D2003-00264 $tIndia : development and participation. $u2nd ed. $A Drèze, Jean;en/Sen, Amartya Kumar;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2002 $p512 $h22cm $wBA58930715 $o0199257485 $o0199257493 $b041X $c41C+1990EXX1 D2003-00265 $tAsia's maritime bead trade : 300 B.C. to the present. $A Francis, Peter;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p305 $h24cm $wBA57379631 $o082482332X $b0452 $c00C-0300E:+2000EXX1 D2003-00266 $tFruits of inspiration : studies in honour of Prof. J. G. de Casparis retired professor of the Early History and Archeology of South and Southeast Asia at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands on the occasion of his 85th birthday. $A Klokke, Marijke J.;en/Kooij, K. R. van;en//(ed.) $eEgbert Forsten//Groningen $d2001 $p566 $h25cm $sGonda Indological studies;v.11 $wBA53355700 $o906980137X $b0142 $c40A2XX4 D2003-00267 $tIndia and Central Asia : cultural, economic and political links. $A Gopal, Surendra;en//(ed.) $eShipra Pub.//Delhi $d2001 $p200 $h23cm $wBA55987228 $o8175410728 $b0142 $c41D+16E:+20EXX1 D2003-00268 $tLa protection du patrimoine en République populaire de Chine : 1949-1999. $A Fresnais, Jocelyne;en//(au.) $eEd.du CTHS//Paris $d2001 $p653 $h19cm $sComité des travaux historiques et scientifiques;format 40 $wBA59573908 $o2735504603 $b111X $c11A6XX1 $q文物保護単位,世界文化遺産 D2003-00269 $tNakae Tôju (1608-1648) et Kumazawa Banzan (1619-1691) : deux penseurs de l'époque d'Edo. $A Soum, Jean-François;en//(au.) $eCollège de France, Inst.des hautes études japon.,Centre d'études japon.de l'INALCO// Paris $d2000 $p505 $h25cm $sBibliothèque de l'Institut des hautes études japonaises $wBA49975246 $o2913217044 $b084X $c16C+1608F:+1648FXX1 $q中江藤樹,熊沢蕃山 D2003-00270 $tUn autre temps : les calendriers tika de Bali. $A Breguet, Georges;en/Couteau, Jean;en//(au.) $eSomogy//Paris $d2002 $p144 $h29cm $wGA92238016 $o2850565415 $b092X $c37A0XX1 D2003-00271 $tHistoire de la litterature coreenne des origines a 1919. $A Cho, Tong-il;en/Bouchez, Daniel;en//(au.) $eFayard//Paris $d2002 $p423 $h25cm $wGA91884343 $o2213612358 $b108X $c18C+1919FXX1 D2003-00272 $tChina's integration in Asia : economic security and strategic issues. $A Ash, Robert F.;en//(ed.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2002 $p295 $h25cm $wBA55168271 $o0700711910 $b052X $c11C+2000EXX1 D2003-00273 $tPublic policy in Asia : implications for business and government. $A Asher, Mukul G.;en/Newman, David;en/Snyder, Thomas P.;en//(ed.) $eQuorum Books//Westport $d2002 $p341 $h25cm $wBA5516582X $o1567204325 $b041X $c10C+1990KXX1 D2003-00274 $tChinese American masculinities : from Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee. $A Chan, Jachinson;en//(au.) $wBA53542887 $eRoutledge//N.Y. $d2001 $p183 $h24cm $sAsian Americans:reconceptualizing culture,history,politics;A Routledge series $o081534029X $b033X $c93A6XX1 D2003-00275 $tGlobal goes local : popular culture in Asia. $A Craig, Timothy J.;en/King, Richard;en//(ed.) $wBA58712452 $eUBC Pr.//Vancouver $d2002 $p309 $h24cm $o0774808748 $o0774808756 $b031X $c10A6XX1 D2003-00276 $tWhere China meets Southeast Asia : social & cultural change in the border regions. $A Evans, Grant;en/Hutton, Christopher;en/Kuah, Khun Eng;en//(ed.) $eSt.Martin's Pr.//N.Y. $d2000 $p346 $h23cm $wBA50551622 $o0312236344 $b031X $c11C+1990JXX1 D2003-00277 $tProtracted contest : Sino-Indian rivalry in the twentieth century. $A Garver, John W.;en//(au.) $wBA61540446 $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2001 $p447 $h24cm $o0195656954 $b052X $c11/41D+20EXX1 D2003-00278 $tPèlerins, lamas et visionnaires : sources orales et écrites sur les pèlerinages tibétains. $A Buffetrille, Katia;en//(au.) $eArbeitskreis für Tibet.und Buddhist.Stud.,Univ.Wien//Wien $d2000 $p377 $h24cm $sWiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde;Heft 46 $wBA48268232 $b0746 D2003-00279 $tWorshiping the ancestors : Chinese commemorative portraits. $A Stuart, Jan;en/Rawski, Evelyn Sakakida;en//(au.) $eFreer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery,Smithsonian Inst.//Washington,D.C. $d2001 $p216 $h32cm $wBA54691791 $o0804742626 $o0804742634 $b114X $c11B300EXX1 D2003-00280 $tPacific Asia? : prospects for security and cooperation in East Asia. $A Gurtov, Melvin;en//(au.) $eRowman & Littlefield//Lanham $d2002 $p259 $h23cm $sAsia in world politics $wBA55851248 $o074250851X $o0742508501 $b052X $c10C+2000EXX1 D2003-00281 $tA conflict perpetuated : China policy during the Kennedy years. $A Kochavi, Noam;en//(au.) $ePraeger//Westport $d2002 $p279 $h25cm $sInternational history $wBA58859406 $o027597216X $b052X $c11/91C+1960GXX1 D2003-00282 $tCapitalist development and economism in East Asia : the rise of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. $A Li, Kui Wai;en//(au.) $eRoutledge//London $d2002 $p300 $h25cm $sRoutledge studies in the growth economies of Asia;35 $wBA55637612 $o0415268737 $b041X $c10C+1990EXX1 D2003-00283 $tDon't leave home : migration and the Chinese. $A Wang, Gungwu;en//(au.) $eTimes Academic Pr.//Singapore $d2001 $p314 $h23cm $wBA61378370 $o9812101659 $b0453 $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00284 $tHong Kong, Empire and the Anglo-American alliance at war, 1941-45. $A Whitfield, Andrew J.;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//Basingstoke $d2001 $p266 $h23cm $sContemporary history in context series $wBA5441353X $o0333793331 $b013X $c13C+1941F:+1945FXX1 D2003-00285 $tRemaking Chinese America : immigration, family, and community, 1940-1965. $A Zhao, Xiaojian;en//(au.) $eRutgers Univ.Pr.//New Brunswick $d2002 $p265 $h23cm $wBA56430449 $o0813530105 $o0813530113 $b0453 $c91C+1940F:+1965FXX1 D2003-00286 $tShadow of the dragon : Vietnam's continuing struggle with China and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. $A Kenny, Henry J.;en//(au.) $eWashington, D.C. : Brassey's//Washington,D.C. $d2002 $p177 $h24cm $wGA8877410X $o1574884786 $o1574884794 $b052X $c30C+2000EXX1 D2003-00287 $tEastern magnificence & European ingenuity: clocks of late imperial China. $A Pagani, Catherine;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Michigan Pr.//Ann Arbor $d2001 $p286 $h24cm $wGA83782654 $o0472112082 $b095X $c11B300HXX1 D2003-00288 $tTaiwan's presidential politics : democratization and cross-strait relations in the twenty-first century. $A Alagappa, Muthiah;en//(au.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2001 $p312 $h23cm $sTaiwan in the modern world ; An East gate book $wBA56776476 $o0765608340 $o0765608332 $b051X $c12C+2000EXX1 D2003-00289 $tWomen, property, and Confucian reaction in Sung and Yüan China 960-1368. $A Birge, Bettine;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p345 $h24cm $sCambridge studies in Chinese history, literature and institutions $wBA56122425 $o0521573734 $b033X $c11B240E:270EXX1 D2003-00290 $tRemaking the Chinese state : strategies, society, and security. $A Chao, Chien-min;en/Dickson, Bruce J.;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2001 $p293 $h24cm $sAsia's transformations $wBA53731551 $o041525583X $o0415260264 $b051X $c11C+1978FXX1 D2003-00291 $tMemories of the future : national identity issues and the search for a new Taiwan. $A Edmondson, Robert;en///et al.