chine 1949-2954.</t>
      <e>Paris: Mouton</e>
      <p>507 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05759-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Børdahl, Vibeke</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05760" type="10100000">
      <a>Chao, Yuen Ren</a>
      <t>Aspects of Chinese sociolinguistics: Essays by Yuen Ren Chao. Ed. by Anwar S. Dil.</t>
      <e>Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xiv, 415 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05760-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Peng, Fred C. C.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05761" type="10100000">
      <a>Miller, Roy Andrew</a>
      <t>Studies in the grammatical tradition in Tibet.</t>
      <e>Amsterdam : John Benjamins B. V.</e>
      <s>Amsterdam Studies in the Theory &amp; History of Linguistic Science. Ser. Ill-Studies in the History of Linguistics, Vol. 6</s>
      <p>xix, 142 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05761-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sprigg, R. K.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05761-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Houston, G. W.</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05762" type="10100000">
      <a>Kitamura, Hajime//ed.</a>
      <t>Glo Skad. A material of a Tibetan dialect in the Nepal Himalayas.</t>
      <e>Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa</e>
      <s>Monumenta Serindica No. 3</s>
      <p>114 pp.</p>
   <moku id="D78S05763" type="10100000">
      <a>Menges, Karl H.</a>
      <t>Altajische Studien. Ⅱ. Japanisch und Altajisch.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Kommissionsverl. Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, XLI, 3</s>
      <p>v, 157 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05763-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bynon, Theodora</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05763-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Doerfer, Gerhard</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05764" type="10100000">
      <a>Sem, L. I.</a>
      <t>Očerki dialektov nanajskogo jazyka, Bikinskij (ussurijskij) dialekt (Outlines of Nanai dialects, the Bikin (Ussuri) dialect).</t>
      <p>212 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05764-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05765" type="10100000">
      <a>Boldyrev, B. V.</a>
      <t>Kategorija kosvennoj prinadležnosti v tungusoman'čžurskix jazykax (The category of indirect possession in Manchu- Tungus languages).</t>
      <e>Moskva : Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"</e>
      <p>151 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05765-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05766" type="10100000">
      <a>Grøenbech, Kaare</a>
      <a>Krueger, John R.</a>
      <t>An introduction to classical (literary) Mongolian, Second Ed., Rev. with a new supplement.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <p>x, 91 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05766-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
      <review id="D78S05766-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Clark, Larry V.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05767" type="10100000">
      <a>Kałuażyński, Stanisław</a>
      <t>Die Sprache des mandschurischen Stammes Sibe aus der Gegend von Kuldscha. I Band, l F. Muromski sibenische Texte, 2 Wörterverzeichnis.</t>
      <e>Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe</e>
      <s>Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet nauk orientalistycznych. Prace Orientalistyczne Tom XXV</s>
      <p>287 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05767-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poucha, Pavel</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
      <review id="D78S05767-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Bese, Lajos</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05768" type="10100000">
      <a>Žagvaral, R.</a>
      <t>Mongol xėlnij xündėtgėlijn üg (The honorific words in Mongolian, Ed. by Sh. Luvsanvandan.</t>
      <e>Ulaanbaatar: The Pub. House of the Office of People's Education of the Mongolian People's Republic</e>
      <p>172 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05768-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05769" type="10100000">
      <a>Tatarincev, B. I.</a>
      <t>Mongol'skoe jazykovoe vlijanie na tuvinskuju leksiku.</t>
      <e>Kyzyl: Tuvknigoizdat</e>
      <p>129 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05769-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bese, Lajos</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05770" type="10100000">
      <a>Krueger, John</a>
      <t>The Kalmyk-Mongolian vocabulary in Strahlenberg's geography of 1730.</t>
      <e>Stockholm: The Royal Akademy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Alm-quist &amp; Wiksell International</e>
      <s>Asiatica Suecana, Early 18th Century Documents and Studies, Vol. 1</s>
