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$tDemocracy and national identity in Thailand.
$A Connors, Michael Kelly;en//(au.)
$sRethinking Southeast Asia. RoutledgeCurzon research on Southeast Asia ; 2
$tAn Ethnography of the Hermit Kingdom : The J.B. Bernadou Korean collection, 1884-1885.
$A Houchins, Chang-su;en//(au.)
$eAsian Cultural Hist. Program, Smithonian Inst.//Washington, D.C.
$tStitches on time : colonial textures and postcolonial tangles.
$A Dube, Saurabh;en//(au.)
$eDuke Univ. Pr.//Durham
$tSoutheast Asia over three generations : essays presented to Benedict R. O'G. Anderson.
$A Siegel, James T.;en/Kahin, Audrey;en//(ed.)
$eSoutheast Asia Program Pub., Southeast Asia Program, Cornell Univ.//Ithaca
$sStudies on Southeast Asia ; no. 36
$tFraternal capital : peasant-workers, self-made men, and globalization in provincial India.
$A Chari, Sharad;en//(au.)
$eStanford Univ. Pr.//Stanford
$qworking class,Tiruppur
$tNobility & civility : Asian ideals of leadership and the common good.
$A De Bary, William Theodore;en//(au.)
$eHarvard Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$tThe cult of happiness : nianhua, art, and history in rural north China.
$A Flath, James A.;en//(au.)
$eUBC Pr.//Vancouver
$sContemporary Chinese studies
$qwood-engraving,narrative art,年画
$tChina : new engine of world growth.
$A Garnaut, Ross;en/Song, Ligang;en//(ed.)
$eAsia Pacific Pr. at the Australian National Univ.//Canberra
$tState and society in 21st century China : crisis, contention, and legitimation.
$A Gries, Peter Hays;en/Rosen, Stanley;en//(ed.)
$sAsia's transformations
$tRural development in transitional China : the new agriculture.
$A Ho, Peter;en/Eyferth, Jan Jacob Karl;en/Vermeer, Eduard B.;en//(ed.)
$eFrank Cass//London
$sThe library of peasant studies ; no. 22
$tTransforming traditions in modern Chinese painting : Huang Pin-hung's late work.
$A Kuo, Jason C.;en//(au.)
$ePeter Lang//N.Y.
$sAsian thought and culture ; v. 35
$tOriole's song : growing up American in wartime China.
$A Elder, B. J.;en//(au.)
$sSignature books
$tInfluence, translation, and parallels : selected studies on the Bible in China.
$A Gálik, Marián;en//(au.)
$eSteyler Verl.-Buchh//Nettetal
$sCollectanea serica
$tLabor law in China.
$u2nd ed.
$A Josephs, Hilary K.;en//(au.)
$eJuris Pub.//Huntington
$tMapping meanings : the field of new learning in late Qing China.
$A Lackner, Michael;en/Vittinghoff, Natascha;en//(ed.)
$sSinica Leidensia ; v. 64
$tUnderstanding the political culture of Hong Kong : the paradox of activism and depoliticization.
$A Lam, Wai-man;en//(au.)
$eM.E. Sharpe//Armonk
$sHong Kong becoming China : the transition to 1997, Asia and the Pacific, An East gate book
$tThe clash of empires : the invention of China in modern world making.
$A Liu, Lydia He;en//(au.)
$eHarvard Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$tRhetoric of the Chinese Cultural Revolution : the impact on Chinese thought, culture, and communication.
$A Lu, Xing;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of South Carolina Pr.//Columbia
$sStudies in rhetoric/communication
$tFeminist utopian discourse in eighteenth-century Chinese and English fiction : a cross-cultural comparison.
$A Ma, Qian;en//(au.)
$tCorruption design : building clean government in mainland China and Hong Kong.
$A Manion, Melanie;en//(au.)
$eHarvard Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$tA bitter revolution : China's struggle with the modern world.
$A Mitter, Rana;en//(au.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//Oxford
$sThe making of the modern world
$tPlague and fire : battling black death and the 1900 burning of Honolulu's Chinatown.
$A Mohr, James C.;en//(au.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//Oxford
$tDas Collegium Sinicum zu Neapel und seine Umwandlung in ein Orientalisches Institut : ein Beitrag zu seiner Geschichte.
$A Rivinius, Karl Josef;en//(au.)
$eInst. Monumenta Serica//Sankt Augustin
$sCollectanea serica
$qCollegio dei cinesi
$tWatching your back : Chinese martial arts and traditional medicine.
$A Schmieg, Anthony L.;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu
$sA Latitude 20 book
$tThe fall of Hong Kong : Britain, China and the Japanese occupation.
$A Snow, Philip;en//(au.)
$eYale Univ. Pr.//New Haven
$tThe Chinese face of Jesus Christ ; v.1.
$A Malek, Roman;en//(ed.)