//(au.) $A Corcuff, Stéphane;en//(ed.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2002 $p285 $h24cm $sTaiwan in the modern world;An East gate book $wBA56830662 $o0765607913 $o0765607921 $b051X $c12C+2000EXX1 D2003-00292 $tVoicing concerns : contemporary Chinese critical inquiry. $A Davies, Gloria;en//(ed.) $eRowman & Littlefield Pub.//Lanham $d2001 $p270 $h24cm $sAsian voices $wBA57415768 $o0742509338 $b081X $c11C+1980E:+1990EXX1 D2003-00293 $tThe appropriation of cultural capital : China's May Fourth Project. $A Doleželová-Velingerová, Milena;en/Král, Oldřich;en//(ed.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2001 $p348 $h24cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs;207 $wBA57424066 $o0674007867 $b1071 $c11C+1919FXX1 $q五四 D2003-00294 $tTaiwan in the twentieth century : a retrospective view. $A Edmonds, Richard L.;en/Goldstein, Steven Martin;en//(ed.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2001 $p193 $h24cm $sThe China quarterly special issues:new series;no.1 $wBA53658189 $o0521003431 $b013X $c12D+20EXX1 D2003-00295 $tGrassroots charisma : four local leaders in China. $A Feuchtwang, Stephan;en/Wang, Mingming;en//(au.) $eRoutledge//London $d2001 $p205 $h24cm $sChina in transition;10 $wBA55153988 $o0415244188 $b033X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00296 $tThe making of the Chinese industrial workplace : state, revolution, and labor management. $A Frazier, Mark W.;en//(au.) $wBA57396878 $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p286 $h24cm $sCambridge modern China series $o0521800218 $b032X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00297 $tChanging meanings of citizenship in modern China. $A Goldman, Merle;en/Perry, Elizabeth J.;en//(ed.) $eHarvard Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p462 $h23cm $sHarvard contemporary China series;13 $wBA58153689 $o0674007662 $o067400843X $b031X $c11D+19K:+20EXX1 $q国民,人民 D2003-00298 $tChina's economic challenge : smashing the iron rice bowl. $A Hughes, Neil C.;en//(au.) $wBA59587811 $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2002 $p235 $h24cm $sAn East gate book $o0765608081 $o076560809X $b041X $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00299 $tRethinking the 1898 reform period : political and cultural change in late Qing China. $A Karl, Rebecca;en/Zarrow, Peter Gue;en//(ed.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2002 $p273 $h24cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs;214 $wBA57422719 $o0674008545 $b013X $c11C+1898FXX1 $q戊戌維新 D2003-00300 $tPopular China : unofficial culture in a globalizing society. $A Link, Eugene Perry;en/Madsen, Richard;en/Pickowicz, Paul;en//(au.) $eRowman & Littlefield Pub.//Lanham $d2002 $p316 $h24cm $wBA57158075 $o0742510786 $b031X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00301 $tConsuming Hong Kong. $A Mathews, Gordon;en/Lui, Tai-Lok;en//(ed.) $eHong Kong Univ.Pr.//Hong Kong $d2001 $p340 $h23cm $sHong Kong culture and society $wBA5945505X $o9622095461 $o9622095364 $b041X $c13A6XX1 D2003-00302 $tComing to terms with Chinese Buddhism : a reading of the treasure store treatise. $A Sharf, Robert H.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2001 $p400 $h24cm $sStudies in East Asian Buddhism ; 14 $wBA56928847 $o0824824431 $b0747 D2003-00303 $tWhither China? : intellectural politics in contemporary China. $A Zhang, Xudong;en//(ed.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2001 $p391 $h25cm $wBA56932775 $o0822326590 $o0822326485 $b085X $c11C+1990EXX5 D2003-00304 $tScreening China : critical interventions, cinematic reconfigurations, and the transnational imaginary in contemporary Chinese cinema. $A Zhang, Yingjin;en//(au.) $eCenter for Chinese Stud.Univ.of Michigan//Ann Arbor $d2002 $p433 $h24cm $sMichigan monographs in Chinese studies ; no.92 $wBA57460900 $o0892641479 $o0892641584 $b1076 D2003-00305 $tPower and responsibility in Chinese foreign policy. $A Zhang, Yongjin;en/Austin, Greg;en//(ed.) $eAsia Pacific Pr.at the Australian National Univ.//[Canberra] $d2001 $p308 $h21cm $wBA56770560 $o073153669X $b051X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00306 $tThe CIA's secret war in Tibet. $A Conboy, Kenneth;en/Morrison, James;en//(au.) $eUniv.Pr.of Kansas//Lawrence $d2002 $p301 $h24cm $sModern war studies $wBA57132060 $o0700611592 $b052X $c11/91C+1970EXX1 D2003-00307 $tGoverning Hong Kong : legitimacy, communication, and political decay. $A Lo, Shiu Hing;en//(au.) $eNova Sci.Pub.//Huntington $d2001 $p349 $h26cm $wGA8771183X $o1590330951 $b051X $c13C+1990KXX1 D2003-00308 $tChoosing revolution:Chinese women soldiers on the Long March. $A Young, Helen Praeger;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Illinois Pr.//Urbana $d2001 $p282 $h24cm $wGA84287300 $o0252026721 $b013X $c11C+1934F:+1935FXX1 $q長征 D2003-00309 $tAmerica perceived : the making of Chinese images of the United States, 1945-1953. $A Zhang, Hong;en//(au.) $eGreenwood Pr.//Westport $d2002 $p210 $h25cm $sContributions to the study of world history ; no.94 $wBA59398273 $o0313310017 $b052X $c11/91C+1945F:+1953FXX1 D2003-00310 $tEconomic Cold War : America's embargo against China and the Sino-Soviet alliance, 1949-1963. $A Zhang, Shu Guang;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2001 $p375 $h24cm $sCold War International History Project series $wBA53809535 $o0804739307 $b041X $c11C+1949F:+1963FXX1 D2003-00311 $tVictory in Vietnam : the official history of the people's army of Vietnam, 1954--1975 : the Military History Institute of Vietnam. $A Pribbenow, Merle L.;en//(tr.) $eUniv.Pr.of Kansas//Lawrence $d2002 $p494 $h24cm $sModern war studies $wBA57623222 $o0700611754 $b0142 $c30C+1954F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00312 $tWhy the North won the Vietnam War. $A Gilbert, Marc Jason;en//(ed.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2002 $p254 $h22cm $wBA62832549 $o031229526X $b0142 $c30C+1961F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00313 $tA bitter peace : Washington, Hanoi, and the making of the Paris agreement. $A Asselin, Pierre;en//(au.) $eUniv.of North Carolina Pr.//Chapel Hill $d2002 $p272 $h25cm $sThe new Cold War history $wBA60809772 $o0807854174 $o0807827517 $b052X $c30C+1973FXX1 D2003-00314 $tUnder the black umbrella : voices from colonial Korea, 1910-1945. $A Kang, Hildegarde S.;en//(au.) $eCornell Univ.Pr.//Ithaca $d2001 $p166 $h24cm $wBA52373729 $o0801438543 $b0141 $c18C+1910F:+1945FXX1 D2003-00315 $tWar and democracy : a comparative study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War. $A McCann, David Richard;en/Strauss, Barry S.;en//(ed.) $wBA53270878 $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2001 $p385 $h24cm $o0765606941 $o076560695X $b0141 $c18C+1950F:+1953FXX1 D2003-00316 $tThe book of Korean Shijo. $A O'Rourke, Kevin;en//(tr. and ed.