      <p>205 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05770-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bese, Lajos</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 3</k>
      <review id="D78S05770-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05771" type="10100000">
      <a>Weiers, Michael</a>
      <t>Schriftliche Quellen in Mogolī. 2 Teil: Bearbeitung der Texte.</t>
      <e>Opladen: West-deutscher Verl.</e>
      <s>Abhandlungen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Akad. der Wissenschaften, Bd. 59; Materialien zur Sprache und Literatur der Mongolen von Afghanistan III</s>
      <p>175 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05771-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Doerfer, Gerhard</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>32, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05772" type="10100000">
      <a>Doerfer, Gerhard</a>
      <t>Türkische und mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung älterer neupersischer Geschichtsquellen, vor allem der Mongolen- und Timuridenzeit, Bd. IV: Türkische Elemente im Neupersischen (Schluß) und Register zur Gesamtarbeit.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner</e>
      <s>Akad. der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Veröffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission, Bd. XXI</s>
      <p>640 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05772-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05773" type="10100000">
      <a>Atsïz, Bedriye</a>
      <a>Kißl-ing, Hans-Joachim</a>
      <t>Sammlung türkischer Redensarten.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz</e>
      <p>vi, 186 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05773-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Johanson, L.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05774" type="10100000">
      <a>Stebleva, I. V.</a>
      <t>Poėtika drevnetjurkskoj literatury i ee transformacija v ranneklassičeskij period (Poetics of ancient Turkic literature and its transformation in the early classical period).</t>
      <e>Moskva: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"</e>
      <p>214 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05774-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05775" type="10100000">
      <a>Wendt, Heinz. F.</a>
      <t>Langenscheidts praktisches Lehrbuch Türkisch.</t>
      <e>Berlin, München &amp; Zürich: Langenscheidt</e>
      <p>430 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05775-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Kleinmichel, S.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05776" type="10100000">
      <a>Tekin, Talât</a>
      <t>Ana türkçede aslî uzun ünlüler (The primary long vowels in proto-Turkic).</t>
      <s>Hacettepe Üniversitesi yayinlari B. 15</s>
      <p>278 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05776-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05777" type="10100000">
      <a>Drimba, Vladimir</a>
      <t>Syntaxe comane.</t>
      <e>Bucureşti &amp; Leiden</e>
      <p>335 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05777-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Benzing, Johannes</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05778" type="10100000">
      <a>Sasse, Werner</a>
      <t>Das glossar Koryŏ-pangŏn im Kyerim-yusa.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz</e>
      <s>Veröffentlichungen des Ostasien-Inst. der Ruhr-Univ. Bochum 18</s>
      <p>vi, 155 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05778-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mende, Erling v.</r>
         <j>Central Asiatic Journal</j>
         <k>22, 1-2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05779" type="10100000">
      <a>Lewin, Bruno</a>
      <a>Kim, Tschong Dae</a>
      <t>Einführung in die koreanische Sprache.</t>
      <e>Heilbronn: Verl. Vorspann-Werbung</e>
      <p>328 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05779-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Klöslová, Zdenka</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05780" type="10100000">
      <a>Никольского, Л. Б.</a>
      <a>Ху, Цой Ден</a>
      <t>Болъшой корейско-рчсский словаръ. В двух томах. Около 150,000 слов.</t>
      <e>Москва: 《Русский язык》</e>
      <p>i, 812; ii, 672 pp.</p>
      <b>Philology/Uralic and Altaic</b>
      <review id="D78S05780-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Концевич, Л. Р.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05781" type="10100000">
      <a>Wojowasito, S.</a>
      <t>Kamus Kawi (Jawa-Kuno) -Indonesia.</t>
      <e>Malang: disusun dengan urutan abjad Latin dan dalam Ejaan baru, Penerbit C. V. Pengarang</e>
      <p>231 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05781-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Soravia, Giulio</r>
         <j>Istituto Orientale di Napoli. Annali</j>
         <k>28, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05782" type="10100000">
      <a>Stokhof, W. A. L.</a>
      <t>Preliminary notes on the Alor and Pantar languages (East Indonesia).</t>