$eInst. Monumenta Serica and China-Zentrum//Sankt Augustin
$sMonumenta serica monograph series ; 50
$tIndustrial relations in China.
$A Taylor, Bill;en/Chang, Kai;en/Li, Qi;en//(au.)
$eE. Elgar//Cheltenham
$qlabor policy,labor unions
$tThe great wall of confinement : the Chinese prison camp through contemporary fiction and reportage.
$A Williams, Philip F.;en/Wu, Yenna;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Calif. Pr.//Berkeley
$tJohan Nieuhofs Blick auf China (1655-1657) : die Kupferstiche in seinem Chinabuch und ihre Wirkung auf den Verleger Jacob van Meurs.
$A Ulrichs, Friederike;en//(au.)
$sSinologica Coloniensia ; Bd. 21
$qengraving,Dutch,illustration of books,Netherlands
$tIdeas won't keep : the struggle for China's future.
$A Wan, Gungwu;en//(au.)
$eEastern Univ. Pr.//Singapore
$tSustaining China's economic growth in the twenty-first century.
$A Yao, Shujie;en/Liu, Xiaming;en//(ed.)
$sRoutledgeCurzon studies on the Chinese economy ; 3
$tClassical Chinese : a basic reader ; v.1-3.
$A 袁乃瑛;zh[yuan nai ying]/唐海濤;zh[tang hai tao]/Geiss, James;en//(au.)
$ePrinceton Univ. Pr.//Princeton
$sPrinceton paperbacks
$tChina's emerging global businesses : political economy and institutional investigations.
$A Zhang, Yongjin;en//(au.)
$ePalgrave Macmillan//Houndmills
$tA nation-state by construction : dynamics of modern Chinese nationalism.
$A Zhao, Suisheng;en//(au.)
$eStanford Univ. Pr.//Stanford
$tThe intimate economies of Bangkok : tomboys, tycoons, and Avon ladies in the global city.
$A Wilson, Ara;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Calif. Pr.//Berkeley
$tMaking place : state projects, globalisation and local responses in China.
$A Feuchtwang, Stephan;en//(ed.)
$qgroup identity,social aspects,spatial behavior,social conditions
$tThe philosophy of desire in the Buddhist Pali canon.
$A Webster, David;en//(au.)
$sRoutledgeCurzon critical studies in Buddhism
$tEarly Buddhist metaphysics : the making of a philosophical tradition.
$A Ronkin, Noa;en//(au.)
$sRoutledgeCurzon critical studies in Buddhism
$tThe notion of diṭṭhi in Theravāda Buddhism : the point of view.
$A Fuller, Paul;en//(au.)
$tNew perspectives on China's past : Chinese archaeology in the twentieth century.
$A Yang, Xiaoneng;en<楊曉能>//(ed.)
$eYale Univ. Pr.//New Haven
$tThe Buddhist Visnu : religious transformation, politics, and culture.
$A Holt, John Clifford;en//(au.)
$eColumbia Univ. Pr.//N.Y.
$qSri Lanka,Hindu deity,cult,Hinduism
$tCambodian Buddhism : history and practice.
$A Harris, Ian Charles;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu
$tThe history and development of the Shan scripts.
$A Mong, Sai Kam;en//(au.)
$eSilkworm books//Chiang Mai
$tMuslim identity, print culture, and the Dravidian factor in Tamil Nadu.
$A More, J. B. Prashant;en//(au.)
$eOrient Longman//Hyderabad
$tThe Butcher of Amritsar : General Reginald Dyer.
$A Collett, Nigel A.;en//(au.)
$qReginald Edward Harry,Massacres
$tLost opportunities : Sri Lanka's economic relationship with Japan.
$A Ratnayake, Piyadasa;en//(au.)
$eKarunaratne & Sons//Homagama
$tRemapping knowledge : the making of South Asian studies in India, Europe, and America, 19th-20th centuries.
$A Assayag, Jackie;en/Bénéï, Véronique;en//(ed.)
$eThree Essays Collective//Gurgaon
$tEarly Tamil epigraphy from the earliest times to the sixth century A.D.
$A Mahadevan, Iravatham;en//(au.)
$eDept. of Sanskrit and Indian Stud., Harvard Univ.//Cambridge
$sHarvard oriental series ; v. 62
$tDie altindischen Grundzahlwörter im Rigveda.
$A Miyakawa, Hisashi;en//(au.)
$eJ.H. Röll//Dettelbach
$sMünchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft ; 21
$tWhy did they kill? : Cambodia in the shadow of genocide.
$A Hinton, Alexander Laban;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Calif. Pr.//Berkeley
$sCalifornia series in public anthropology ; 11
$tIndia working : essays on society and economy.
$A Harriss-White, Barbara;en//(au.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$sContemporary South Asia ; 8
$tDaughters of emptiness : poems of Chinese Buddhist nuns.
$A Grant, Beata;en//(au.)
$eWisdom Publ.//Boston