From 2dbaa30002d121a68bfa78eebee2fb604652f216 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 06:40:15 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] New file.

 ou2001ho1.txt | 287 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 287 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ou2001ho1.txt

diff --git a/ou2001ho1.txt b/ou2001ho1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a50ce5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ou2001ho1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+$tAn Introduction to the Performance of Verbal Art in Balochistan.
+$A Badalkhan,Sabir;en//(au.)
+$tBトォr-ko盪ュ-ghwa盪�ク溝i,Swat,Pakistan.Preliminary Report on the Autumn 2000 Campaign of the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan.
+$A Callieri,Pierfrancesco;en/Colliva,Luca;en/Nasir,Abdul;en//(au.)
+$tThe 'Parting of the Hair':A Gandharan Relief with Two Scenes from Buddha's Life.
+$A Quagliotti,Anna Maria;en//(au.)
+$tWisdom and Compassion:Concept and Iconography of Avalokiteナ孥ara/Padmapト≪ケ㌍.
+$A Filigenzi,Anna;en//(au.)
+$tAn Unpublished Image of Na盪ュeナ嫗 Conserved in the National Museum of New Delhi.
+$A Lorenzetti,Tiziana;en//(au.)
+$tChristian Teaching in Hindu Environment.
+$A Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi,Gabriella;en//(au.)
+$tThe Tu盪歛i-s in Akam Lyrics or how to Realize a Classical Tamil Love Poem.
+$A Wilden,Eva;en//(au.)
+$tAn Introduction to the World-Map of Francesco Sambiasi(1582-1649).
+$A Heirman,Ann;en//(au.)
+$tThe Body and its Expressions of Emotions:Stereotypes and their Presentations in Late Imperial China Literary Sources.
+$A Santangelo,Paolo;en//(au.)
+$tIl Palt'al, un'espressione del teatro popolare coreano.
+$A Riotto,Maurizio;en//(au.)
+$tMarginal Notes on A Dictionary of Tocharian B.
+$A Barbera,Gerardo;en//(au.)
+$tSyntaxe et sens de la tournure vテゥdique prathamテ。盪� j逗酵amト]a盧・.
+$A Swennen,Philippe;en//(au.)
+$tDonne e genere:nuovi percorsi di lettura della Cina contemporanea.
+$A Paderni,Paola;en//(au.)
+$tMaurizio Taddei(1936-2000).
+$A Verardi,Giovanni;en//(au.)
+$tThe Old Drunkard Who Finds Joy in His Own Joy:Elitist Ideas in Ouyang Xiu's Informal Writings.
+$A Lian,Xianda;en//(au.)
+$tNew Hongxue and the "Birth of the Author:" Yu Pingbo's "On Qin Keqing's Death".
+$A Edwards,Louise;en//(au.)
+$tA Study in Acculturation:The First Novels Translated into Chinese.
+$A Hanan,Patrick;en//(au.)
+$tA Moral Landscape:Reading Shen Congwen's Autobiography and Travelogues.
+$A Ng,Janet;en//(au.)
+$xshen cong wen
+$tReflections on Uses of the Electronic Siku quanshu.
+$A Egan,Ronald;en//(au.)
+$t"Sell it! Sell it!":Recent Translations of Lunyu.
+$A Schaberg,David;en//(au.)
+$tDisengagement by Complicity:The Difficult Art of Early Medieval "Hypothetical Discourses".
+$A Kern,Martin;en//(au.)
+$A Gimpel,Denise;en//(rev.)
+$A McMahon,Keith;en//(rev.)
+$A Moran,Thomas;en//(rev.)
+$A Rojas,Carlos;en//(rev.)
+$A Shu,Yunzhong;en//(rev.)
+$A Weinstein,John B.;en//(rev.)
+$tOn vajrapuru盪」a.
+$A Giuliano,Laura;en//(au.)
+$tThe Identification of the Bagh Painting.
+$A Zin,Monika;en//(au.)
+$tDung dkar/Phyi dbang,West Tibet,and the Influence of Tangut Buddhist Art.
+$A Klimburg-Salter,Deborah;en//(au.)
+$tFactors Which Have Inhibited the Growth of Science and Technology in India.
+$A Krishan,Y.;en//(au.)
+$tTerritorial Division as Gleaned from Memorial Stones.
+$A Rajan,K.;en//(au.)
+$tMangammal of Madurai and South Indian Portraiture.
+$A Branfoot,Crispin;en//(au.)
+$tSugarcane Ganapati.
+$A Rajarajan,R.K.K.;en//(au.)
+$tEarly Trade and Contacts between South India and Southeast Asia(300B.C.-A.D.200).
+$A Rao,K.P.;en//(au.)
+$A Olivieri,Luca Maria;en//(rev.)
+$A Olivieri,Luca Maria;en//(rev.)
+$A Olivieri,Luca Maria;en//(rev.)
+$tBhナォte 'ト”a' iti pramト‥ト》:Firm Evidence for the Direction of Change Where Certain Verses of the Raghuva盪η嫗 are Variously Transmitted.
+$A Goodall,Dominic;en//(au.)
+$tA Step on the Way to Confucian State Orthodoxy in the Song Dynasty:The Third Year of the Reign-Period xianping of Emperor Zhenzong. 
+$A Kuhn,Dieter;en//(au.)
+$tAn Introduction to the Book "Explanations and Pictures Conecerning the Responses and Incarnations of Lao-chテシn During All Generations"
+(Lao-chテシn li-shih ying-hua t'u-shuo,Chengdu 1936).
+$A Reiter,Florian C.;en//(au.)
+$tToward a New Edition and Translation of Chapter 13 of the Prasannapadト� of Candrakトォrti.
+$A Galloway,Brian;en//(au.)
+$tZu der Frage des "Strebens nach テ、uホイerster Kテシrze"
+in den ナ嗷autasナォtras.
+$A Wezler,Albrecht;en//(au.)
+$tDer Bテシcherkatalog von Kamenskij und Lipovcov:Ein Beitrag zur Frテシhgeschichte von Sinologie und Mandjuristik in Ruホイland.
+$A Walravens,Hartmut;en//(au.)
+$t"The Barbarians' Writing is like Worms, and their Speech is like the Screeching of Owls":Exclusion and Acculturation in the Early Ming Period.
+$A Kテシhner,Hans;en//(au.)