      <s>Pacific Linguistics, Ser. B, No. 43</s>
      <p>vi, 73 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05782-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Членов, М. А.</r>
         <j>Советская этнография</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05783" type="10100000">
      <a>Voorhoeve, P.</a>
      <t>Codices Batacici.</t>
      <e>Leiden: Univ. Pars</e>
      <s>Codices Manuscriti, XIX</s>
      <p>538 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05783-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Парникель, Б. Б.</r>
         <j>Народы Азии и Африки</j>
         <k>1978, 5</k>
   <moku id="D78S05784" type="10100000">
      <a>Ghatage, A. M.//ed.</a>
      <t>An encyclopaedic dictionary of Sanskrit on historical principles. Vol. 1. Parts I-II.</t>
      <e>Poona: Deccan College Postgraduate &amp; Research Inst.</e>
      <smoku id="D78S05784-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>vi, Ixxxviii</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05784-11000002" type="10100002">
      <review id="D78S05784-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Wright, J. C.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05784-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Wojtilla, Gyula</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05785" type="10100000">
      <a>Morgenroth, W.</a>
      <t>Lehrbuch des Sanskrit. Grammatik, Lektionen, Glossar.</t>
      <e>VEB Verl. Enzyklopädie Leipzig</e>
      <p>365 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05785-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Mesquita, R.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05786" type="10100000">
      <a>Coulson, Michael</a>
      <t>Sanskrit: An introduction to the classical language.</t>
      <e>London: Hodder &amp; Stoughton</e>
      <p>xxx, 493 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05786-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Smith, John D.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05786-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Fišer, Ivo</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05787" type="10100000">
      <a>Mylius, Klaus</a>
      <t>Wörterbuch Sanskrit-Deutsch.</t>
      <e>VEB Verl. Enzyklopädie Leipzig</e>
      <p>583 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05787-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Krick, H.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05788" type="10100000">
      <a>Schwarz, Wolfgang</a>
      <t>Rückläufiges Wörterbuch des Altindischen. Reverse index of old Indian. Lieferung 2 :°chada-°sāra-; Lieferung 3:°sära- stheyā.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Verl. Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <smoku id="D78S05788-11000001" type="10100001">
         <p>209-416 pp.</p>
      <smoku id="D78S05788-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>417-624 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05788-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Krick, H.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05789" type="10100000">
      <a>Верма, Вимлеш Канти</a>
      <t>Учебник по хинди.</t>
      <e>София: Софийский Университет Климент Охридски, катедра по източни езици</e>
      <p>655 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05789-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Rutkowska, Tatiana</r>
         <j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05790" type="10100000">
      <a>Handoo, Jawaharlal</a>
      <a>Handoo, Lalita</a>
      <t>Hindi-Kashmiri common vocabulary.</t>
      <e>Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages</e>
      <p>xiv, 292 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05790-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., V.</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05791" type="10100000">
      <a>Wezler, Albrecht</a>
      <t>Bestimmung und Angabe der Funktion von Sekundä r-Suffixen durch Pāṇini.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl.</e>
      <p>xiii, 155 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05791-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Werba, Ch.</r>
         <j>Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie</j>
   <moku id="D78S05792" type="10100000">
      <a>Morgenstierne, Georg</a>
      <t>Indo-Iranian frontier languages, vol. ix. The Kalasha language, 2nd edition.</t>
      <e>Oslo, Bergen, Tromsö: Universitetsforlaget</e>
      <p>viii, 254 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05792-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., V.</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05793" type="10100000">
      <a>Mayrhofer, Manfred</a>
      <t>Die Arier im Vorderen Orient-ein Mythos?</t>
      <e>Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften</e>
      <s>Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, Bd. 294, Abh. 3</s>
      <review id="D78S05793-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Słuszkiewicz, Eugeniusz</r>