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2002 $p219 $h24cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 215, Harvard-Ewha series on Korea $wBA59185228 $o067400857X $b108X $c18B110JXX1 $q時調 D2003-00317 $tMoral fictions : Tamil folktales from oral tradition. $A Blackburn, Stuart H.;en//(au.) $eSuomalainen Tiedeakatemia//Helsinki $d2001 $p338 $h24cm $sFF communications ; v.128, no.278 $wBA60668488 $o9514108981 $b144X $c41A0XX1 D2003-00318 $tTime in Indian music : rhythm, metre, and form in North Indian rāg performance. $A Clayton, Martin;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2000 $p230 $h25cm $sOxford monographs on music $wBA5224360X $o0198166869 $b117X $c41A0XX1 D2003-00319 $tDivine affairs : religion, pilgrimage, and the state in colonial and postcolonial India. $A Dube, Ishita Banerjee;en//(au.) $eIndian Inst.of Adv.Stud.//Shimla $d2001 $p195 $h22cm $wBA6121719X $o8185952884 $b143X $c41B180E:190EXX1 $qJagannatha,Hindu deity,cult,Puri D2003-00320 $tThe myth of the holy cow. $A Jha, Dwijendra Narayan;en//(au.) $eVerso//London $d2002 $p183 $h23cm $wBA59303120 $o1859846769 $b075X $qBharatiya Janata Party,Cattle,Hinduism D2003-00321 $tPortuguese Cochin and the Maritime trade of India, 1500-1663. $A Malekandathil, Pius;en//(au.) $eManohar//New Delhi $d2001 $p324 $h25cm $sSouth Asian studies;no.39 $wBA60657222 $o8173044066 $b0452 $c41C+1500F:+1663FXX1 D2003-00322 $tGlobalization and nationalism : the changing balance in India's economic policy,1950-2000. $A Nayar, Baldev Raj;en//(au.) $eSage Pub.//Thousand Oaks $d2001 $p285 $h22cm $wBA52096312 $o0761995366 $o8178290154 $b041X $c41D+20JXX1 D2003-00323 $tLandscapes of urban memory : the sacred and the civic in India's high-tec city. $A Srinivas, Smriti;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Minnesota Pr.//Minneapolis $d2001 $p329 $h23cm $sGlobalization and community;v.9 $wBA59324743 $o081663615X $o0816636168 $b0362 $c41A6XX1 D2003-00324 $tSame-sex love in India : readings from literature and history. $A Vanita, Ruth;en/Kidwai, Saleem;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2001 $p370 $h24cm $wBA61227706 $o0312293240 $b033X $c41A0XX1 D2003-00325 $tPenugonda Fort : a defence capital of the Vijayanagara Empire : history, art, and culture. $A Vasantha, Rangachar;en//(au.) $wBA53020451 $eSharada Pub.House//Delhi $d2000 $p145 $h25cm $o818561668X $b0142 $c41D+14K:+16IXX1 D2003-00326 $tSeeking Mahādevī : constructing the indentities of the Hindu Great Goddess. $A Pintchman, Tracy;en//(ed.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2001 $p244 $wGA82233901 $o0791450074 $o0791450082 $b075X D2003-00327 $tOther pasts : women, gender and history in early modern Southeast Asia. $A Andaya, Barbara Watson;en//(ed.) $eCenter for Southeast Asian Stud.,Univ.of Hawaii at Mânoa//Honolulu $d2000 $p347 $h23cm $wBA53533693 $o193073400X $b033X $c20D+16E:+20HXX1 D2003-00328 $tPolitical transition in Cambodia, 1991-99 : power, elitism, and democracy. $A Roberts, David W.;en//(au.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p259 $h23cm $wBA50693230 $o0700712836 $o0700714243 $b051X $c31C+1991F:+1999FXX1 D2003-00329 $tSecrets need words : Indonesian poetry, 1966-1998. $A Aveling, Harry;en//(au.) $eOhio Univ.Center for Int.Stud.//Athens $d2001 $p375 $h22cm $sResearch in international studies.Southeast Asia series;no.105 $wGA83908956 $o0896802167 $b108X $c37C+1966F:+1999FXX1 D2003-00330 $tIslam and ideology in the emerging Indonesian state : the Persatuan Islam (Persis), 1923 to 1957. $A Federspiel, Howard M.;en//(au.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2001 $p365 $h25cm $sSocial, economic, and political studies of the Middle East and Asia ; v.78 $wBA52674350 $o9004120475 $b078X D2003-00331 $tLiving standards during an economic boom : the case of Vietnam. $A Haughton, Dominique;en/Haughton, Jonathan;en/Nguyễn, Phong;en//(ed.) $eStatistical Pub.House//Hanoi $d2001 $p266 $wBA60399127 $h21cm $b031X $c30C+1990EXX1 D2003-00332 $tSelf-determination in East Timor : the United Nations, the ballot, and international intervention. $A Martin, Ian;en//(au.) $eLynne Rienner Pub.//Boulder $d2001 $p171 $h23cm $sInternational Peace Academy occasional paper series $wBA53846633 $o158826033X $b052X $c39C+2002FXX1 D2003-00333 $tRegionalism and globalism in Southeast Asia. $A Palmujoki, Eero;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//Basingstoke $d2001 $p226 $h23cm $wBA54581986 $o0333734777 $b052X $c20C+1990EXX1 $qASEAN D2003-00334 $tIntervention & change in Cambodia : towards democracy? $A Peou, Sorpong;en//(au.) $eSilkworm Books//Chiang Mai $d2000 $p572 $h23cm $wBA46832005 $o9812300422 $o9813055391 $o0312227175 $b051X $c31A6XX1 D2003-00335 $tCulture and customs of the Philippines. $A Rodell, Paul A.;en//(au.) $eGreenwood Pr.//Westport $d2002 $p247 $h25cm $sCulture and customs of Asia $wBA55608862 $o0313304157 $b031X $c36A6XX1 D2003-00336 $tThe rope of God. $A Siegel, James T.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Michigan Pr.//Ann Arbor $d2000 $p422 $wBA50403126 $o0472086820 $b051X $c37A6XX1 $qAceh (Indonesia),Islam D2003-00337 $tUnconventional sisterhood : feminist Catholic nuns in the Philippines. $A Claussen, Heather L.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Michigan Pr.//Ann Arbor $d2001 $p253 $h24cm $sSoutheast Asia $wGA85661388 $o047211221X $b076X $qMissionary Benedictine Sisters D2003-00338 $tSoul survivors : stories of women and children in Cambodia. $A Wagner, Carol;en//(au.) $A DuBasky, Valentina;en//(photo.) $eCreative Arts Book Co.//Berkeley $d2002 $p259 $h23cm $wBA63611046 $o0887393861 $b031X $c31C+1980K:+1990EXX1 D2003-00339 $tCommodifying Marxism : the formation of modern Thai radical culture, 1927-1958. $A Kasian Techaphira;en//(au.) $eKyoto Univ.Pr.//Kyoto $d2001 $p390 $h23cm $sKyoto area studies on Asia;v.3 $wGA9365049X $o4876984522 $o4876984514 $o1876843985 $b0142 $c33C+1927F:+1958FXX1 D2003-00340 $tYankee India : American commercial and cultural encounters with India in the age of sail 1784-1860. $A Bean, Susan S.;en//(au.) $ePeabody Essex Museum//Salem $d2001 $p288 $h29cm $wBA59835356 $o1890206296 $b0452 $c41C+1784F:+1860FXX1 D2003-00341 $tChandraketugarh : a treasure-house of Bengal terracottas. $A Haque, Enamul;en//(au.) $eInt.Centre for Stud.of Bengal Art//Dhaka $d2001 $p416 $h29cm $sStudies in Bengal art series;no.4 $wBA58562156 $o9848140026 $b116X $c41A0XX1 D2003-00342 $tVasco da Gama and the linking of Europe and Asia. $A Disney, Anthony R.;en/Booth, Emily;en//(ed) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2000 $p504 $h23cm $wBA53063705 $o0195651812 $b0451 $c00C+1498FXX1 D2003-00343 $tPolitical business in East Asia. $A Gomez, Edmund Terence;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2002 $p346 $h24cm $sPolitics in Asia series $wBA55232723 $o0415271487 $o0415271495 $b041X $c10C+1990EXX1 D2003-00344 $tMemory and history in East and Southeast Asia : issues of identity in international relations. $A Gong, Gerrit W.;en//(ed.) $eCSIS Pr.,Center for Strategic and Int.Stud.