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Code Owners development guidelines

Version history

This document was created to help contributors understand the code design of Code Owners. You should read this document before making changes to the code for this feature.

This document is intentionally limited to an overview of how the code is designed, as code can change often. To understand how a specific part of the feature works, view the code and the specs. The details here explain how the major components of the Code Owners feature work.

This document should be updated when parts of the codebase referenced in this document are updated, removed, or new parts are added.

Business logic

All of the business logic for code owners is located in the Gitlab::CodeOwners namespace. Code Owners is an EE-only feature, so the files only exist in the ./ee directory.

  • Gitlab::CodeOwners: the main module used to interact with the code owner rules.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::File: wraps a CODEOWNERS file and exposes the data through the class' public methods.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/file.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::Section: wraps a section heading from a CODEOWNERS file and parses the different parts.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/section.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::Entry: wraps an entry (a pattern and owners line) in a CODEOWNERS file and exposes the data through the class' public methods.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/entry.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::Loader: finds the correct CODEOWNER file and loads the content into a Gitlab::CodeOwners::File instance.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/loader.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::ReferenceExtractor: extracts CODEOWNER user, group, and email references from texts.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/reference_extractor.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::UsersLoader: the correct CODEOWNER file and loads the content into a Gitlab::CodeOwners::File instance.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/users_loader.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::GroupsLoader: finds the correct CODEOWNER file and loads the content into a Gitlab::CodeOwners::File instance.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/groups_loader.rb.
  • Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator: validates no files in the CODEOWNERS entries have been changed when a user pushes to a protected branch with require_code_owner_approval enabled.
    • Defined in ./ee/lib/gitlab/code_owners/validator.rb.

Where Code Owners sits in the Git access check execution order

Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck#file_paths_validations returns either an empty array, or an array with a single member of the results of #lfs_file_locks_validation if LFS is enabled and file locks are present. The return result of #validate_code_owners in the EE version of this file is inserted at the end of this list in the EE::Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck#file_paths_validations. LFS checks are performed before Code Owners checks.

These checks are executed after those listed in #validations_for_path, which exists only in the EE version, and include #path_locks_validation and #file_name_validation. This means that checks for Path Locks precede checks for Code Owners in the flow.

The check order is as follows in EE (only LFS exists as a non-EE feature):

  • Path Locks
  • Filenames
    • Blocks files containing secrets for example id_rsa
    • Blocks files matching the PushRule#file_name_regex
  • LFS File Locks
  • Code Owners

Related models


The ProtectedBranch model is defined in app/models/protected_branch.rb and extended in ee/app/models/concerns/ee/protected_branch.rb. The EE version includes a column named require_code_owner_approval which prevents changes from being pushed directly to the branch being protected if the file is listed in CODEOWNERS.


The ApprovalMergeRequestRule model is defined in ee/app/models/approval_merge_request_rule.rb. The model stores approval rules for a merge request. We use multiple rule types, including a code_owner type rule.

Controllers and Services

The following controllers and services below are being used for the approval rules feature to work:


This /internal/allowed endpoint is called when pushing to GitLab to ensure the user is allowed to push. The /internal/allowed endpoint performs a Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck. In EE, this includes code owner checks.

Defined in lib/api/internal/base.rb.


When changes are pushed to GitLab over HTTP, the controller performs an access check to ensure the user is allowed to push. The checks perform a Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck. In EE, this includes Code Owner checks.

Defined in app/controllers/repositories/git_http_controller.rb.


This module extends the CE Gitlab::Checks::DiffChecks class and adds code owner validation. It uses the Gitlab::CodeOwner::Validator class to verify users are not pushing files listed in CODEOWNER directly to a protected branch while the branch requires code owner approval.


This service is defined in services/merge_requests/sync_code_owner_approval_rules.rb and used for:

  • Deleting outdated code owner approval rules when new changes are pushed to a merge request.
  • Creating code owner approval rules for each changed file in a merge request that is also listed in the CODEOWNER file.


These flowcharts should help explain the flow from the controllers down to the models for different features.

A lot of the Code Owners implementations exist in the EE variants of the classes.

Push changes to a protected branch with require_code_owner_approval enabled, over SSH

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
graph TD
  Api::Internal::Base --> Gitlab::GitAccess
  Gitlab::GitAccess --> Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck
  Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck --> Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator
  Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator --> ProtectedBranch
  Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator --> Gitlab::CodeOwners::Loader
  Gitlab::CodeOwners::Loader --> Gitlab::CodeOwners::Entry

Push changes to a protected branch with require_code_owner_approval enabled, over HTTPS

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
graph TD
  Repositories::GitHttpController --> Gitlab::GlRepository
  Gitlab::GlRepository --> Gitlab::GitAccessProject
  Gitlab::GitAccessProject --> Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck
  Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck --> Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator
  Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator --> ProtectedBranch
  Gitlab::CodeOwners::Validator --> Gitlab::CodeOwners::Loader
  Gitlab::CodeOwners::Loader --> Gitlab::CodeOwners::Entry

Sync code owner rules to merge request approval rules

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
graph TD
  EE::ProtectedBranches::CreateService --> MergeRequest::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRules
  EE::MergeRequestRefreshService --> MergeRequest::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRules
  EE::MergeRequests::ReloadMergeHeadDiffService --> MergeRequest::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRules
  EE::MergeRequests::CreateService --> MergeRequests::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRulesWorker
  EE::MergeRequests::UpdateService --> MergeRequests::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRulesWorker
  MergeRequests::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRulesWorker --> MergeRequest::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRules
  MergeRequest::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRules --> id1{delete outdated code owner rules}
  MergeRequest::SyncCodeOwnerApprovalRules --> id2{create rule for each code owner entry}