         <j>Rocznik Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>39, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05794" type="10100000">
      <a>Henning, W. B.</a>
      <t>Selected papers.</t>
      <e>Téhéran, Liège: Bibliothèque Pahlavi</e>
      <s>Acta Iranica, 14-15; Deuxième Sér. Hommages et Opera Minora, Vols. V-VI</s>
      <p>2 vols, viii, 652; vii, 667 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05794-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Sims-Williams, Nicholas</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05795" type="10100000">
      <a>Schiff man, Harold F.//ed.</a>
      <a>Eastman, Carol M.//ed.</a>
      <t>Dravidian phonological systems.</t>
      <e>Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr.</e>
      <p>xxii, 409 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05795-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Katre, Lalita S.</r>
         <j>American Anthropologist</j>
         <k>80, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05796" type="10100000">
      <a>Bryant, Estrella S.//ed.</a>
      <t>Bibliography of Asian Studies, 1975.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor: Assoc. for Asian Studies</e>
      <p>xlviii, 738 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
   <moku id="D78S05797" type="10100000">
      <t>Art et archéologie. Proche-Orient, Asie, Amérique.</t>
      <e>Paris: Centre de Documentation du C. N. R. S. Vol. XXXII, 2, 3, 4</e>
      <s>Bulletin Signalétique, 526</s>
      <p>46, 50, 48 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
   <moku id="D78S05798" type="10100000">
      <t>A bibliography of Chinese newspapers and periodicals in European libraries.</t>
      <e>Cambridge, London, N. Y. &amp; Melbourne: Cambridge Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>viii, 1037 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05798-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Behrsing, S.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05799" type="10100000">
      <a>Emerson John Philip//comp.</a>
      <t>The provinces of the People's Republic of China: A political and economic bibliography.</t>
      <e>Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Pr. Office</e>
      <s>International Population Statistics Reports, Ser., P-90, No. 25</s>
      <p>xii, 734 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05799-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Ting, Wiliam Pang-yu</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05800" type="10100000">
      <t>Philosophie. Tables annuelles.</t>
      <e>Paris: Centre de Documentation du C. N. R. S. Vol. XXXII</e>
      <s>Bulletin Signalétique, 519</s>
      <p>108 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
   <moku id="D78S05801" type="10100000">
      <t>Art et archeologie. Tables annuelles.</t>
      <e>Paris: Centre de Documentation du C. N. R. S. Vol. XXXII</e>
      <s>Bulletin Signalétique, 526</s>
      <p>50 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
   <moku id="D78S05802" type="10100000">
      <a>Simon, W.</a>
      <a>Nelson, H. G. H.</a>
      <t>Manchu books in London. A Union Catalogue.</t>
      <e>London: British Museum Pub.</e>
      <p>182 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05802-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>神田 信夫</r>
         <k>59, 3 • 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05803" type="10100000">
      <a>Toyo Bunko, the Seminar on Tidet//ed.</a>
      <t>Provisional title-index of the Toyo Bunko collection of Tibetan works.</t>
      <p>62 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
   <moku id="D78S05804" type="10100000">
      <a>Shulman, Frank Joseph//cоmр. &amp;ed.</a>
      <t>Doctoral dissertations on Japan and Korea, 1969-1974. A classified bibliographical listing of international research.</t>
      <e>Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms International</e>
      <p>x, 78 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05804-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hernádi, András</r>
         <r>Klára Mészáros</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia, Hungaricae</j>
         <k>32, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05805" type="10100000">
      <a>Toyo Bunko, the Seminar on South and South-East Asian History//ed.</a>
      <t>Classified catalogue of books in Western language on South-East Asia in the Toyo Bunko.</t>
      <e>Tokyo: Toyo Bunko</e>
      <p>v, 317 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
   <moku id="D78S05806" type="10100000">
      <a>Schwarz, Wolfgang</a>
      <a>Pfeiffer, Oskar E.</a>
      <t>Rückläufiges Wörterbuch des Altindischen-Reverse index of Old Indian.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <smoku id="D78S05806-11000001" type="10100001">
      <smoku id="D78S05806-11000002" type="10100002">
         <p>417-624 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05806-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Parpola, Asko</r>
         <j>Acta Orientalia</j>
   <moku id="D78S05807" type="10100000">
      <a>Gaur, Ganesh</a>