//Washington,D.C. $d2001 $p216 $h23cm $sSignificant issues series;v.23,no.3 $wBA58761899 $o0892063998 $b052X $c10D+20EXX1 D2003-00345 $tJapan, Korea and the 2002 World Cup. $A Horne, John;en/Manzenreiter, Wolfram;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2002 $p219 $h24cm $wBA57228771 $o0415275628 $o0415275636 $b17XX $c18C+2002F001 D2003-00346 $tThe expanding roles of Chinese Americans in U.S.-China relations : transnational networks and trans-Pacific interactions. $A Koehn, Peter H.;en/Yin, Xiao-huang;en//(au.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2002 $p311 $h24cm $wBA57745296 $o0765609495 $o0765609509 $b0453 $c91A6XX1 D2003-00347 $tIntegrating China into the global economy. $A Lardy, Nicholas R.;en//(au.) $eBrookings Inst.Pr.//Washington,D.C. $d2002 $p244 $h23cm $wBA56694076 $o0815751354 $o0815751362 $b041X $c11C+2000EXX1 D2003-00348 $tChina to Chinatown : Chinese food in the West. $A Roberts, J. A. G.;en//(au.) $eReaktion Books//London $d2002 $p255 $h24cm $sGlobalities $wBA61097156 $o1861891334 $b143X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00349 $tSharing the blame : Subhash Chandra Bose and the Japanese occupation of the Andamans 1942-1945. $A Sareen, Tilak Raj;en//(au.) $eS.S.Pub.//Delhi $d2002 $p270 $h23cm $wBA5941577X $o8185396337 $b0142 $c41C+1942F:+1945FXX1 D2003-00350 $tChinese femininities, Chinese masculinities : a reader. $A Brownell, Susan;en/Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.;en//(ed.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p460 $h23cm $sAsia:local studies/Global themes ; 4 $wBA55178333 $o0520211030 $o0520221168 $b033X $c11A0XX1 D2003-00351 $tActing the right part : political theater and popular drama in contemporary China. $A Chen, Xiaomei;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p466 $h24cm $o0824822870 $wBA63501412 $o0824824830 $b1075 D2003-00352 $tCrime, punishment and the prison in modern China. $A Dikötter, Frank;en//(au.) $eHurst & Co//London $d2002 $p441 $h23cm $wBA57552747 $o0231125089 $o1850654824 $b061X $c11C+1895F:+1949FXX1 D2003-00353 $tOpening up : youth sex culture and market reform in Shanghai. $A Farrer, James C.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Chicago Pr.//Chicago $d2002 $p387 $h24cm $wBA57443424 $o0226238709 $o0226238717 $b0362 $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00354 $tChinese art : modern expressions. $A Hearn, Maxwell K.;en/Smith, Judith G.;en//(ed.) $eMetropolitan Museum of Art//N.Y. $d2001 $p311 $h27cm $wBA62829373 $o0300091982 $b111X $c11D+19J:+20EXX1 D2003-00355 $tWay and byway : Taoism, local religion and models of divinity in Sung and modern China. $A Hymes, Robert P.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p364 $h24cm $sA Philip E. Lilienthal book $wBA57403292 $o0520207580 $o0520207599 $b073X D2003-00356 $tThe philosophy of Wu Cheng : a neo-Confucian of the Yuan dynasty. $A Gedalecia, David;en//(au.) $eRes.Inst.for Inner Asian Stud.,Indiana Univ.//Bloomington $d1999 $p206 $h24cm $sIndiana University oriental series;no.8 $wGA76884585 $o0933070446 $b083X $c11C+1249F:+1333FXX1 $q呉澄 D2003-00357 $tThe stele inscriptions of Chin Shih-huang : text and ritual in early Chinese imperial representation. $A Kern, Martin;en//(au.) $eAm.Oriental Soc.//New Haven $d2000 $p221 $h26cm $sAmerican oriental series;v.85 $wGA87734981 $o0940490153 $b134X $c11B100EXX1 $q始皇帝 D2003-00358 $tPeking : temples and city life, 1400-1900. $A Naquin, Susan;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2000 $p816 $h24cm $sA Philip E. Lilienthal book $wBA50049854 $o0520219910 $b0362 $c11C+1400F:+1900FXX1 D2003-00359 $tConfucius and the analects : new essays. $A Van Norden, Bryan William;en//(ed.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2002 $p342 $h24cm $wBA56371350 $o0195133951 $o019513396X $b082X $c11A2211 D2003-00360 $tChildren in Chinese art. $A Wicks, Ann Barrott;en//(ed.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p216 $h25cm $wBA57347624 $o0824823591 $b111X $c11B110E:300EXX1 D2003-00361 $tChina's Tibet policy. $A Dawa Norbu;en//(au.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p470 $h24cm $sDurham East Asia series $wBA54032059 $o0700704744 $b051X $c11D+20EXX1 D2003-00362 $tA clear differentiation of the three codes : essential distinctions among the individual liberation, great vehicle, and Tantric systems : the sDom gsum rab dbye and six letters. $A Rhoton, Jared Douglas;en//(tr.) $A Scott, Victoria R. M.;en//(ed.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2002 $p369 $h23cm $sSUNY series in Buddhist studies $wBA58432354 $o0791452859 $o0791452867 $b0746 $qSa-skya Paṇḍi-ta Kun-dgaʾ-rgyal-mtshan,Trisaṃvara,Vows D2003-00363 $tUnder construction : the gendering of modernity, class, and consumption in the Republic of Korea. $A Kendall, Laurel;en//(ed.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p206 $h23cm $wBA54245479 $o0824824075 $o0824824881 $b033X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00364 $tThe Korean War. $uv.1-v.3 $A 韓国国防軍史研究所;zh!//編 $eUniv.of Nebraska Pr.//Lincoln $d2000-2001 $v3 $h23cm $sA Bison book $wBA49985272 $o0803278020 $o0803277946 $o0803277954 $o0803277962 $b0141 $c18C+1950F:+1953FXX1 D2003-00365 $tEducation fever : society, politics, and the pursuit of schooling in South Korea. $A Seth, Michael J.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p305 $h24cm $sHawaii studies on Korea $wBA59153833 $o0824825349 $b085X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00366 $tRethinking the Korean war : a new diplomatic and strategic history. $A Stueck, William W.;en//(au.) $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2002 $p285 $h24cm $wBA60185757 $o0691088535 $b052X $c18C+1950F:+1953FXX1 D2003-00367 $tLabour legislation and trade unions in India and Pakistan. $A Amjad, Ali;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2001 $p190 $h23cm $wBA59377422 $o0195795725 $b032X $c40A6XX1 $qlabour union D2003-00368 $tBengal, rethinking history : essays in historiography. $A Bandyopādhyāẏa, Śekhara;en//(ed.) $eInt.Centre for Bengal Stud.//New Delhi $d2001 $p326 $h22cm $sICBS publication;no.29 $wBA61092174 $o8173044007 $b0142 $c41B180EXX1 D2003-00369 $tLeprosy in colonial South India : medicine and confinement. $A Buckingham, Jane;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//Basingstoke $d2002 $p236 $h23cm $wBA59319448 $o0333926226 $b094X $c41B180EXX1 D2003-00370 $tHabitations of modernity : essays in the wake of subaltern studies. $A Chakrabarty, Dipesh;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Chicago Pr.//Chicago $d2002 $p173 $h23cm $wBA5932705X $o0226100383 $o0226100391 $b0142 $c41D+20EXX1 D2003-00371 $tPostcolonial India : history, politics and culture. $A Damodaran, Vinita;en/Unnithan-Kumar, Maya;en//(ed.) $eManohar//New Delhi $d2000 $p375 $h23cm $wBA56965661 $o8173043817 $b031X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00372 $tTelevision and social change in rural India. $A Johnson, Kirk;en//(au.) $eSage Pub.//Thousand Oaks $d2000 $p247 $h22cm $wBA48029093 $o0761994211 $b0361 $c41C+1990EXX1 D2003-00373 $tMedicine in India : modern period. $A Jaggi, O. P.;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2000 $p355 $h29cm $sHistory of science,philosophy, and culture in Indian civilization ; v.9 Colonial period ; pt.1 $wGA86946099 $o019565126X $b094X $c41D+20EXX1 D2003-00374 $tBeyond the gorges of the Indus : archaeology before excavation. $A Jettmar, Karl;en//(au.) $A Kattner, Ellen;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Karachi $d2002 $p248 $h23cm $wGA90205785 $o0195779797 $b12XX $c45A2XX1 D2003-00375 $tA concordance of nāyakas : the Vijayanagar inscriptions in south India. $A 辛島 昇;ja(カラシマ ノボル)//著 $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Delhi $d2002 $p350 $h22cm $wBA60650992 $o0195658450 $b134X $c41D+14E:+16EXX1 D2003-00376 $tPakistan : political roots and development, 1947-1999. $A Safdar Mahmood;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Karachi $d2000 $p440 $h23cm $sThe Millennium series $wBA51036687 $o0195793730 $b051X $c45C+1947F:+1999FXX1 D2003-00377 $tPakistan : founders' aspirations and today's realities. $A Malik, Hafeez;en//(ed.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2001 $p469 $h23cm $wBA52611066 $o0195793331 $b051X $c45A6XX1 D2003-00378 $tThe Hindi public sphere, 1920-1940 : language and literature in the age of nationalism. $A Orsini, Francesca;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2002 $p486 $h23cm $wBA62470481 $o0195650840 $b157X $c00A0401 D2003-00379 $tHindu wife, Hindu nation : community, religion and cultural nationalism. $A Sarkar, Tanika;en//(au.) $eHurst & Company//London $d2001 $p290 $h23cm $wBA6313243X $o1850655820 $b031X $c41B180EXX1 D2003-00380 $tFreedom unfinished : fundamentalism and popular resistance in Bangladesh today. $A Seabrook, Jeremy;en//(au.) $eZed Books//London $d2001 $p243 $h22cm $wBA57103164 $o1856499081 $b051X $c44A6XX1 D2003-00381 $tLandscapes and lives : environmental dispatches on rural India. $A Sharma, Mukul;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2001 $p234 $h22cm $wBA6108089X $o0195655338 $b0361 $c41A6XX1 D2003-00382 $tGreen revolutions reconsidered : the rural world of contemporary Punjab. $A Singh, Himmat;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2001 $p302 $h23cm $wBA58661577 $o0195651898 $b0422 $c41A6XX1 D2003-00383 $tLiving with environmental change : social vulnerability, adaptation and resilience in Vietnam. $A Adger, W. Neil;en/Kelley, P. Mick;en/Nguyen, Huu Ninh;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2001 $p314 $h25cm $sRoutledge research global environmental change series;6 $wBA5400819X $o0415217229 $b031X $c30C+1990EXX1 D2003-00384 $tIndia and the United States in a changing world. $A Kapur, Ashok;en///et al.//(ed.) $eSage//New Delhi $d2002 $p560 $h23cm $wGA87939361 $o8178290863 $o0761995927 $b052X $c41/91A6XX1 D2003-00385 $tThe making of the Pakistan resolution. $A Malik, Muhammad Aslam;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Karachi $d2001 $p292 $h23cm $wGA89218371 $o0195795385 $b0142 $c45C+1911F:+1947FXX1 D2003-00386 $tSelected works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second series. $uv.28 $A Nehru, Jawaharlal;en//(au.) $eJawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund//New Delhi $d2001 $p674 $h25cm $wGA27845893 $b051X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00387 $tEveryday consciousness and Buddha-awakening. $A Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche;en//(au.) $A Schefczyk, Susanne;en//(au.) $eSnow Lion Pub.//Ithaca $d2002 $p124 $h22cm $wGA87903874 $o1559391707 $b0746 D2003-00388 $tReversing the gaze : Amar Singh's diary : a colonial subject's narrative of imperial India. $A Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber;en/Rudolph, Lloyd I.;en/Kanota, Mohanasimha;en//(ed.) $eWestview Pr.//Boulder $d2002 $p633 $wGA88776003 $o0813336260 $b0142 $c41D+20HXX1 D2003-00389 $tThe Columbia guide to the Vietnam War. $A Anderson, David L.;en//(au.) $eColumbia Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2002 $p308 $h24cm $sThe Columbia guides to American history and cultures $wBA5864106X $o0231114923 $b0142 $c30C+1961F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00390 $tHistorical dictionary of the Vietnam War. $A Moïse, Edwin E.;en//(au.) $eScarecrow Pr.//Lanham $d2001 $p493 $h22cm $sHistorical dictionaries of wars, revolution, and civil unrest;no.17 $wBA56031181 $o0810841835 $b0142 $c30C+1961F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00391 $tThe Comintern and revolution in Mongolia. $A Morozova, Irina Yurievna;en//(au.) $eWhite Horse Pr.for the Mongolia and Inner Asia Stud. Unit, Univ.of Cambridge//Cambridge $d2002 $p96 $h24cm $sInner Asia book series ; no.3 $wBA63574573 $o1874267502 $b0144 $c61C+1920E:+1930EXX1 D2003-00392 $tDemocracy, development and decentralization in provincial Thailand. $A Arghiros, Danie;en//(au.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p308 $h23cm $sDemocracy in Asia ; no.8 $wBA5210491X $o0700715223 $o0700715231 $b0361 $c11C+1980E:+1990EXX1 D2003-00393 $tThe emergence of a national economy : an economic history of Indonesia, 1800-2000. $A Dick, Howard;en///et al.//(au.) $eAsian Stud.Assoc.of Australia//Crows Nest $d2002 $p286 $h22cm $sSoutheast Asia publications series $wBA57269994 $o0824825527 $o1865086657 $b041X $c37C+1800F:+2000FXX1 D2003-00394 $tThe potent dead : ancestors, saints and heroes in contemporary Indonesia. $A Chambert-Loir, Hneri;en/Reid, Anthony;en//(ed.) $eAsian Stud.Assoc.of Australia//Crows Nest $d2002 $p243 $h22cm $sSoutheast Asia publications series $wBA58461476 $o1865087394 $b143X $c37A6XX1 D2003-00395 $tThe Indochinese experience of the French and the Americans : nationalism and communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. $A Dommen, Arthur J.;en//(au.) $eIndiana Univ.Pr.//Bloomington $d2001 $p1172 $h24cm $wBA56121025 $o0253338549 $b0142 $c21C+1885F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00396 $tThe Malay Peninsula : crossroads of the maritime silk road (100 BC-1300 AD). $A Jacq-Hergoualc'h, Michel;en//(au.) $A Hobson, Victoria;en//(tr.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $p607 $h25cm $sHandbuch der Orientalistik;Sect.3 South-East Asia;v.13 $wBA55629341 $o9004119736 $b0451 $c34D-01E:+13EXX1 D2003-00397 $tSex and borders : gender, national identity and prostitution policy in Thailand. $A Jeffrey, Leslie Ann;en//(au.) $eUBC Pr.