      <t>Catalogue of Paniabi printed books added to the India Office Library 1902-1964.</t>
      <e>London: Foreign and Commonwealth Office</e>
      <p>xiv, 404 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05807-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>M., V.</r>
         <j>Archiv Orientalni</j>
         <k>46, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05808" type="10100000">
      <a>Boulnois, L.</a>
      <t>Bibliographie du Népal. Vol. 1 Sciences humaines, références en langues européennes. Supplément 1967-1973.</t>
      <e>Paris: Éd. Nova</e>
      <p>435 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05808-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Vergati-Stahl, Anne</r>
         <j>Journal Asiatique</j>
         <k>266, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05809" type="10100000">
      <a>Goonetileke, H. A. I.</a>
      <t>A bibliography of Ceylon: A systematic guide to the literature on the land, people, history and culture published in Western languages from the sixteenth century to the present day. Vol. I, II, III.</t>
      <e>Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Co.</e>
      <s>Bibliotheca Asiatica, 5, 14</s>
      <d>1970, 1976</d>
      <p>Ixxx, 408 pp.; xi, 456 pp.; xxxvii, 507 pp.</p>
      <b>Bibliography/Catalogues and Bibliographies</b>
      <review id="D78S05809-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Diehl, Katharine Smith</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05810" type="10100000">
      <t>Korea Annual 1974.</t>
      <e>Seoul: Hapdong News Agency</e>
      <p>665 pp.</p>
      <b>Series and Periodicals</b>
      <review id="D78S05810-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Picht, H.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05811" type="10100000">
      <a>Hoffman, Helmut</a>
      <t>Tibet: A handbook.</t>
      <e>Bloomington: Research Center for the Language Sciences</e>
      <s>Indiana Univ. Asian Studies Reaerch Inst. Oriental Ser., Vol. V</s>
      <p>xv, 246 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05811-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Guenther, Herbert V.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 3</k>
   <moku id="D78S05812" type="10100000">
      <a>Adamec, Ludwig W.</a>
      <t>Historical and political Who's Who of Afghanistan.</t>
      <e>Graz: Akademische Druck- &amp; Verlagsanstalt</e>
      <p>x, 385 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05812-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Fischer, K.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 6</k>
   <moku id="D78S05813" type="10100000">
      <a>Jullian, Philippe</a>
      <t>The Orientalists: European painters of Eastern scenes. Tr. by Helga and Dinah Harrison.</t>
      <e>Oxford : Phaidon</e>
      <p>210 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05813-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Bawden, C. R.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05814" type="10100000">
      <a>Härtel, Herbert//ed.</a>
      <a>Moeller, Volker//ed.</a>
      <t>Indologen-Tagung 1971. Verhandlungen der indologischen Arbeitstagung im Museum für indische Kunst Berlin 7.-9. Oktober 1971.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Steiner</e>
      <s>Glasenapp-Stiftung 8</s>
      <p>xxi, 301 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05814-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Buddruss, Georg</r>
         <j>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft</j>
         <k>128, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05815" type="10100000">
      <a>Ligeti, Louis//ed.</a>
      <t>Reserches in Altaic languages. Papers read at the 14th meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference held in Szeged, August 22-28,1971.</t>
      <e>Budapest: Akad. Kiadó</e>
      <s>Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, XX</s>
      <p>338 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05815-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Doerfer, G.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05815-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Kałużyński, Stanisław</r>
         <j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>1978, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05815-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Clark, Larry V.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05816" type="10100000">
      <t>Problemy literaiur orientalnych. Materiały II Międzynarodowego Sympozjum. Warszawa-Kraków, 22-26 maja 1972.</t>
      <e>Warszawa: PWN</e>
      <p>347 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05816-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Danecki, Janusz</r>
         <j>Przeglad Orientalistyczny</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
         <p>179 180</p>
   <moku id="D78S05817" type="10100000">
      <a>Heissig, Walther</a>
      <t>Serta Tibeto-Mon-golica. Festschrift für Walther Heissig zum 60. Geburtstag am 5. 12. 1973. Ed. by R. Kaschewsky, K. Sagaster and M. Weiers.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz</e>