//Vancouver $d2002 $p195 $h24cm $wBA58601892 $o0774808721 $o077480873X $b033X $c33A6XX1 D2003-00398 $tThe origins of the Vietnam War. $A Logevall, Fredrik;en//(au.) $eLongman//Harlow $d2001 $p156 $h24cm $sSeminar studies in history $wBA53750807 $o0582319188 $b0142 $c30C+1954F:+1960EXX1 D2003-00399 $tAung San and the struggle for Burmese independence. $A Naw, Angelene;en//(au.) $eSilkworm Books//Chiang Mai $d2001 $p284 $h22cm $wBA59256858 $o9747551543 $b0142 $c38C+1930E:+1947FXX1 D2003-00400 $tEntrepreneurship in Vietnam : transformation and dynamics. $A Ronnås, Per;en/Ramamurthy, Bhargavi;en//(ed.) $eNordic Inst.of Asian Stud.//Copenhagen $d2001 $p354 $h22cm $wBA5072846X $o8787062844 $o8787062895 $o981230116X $b043X $c30C+1990EXX1 D2003-00401 $tLocal cultures and the "New Asia" : the state, culture, and capitalism in Southeast Asia. $A Wee, C. J. W. -L.;en//(ed.) $eInst.of Southeast Asian Stud.//Singapore $d2002 $p245 $h23cm $wBA56174338 $o9812301232 $o9812301224 $b031X $c20C+1990EXX1 D2003-00402 $tWages of violence : naming and identity in postcolonial Bombay. $A Hansen, Thomas Blom;en//(au.) $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2001 $p269 $h24cm $wBA59869868 $o069108839X $o0691088403 $b0362 $c41A6XX1 D2003-00403 $tSir John Woodroffe, Tantra and Bengal : "An Indian soul in a European body"? $A Taylor, Kathleen;en//(au.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p319 $h24cm $wBA54246744 $o070071345X $b0142 $c41C+1865F:+1936FXX1 D2003-00404 $tThe partitions of memory : the afterlife of the division of India. $A Kaul, Suvir;en//(ed.) $ePermanent Black//Delhi $d2001 $p301 $h22cm $wBA58109439 $o8178240130 $b051X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00405 $tThe success of India's democracy. $A Kohli, Atul;en//(ed.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2001 $p298 $h23cm $sContemporary South Asia ; 6 $wBA53694998 $o0521801443 $o0521805309 $b051X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00406 $tColloquial Urdu : the complete course for beginners. $A Bhatia, Tej K.;en/Koul, Ashok;en//(au.) $eRoutledge//London $d2000 $p358 $h22cm $sColloquial series $wBA4858145X $o0415135400 $o0415135427 $b157X $c00A0401 D2003-00407 $tThe temples in Kumbhāriyā. $A Dhaky, Madhusudan A.;en/Moorti, Udayaravi S.;en//(au.) $eLalbhai Dalpatbhai Inst.of Indol.//Ahmedabad $d2001 $p186 $h28cm $wGA95739787 $o8173044341 $b112X $c41D+11E:+13HXX1 D2003-00408 $tBearing witness : partition, independence, end of the Raj. $A Kamra, Sukeshi;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calgary Pr.//Calgary $d2002 $p414 $h24cm $wGA92216319 $o1552380416 $b0142 $c41C+1947FXX1 D2003-00409 $tElections and politics in Indonesia. $A Suryadinata, Leo;en//(au.) $eInst.of Southeast Asian Stud.//Singapore $d2002 $p282 $h22cm $wBA56155515 $o9812301216 $o9812301275 $b051X $c37A6XX1 D2003-00410 $tThe animal and the daemon in early China. $A Sterckx, Roel;en//(au.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2002 $p375 $h24cm $sSUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture $wBA61335458 $o0791452697 $o0791452700 $b144X $c11A2XX1 D2003-00411 $tEvery step a lotus : shoes for bound feet. $A Ko, Dorothy;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2001 $p162 $h22×24cm $wBA55657391 $o0520232836 $o0921638140 $o0520232844 $b033X $c11B210E:300EXX1 D2003-00412 $tThe true story of Lu Xun. $A Pollard, David E.;en//(au.) $eThe Chinese Univ.Pr.//Hong Kong $d2002 $p242 $h22cm $wBA60450847 $o9629960613 $o9629960605 $b1072 $xlu xun $y4 $x$魯迅 $q魯迅正傳 D2003-00413 $tGlossary of Chinese Islamic terms. $A Wang, Jianping;en//(au.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p196 $h23cm $wBA5443852X $o0700706208 $b1529 D2003-00414 $tCommercial networks in modern Asia. $A 杉山 伸也;ja(スギヤマ シンヤ)/Grove, Linda;en//(ed.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p270 $h25cm $wBA52548083 $o0700714197 $b044X $c10D+19E:+20HXX1 $q近代アジアの流通ネットワーク D2003-00415 $tStrangers in the land : the rise and decline of the British Indian Empire. $A Cavaliero, Roderick;en//(au.) $eI.B.Tauris//London $d2002 $p280 $h25cm $wBA58171829 $o1860647979 $b0142 $c41B180EXX1 D2003-00416 $tThe Sino-Tibetan languages. $A Thurgood, Graham;en/LaPolla, Randy John;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2003 $p727 $h24cm $sRoutledge language family series;3 $wBA60788901 $o0700711295 $b153X $c00A0001 D2003-00417 $tTibetan elemental divination paintings : illuminated manuscripts from the White Beryl of Sangs-rgyas rGya-mtsho with the Moonbeams treatise of Lo-chen Dharmasri. $A Gyurme Dorje;en//(tr.) $eJohn Eskenazi//London $d2001 $p432 $h43cm $wGA90034671 $o1570629315 $b114X $c51D+17JXX1 $qSmin-glin Lo-chen Dharma-sri,Byun rtsis man nag zla bai od zer, Bsod-nams-dpal-byor,Vaidurya dkar po D2003-00418 $tA companion to Yi jing numerology and cosmology : Chinese studies of images and numbers from Han 漢 (202 BCE-220 BCE) to Song 宋 (960-1279 CE). $A Nielsen, Bent;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p391 $h24cm $wBA63609259 $o0700716084 $b082X $c11A2111 D2003-00419 $tThe American War:Vietnam 1960-1975. $A Neale, Jonathan;en//(au.) $eBookmarks//London $d2001 $p235 $h21cm $wGA88007122 $o1898876673 $b0142 $c30C+1960F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00420 $tA military history of China. $A Graff, David A.;en/Higham, Robin D. S.;en//(ed.) $eWestview Pr.//Boulder $d2002 $p316 $h24cm $wBA5612786X $o0813337364 $b062X $c11A1XX1 D2003-00421 $tThe Jews of China;v.2: A sourcebook and research guide. $A Goldstein, Jonathan;en/Shulman, Frank Joseph;en//(ed.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2000 $p202 $h24cm $sAn East gate book $wBA50436180 $o0765601036 $o0765601044 $b141X $c11B240E:320EXX1 D2003-00422 $tPort of last resort : the diaspora communities of Shanghai. $A Ristaino, Marcia Reynders;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2001 $p369 $h24cm $wBA58292288 $o0804738408 $b0362 $c11B310EXX1 $qJews D2003-00423 $tChinas unlimited : making the imaginaries of China and Chineseness. $A Lee, Gregory B.;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p121 $h23cm $sChinese worlds $wBA59634911 $o0700714928 $b1071 $c11A6XX1 D2003-00424 $tForests of fortune? : the environmental history of Southeast Borneo, 1600-1880. $A Knapen, Han;en//(au.) $eKITLV Pr.//Leiden $d2001 $p487 $h24cm $sVerhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde;189 $wBA57378876 $o9067181587 $b0361 $c37C+1600F:+1880FXX1 D2003-00425 $tKriyāsaṃgraha compendium of buddhist rituals : an abridged version. $A Skorupski, Tadeusz;en//(au.) $eThe Inst.of Buddhist Stud.//Tring $d2002 $p194 $h24cm $sBuddhica Britannica;10 $wBA60599647 $o0953937305 $b0745 D2003-00426 $tThe six perfections : an abridged version of E.Lamotte's French translation of Nāgārjuna's Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra chapters XVI-XXX. $A Skorupski, Tadeusz;en//(au.) $eThe Inst.of Buddhist Stud.//Tring $d2002 $p145 $h24cm $sBuddhica Britannica;9 $wBA60599206 $o0951542494 $b0745 D2003-00427 $tWays with words : writing about reading texts from early China. $A Yu, Pauline;en///et al.//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2000 $p283 $h24cm $sStudies on China;24 $wBA50337123 $o0520216059 $o0520224663 $b101X $c11A0XX1 D2003-00428 $tAncient China and its enemies : the rise of nomadic power in East Asian history. $A Di Cosmo, Nicola;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p369 $h24cm $wBA58054020 $o0521770645 $b013X $c11B100E:111EXX1 $q匈奴 D2003-00429 $tThe open empire : a history of China to 1600. $A Hansen, Valerie;en//(au.) $eNorton//N.Y. $d2000 $p458 $h24cm $wBA56191461 $o0393973743 $b013X $c11A2XX1 D2003-00430 $tKorea : a religious history. $uRev.ed. $A Grayson, James Huntley;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2002 $p288 $h24cm $wBA63676653 $o070071605X $b071X D2003-00431 $tActors on the Burmese stage, A trilogy of the Anglo-Burmese wars. $u1-3 $A Blackburn, Terence R.;en//(au.) $eA.P.H.Pub.//New Delhi $d2002 $v3 $h25cm $wGA92540769 $o8176483389 $b0142 $c38D+19EXX1 D2003-00432 $tZur lehre von der ewigen vibhūti Gottes. $A Oberhammer, Gerhard;en//(au.) $eÖsterreichischen Akad.der Wissenschaften//Wien $d2000 $p154 $h24cm $sSitzungsberichte.Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; 684.Bd. Materialien zur Geschichte der Rāmānuja-Schule ; 5 Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Sprachen und Kulturen Südasiens ; Heft 34 $wBA51248324 $o3700129459 $b075X D2003-00433 $tHinduism and ecology : the intersection of earth, sky, and water. $A Chapple, Christopher;en/Tucker, Mary Evelyn;en//(ed.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2001 $p600 $h23cm $wBA61220933 $o0195658086 $b031X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00434 $tPhilosophy in classical India : the proper work of reason. $A Ganeri, Jonardon;en//(au.) $eRoutledge//London $d2001 $p207 $h24cm $wBA5216406X $o0415240344 $o0415240352 $b075X D2003-00435 $tL'Āgamaśāstra : un traité vedāntique en quatre chapitres. $A Bouy, Christian;en//(tr.) $eÉdition-diffusion de Boccard : Collège de France//Paris $d2000 $p432 $sPublications de l'Institut de civilisation indienne;série in-8o;fasc.69 $wBA51421597 $o2868030696 $b075X $qGauḍapāda Ācārya D2003-00436 $tA dictionary of Tocharian B. $A Adams, Douglas Q.;en//(au.) $eRodopi//Amsterdam $d1999 $p830 $h24cm $sLeiden studies in Indo-European;v.1 $wBA44533648 $o9042004355 $b157X $c00A0601 D2003-00437 $tTitle index to Daoist collections. $A Komjathy, Louis;en//(au.) $eThree Pines Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p216 $h27cm $wGA91793383 $o1931483248 $b073X D2003-00438 $tGendering the spirit : women, religion & the post-colonial response. $A Ahmed, Durre S.;en//(ed.) $eZed Books//London $d2002 $p244 $h22cm $wBA58309573 $o1842770276 $b033X $c40A6XX1 D2003-00439 $tRethinking development in East Asia : from illusory miracle to economic crisis. $A Masina, Pietro P.;en//(ed.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2002 $p326 $h24cm $sStudies on Asian topics;no.29 $wBA55194533 $o0700712143 $b041X $c10C+1990KXX1 D2003-00440 $tCarnival in China : a reading of the Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan. $A Berg, Daria;en//(au.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $p421 $wGA89008958 $o9004124268 $b106X $c11D+17JXX1 $q醒世姻縁伝 D2003-00441 $tNew Chinese cinema : challenging representations. $A Cornelius, Sheila;en/Smith, Ian Haydn;en//(au.) $eWallflower//London $d2002 $p133 $h20cm $sShort cuts : introductions to film studies ; 11 $wBA62039472 $o1903364132 $b1076 D2003-00442 $tAppetites : food and sex in postsocialist China. $A Farquhar, Judith;en//(au.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2002 $p341 $h25cm $sBody, commodity, text $wGA87921832 $o0822329069 $o0822329212 $b031X $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00443 $tWays of being ethnic in Southwest China. $A Harrell, Stevan;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Washington Pr.//Seattle $d2001 $p370 $h23cm $sStudies on ethnic groups in China $wBA59902453 $o0295981229 $o0295981237 $b141X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00444 $tChina in the world market : Chinese industry and international sources of reform in the post-Mao era. $A Moore, Thomas G.;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p344 $h24cm $sCambridge modern China series $wBA56305968 $o0521662834 $o052166442X $b041X $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00445 $tInklings of democracy in China. $A Ogden, Suzanne;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2002 $p430 $h23cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 210 $wBA59368749 $o0674008561 $o0674008790 $b051X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00446 $tChallenging the mandate of Heaven : social protest and state power in China. $A Perry, Elizabeth J.;en//(au.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2002 $p343 $h24cm $sAsia and the Pacific $wBA56168991 $o0765604442 $o0765604450 $b013X $c11D+19J:+20EXX1 D2003-00447 $tTo become a god : cosmology, sacrifice, and self-divinization in early China. $A Puett, Michael J.;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching Inst.//Cambridge $d2002 $p358 $h24cm $sHarvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 57 $wBA63572352 $o0674009592 $b072X D2003-00448 $tDebating human rights in China : a conceptual and political history. $A Svensson, Marina;en//(au.) $eRowman & Littlefield Pub.//Lanham $d2002 $p389 $h24cm $wBA57271409 $o0742516962 $o0742516970 $b051X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00449 $tSearching for life's meaning : changes and tensions in the worldviews of Chinese youth in the 1980s. $A Xu, Luo;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Michigan Pr.//Ann Arbor $d2002 $p359 $h25cm $wBA60112174 $o0472112392 $b031X $c11C+1980EXX1 D2003-00450 $tThe origins of Buddhist monastic codes in China : an annotated translation and study of the Chanyuan qinggui. $A Yifa;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p352 $h24cm $sClassics in East Asian Buddhism $wBA6389517X $o0824824946 $b0747 $q禅苑清規 D2003-00451 $tWarfare in inner Asian history(500-1800). $A Di Cosmo, Nicola;en//(ed.