      <p>379 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05817-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Taube, M.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05818" type="10100000">
      <a>Heissig, Walther//ed.</a>
      <t>Altaica Collecta, Berichte und Vorträge der XVII. Permanent International Altaistic Conference 3-8 Juni 1974 in Bonn/Bad Honnef.</t>
      <e>Bonn: Otto Harrassowitz</e>
      <p>xv, 371 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05818-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Poppe, Nicholas</r>
         <j>(The) Canada-Mongolia Review</j>
         <k>4, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05818-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Clark, Larry V.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05819" type="10100000">
      <t>Indologica Taurinensia. Official organ of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies. Vol. III-IV, 1975-1976. Proceedings of the Second World Sanskrit Conference (Torino 9-15 June 1975).</t>
      <e>Torino: Ed. Sereno</e>
      <p>506 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05819-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Pérez-Remón, Joaquín</r>
         <j>Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas</j>
   <moku id="D78S05820" type="10100000">
      <a>Janhunen, Juha//ed.</a>
      <t>Altaica. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, held in Helsinki 7-16 June 1976.</t>
      <e>Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura</e>
      <s>Mémoires de la Soc. Finno-Ougrienne, CLVIII</s>
      <p>259 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05820-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Clark, Larry V.</r>
         <j>Journal of the American Oriental Society</j>
         <k>98, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05821" type="10100000">
      <a>Trevor-Roper, Hugh</a>
      <t>Thermit of Peking: The hidden life of Sir Edmund Backhouse.</t>
      <e>N. Y.: Alfred A. Knopf</e>
      <p>316 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05821-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Drake, Fred W.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
   <moku id="D78S05822" type="10100000">
      <t>Mélanges de sinologie offerts à Monsieur Paul Demiéville II</t>
      <s>Bibliothèque de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes chinoises vol. XX</s>
      <p>x, 470 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05822-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hulsewé, A. F. P., W. L. Idema</r>
         <r>Zürcher, E.</r>
         <j>T‘oung Pao</j>
         <k>64, 1-3</k>
      <review id="D78S05822-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Hulsewé, A. F. P.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05823" type="10100000">
      <a>Laufer, Berthold</a>
      <t>Kleinere Schriften. Teil 1: Publikationen aus der Zeit von 1894 bis 1910.</t>
      <e>Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verl. GmbH</e>
      <s>Sinologica Coloniensia, Bd. 2</s>
      <p>2 vols., cxlvi, 1443 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05823-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Hulsewé, A. F. P.</r>
         <j>Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society</j>
         <k>1978, 2</k>
   <moku id="D78S05824" type="10100000">
      <a>Patel, H. M.//ed.</a>
      <t>Say not the struggle: Essays in honour of A. D. Gorwala.</t>
      <e>Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.</e>
      <p>xi, 328 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05824-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Tinker, Hugh</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05825" type="10100000">
      <a>Mirsky, Jeannette</a>
      <t>Sir Aurel Stein, archaeological explorer.</t>
      <e>Chicago &amp; London:Univ. of Chicago Pr.</e>
      <p>xiii, 585 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05825-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Iklé, Frank W.</r>
         <k>69, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05825-20000002" type="20100002">
         <r>Burrow, T.</r>
         <j>Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies</j>
         <k>41, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05825-20000003" type="20100003">
         <r>Busch, Briton C.</r>
         <j>(The) American Historical Review</j>
         <k>83, 1</k>
      <review id="D78S05825-20000004" type="20100004">
         <r>Dales, George F.</r>
         <j>(The) Journal of Asian Studies</j>
         <k>37, 2</k>
      <review id="D78S05825-20000005" type="20100005">
         <r>Cimino, Rosa Maria</r>
         <j>Rivista degli Studi Orientali</j>
         <k>52, 3-4</k>
   <moku id="D78S05826" type="10100000">
      <t>Izučenie kitajskoj literatury v SSSR. Sbornik statej k šestidesjatiletiju člena-kor-respondenta AN SSSR N. T. Fedorenko.</t>
      <e>Moskau: Verl. "Nauka"</e>
      <p>384 pp.</p>
      <review id="D78S05826-20000001" type="20100001">
         <r>Behrsing, S.</r>
         <j>Orientalistische Literaturzeitung</j>
         <k>73, 2</k>