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $p456 $h25cm $sHandbuch der Orientalistik ; Sec.8 ; Central Asia ; v.6 $wBA55961009 $o9004119493 $b0143 $c50C+0500F:+1800FXX1 D2003-00452 $tReflections on reality : the three natures and non-natures in the mind-only school. $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p598 $h24cm $sA Philip E. Lilienthal book $wBA60513459 $o0520211200 $b0746 $qTsoṅ-kha-pa Blo-bzaṅ-grags-pa,Legs bśad sñiṅ po,Vijñaptimātratā,Dge-lugs-pa D2003-00453 $tThe Dzogchen primer : embracing the spiritual path according to the great perfection ; introductory teachings by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche. $A Schmidt, Marcia Binder;en//(au.) $eShambhala//Boston $d2002 $p310 $h23cm $wGA89188860 $o1570628297 $b0746 D2003-00454 $tKorean crisis and recovery. $A Coe, David T.;en/Kim, Se-Jik;en//(ed.) $eIMF//Washington,D.C. $d2002 $p531 $h23cm $wBA59725121 $o1589060687 $b041X $c18C+1990KXX1 D2003-00455 $tMin Yong-hwan : a political biography. $A Finch, Michael;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p256 $h24cm $sHawaii studies on Korea $wGA88513966 $o0824825209 $b015X $c18C+1861F:+1905FXX1 D2003-00456 $tKorea's divided families : fifty years of separation. $A Foley, James A.;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p212 $h24cm $wBA60614398 $o0415297389 $b033X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00457 $tKorean endgame : a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement. $A Harrison, Selig S.;en//(au.) $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2002 $p409 $h25cm $sA century foundation book $wBA57008640 $o069109604X $b052X $c18/91C+1990EXX1 D2003-00458 $tIm Kwon-Taek : the making of a Korean national cinema. $A James, David E.;en/Kim, Kyung Hyun;en//(ed.) $eWayne State Univ.Pr.//Detroit $d2002 $p294 $h23cm $sContemporary film and television series $wBA58792021 $o0814328695 $o0814328687 $b108X $c18C+1990EXX1 D2003-00459 $tNorth Korea and northeast Asia. $A Kim, Samuel S.;en/Lee, Tai Hwan;en//(ed.) $eRowman & Littlefield//Lanham $d2002 $p278 $h23cm $sAsia in world politics $wBA60907589 $o0742517101 $o074251711X $b052X $c18C+1990EXX1 D2003-00461 $tThe North Korean revolution, 1945-1950. $A Armstrong, Charles K.;en//(au.) $eCornell Univ.Pr.//Ithaca $d2003 $p265 $h24cm $sStudies of the East Asian Institute $wBA60502860 $o0801440149 $b051X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00462 $tTheir war for Korea : American, Asian, and European combatants and civilians, 1945-1953. $A Millett, Allan Reed;en//(au.) $eBrassey's//Washington,D.C. $d2002 $p311 $h24cm $wGA90364392 $o1574884344 $b052X $c18C+1945F:+1953FXX1 D2003-00463 $tToward normalizing U.S.-Korea relations : in due course? $A Olsen, Edward A.;en//(au.) $eLynne Rienner Pub.//Boulder $d2002 $p148 $h24cm $wBA59625295 $o1588261093 $b052X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00464 $tMany tongues, one people : the making of Tharu identity in Nepal. $A Guneratne, Arjun;en//(au.) $eCornell Univ.Pr.//Ithaca $d2002 $p236 $h23cm $sCornell paperbacks $wBA60309769 $o0801439124 $o0801487285 $b142X $c42A6XX1 D2003-00465 $tThe roots of Tantra. $A Harper, Katherine Anne;en/Brown, Robert L.;en//(ed.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2002 $p270 $h24cm $sSUNY series in Tantric studies $wBA58133772 $o0791453057 $o0791453065 $b0745 D2003-00466 $tMughal architecture : an outline of its history and development, (1526-1858). $A Koch, Ebba;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2002 $p159 $h24cm $wBA61481256 $o0195660420 $b112X $c41C+1526F:+1858FXX1 D2003-00467 $tMind, language, and world. $A Ganeri, Jonardon;en//(ed.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2002 $p458 $h23cm $sPhilosophy, culture, and religion ; The collected essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal $wBA58965287 $o0195644360 $b075X D2003-00468 $tEthnic conflict and civic life : Hindus and Muslims in India. $A Varshney, Ashutosh;en//(au.) $eYale Univ.Pr.//New Haven $d2002 $p382 $h25cm $wBA56948028 $o0300085303 $b051X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00469 $tWalls within walls : life histories of working women in the old city of Lahore. $A Weiss, Anita M.;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2002 $p201 $h25cm $wGA94106978 $o0195797612 $b033X $c45A6XX1 D2003-00470 $tHet verbond met de tijger : visies op mensenetende dieren in Kerinci, Sumatra. $A Bakels, Jet;en//(au.) $eRes.School of Asian,African,and Amerindian Stud.,Univ.Leiden//Leiden $d2000 $p378 $h24cm $sCNWS publications ; no. 93 $wBA60703487 $o905789047X $b143X $c37A6XX1 D2003-00471 $tFrontiers of Fear : Tigers and People in the Malay World 1600-1950. $A Boomgaard, Peter;en//(au.) $eYale Univ.Pr.//New Haven $d2001 $p306 $h25cm $sYale agrarian studies $wBA57420713 $o0300085397 $b143X $c34C+1600F:+1950FXX1 D2003-00472 $tHonest mistakes : the life and death of Trinh Minh The (1922-1955), South Vietnam's alternative leader. $A Blagov, Serguei A.;en//(au.) $eNova Sci.Pub.//Huntington $d2001 $p246 $h26cm $wGA85219907 $o1560729732 $b015X $c30C+1922F:+1955FXX1 D2003-00473 $tImagining Vietnam and America : the making of postcolonial Vietnam, 1919-1950. $A Bradley, Mark Philip;en//(au.) $eUniv.of North Carolina Pr.//Chapel Hill $d2000 $p304 $h24cm $sThe new Cold War history $wBA51563627 $o0807825492 $o0807848611 $b0142 $c30C+1919F:+1950FXX1 D2003-00474 $tRoots of violence in Indonesia : contemporary violence in historical perspective. $A Colombijn, Freek;en/Lindblad, J. Thomas;en//(ed.) $eKITLV Pr.//Leiden $d2002 $p348 $h24cm $sVerhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; 194 $wBA59785360 $o9067181889 $b051X $c37A6XX1 D2003-00475 $tMaking blood white : historical transformations in early modern Makassar. $A Cummings, William;en//(au.) $eUniv.Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p257 $h24cm $wBA5799223X $o0824825136 $b0142 $c37D+16EXX1 D2003-00476 $tThe politics of power : Freeport in Suharto's Indonesia. $A Leith, Denise;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2003 $p347 $h24cm $wBA59498890 $o0824825667 $b051X $c37C+1990EXX1 D2003-00477 $tViet Nam's cultural diversity : approaches to preservation. $A Salemink, Oscar;en//(ed.) $eUNESCO Pub.//Paris $d2001 $p282 $h27cm $wBA60373134 $o9231038001 $b141X $c30A6XX1 D2003-00478 $tReinventing ASEAN. $A Tay, Simon S. C.;en/Estanislao, Jesus P.;en/Soesastro, Hadi;en//(ed.) $eInst.of Southeast Asian Stud.//Singapore $d2001 $p316 $h23cm $wBA56806475 $o981230147X $b052X $c20A6XX1 D2003-00479 $tForest policy and politics in the Philippines : the dynamics of participatory conservation. $A Bagadion, Benjamin C.;en///et al.//(au.) $A Utting, Peter;en//(ed.) $eAteneo de Manila Univ.Pr.//Manila $d2000 $p237 $h23cm $wBA53560856 $o9715503489 $b031X $c36C+1990EXX1 D2003-00480 $tGender, household, state : đổi mới in Việt Nam. $A Werner, Jayne;en/Bélanger, Danièle;en//(au.) $eSoutheast Asia Program,Cornell Univ.//Ithaca $d2002 $p151 $h26cm $sSoutheast Asia program series ; 19 $wBA60771206 $o0877271372 $b033X $c30C+1990EXX1 D2003-00481 $tChinese big business and the wealth of Asian nations. $A Brown, Rajeswary Ampalavanar;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2000 $p328 $h23cm $sStudies in the economies of East and South-East Asia $wBA49939785 $o0333753445 $b043X $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00482 $tAll things considered : advanced reader of modern Chinese. $A 周質平;zh[zhou zhi ping]/夏岩;zh[xia yan]/呉妙慧;zh[wu miao hui]//編 $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2001 $p514 $h28cm $sPrinceton paperbacks $wBA5756575X $o0691090483 $b1521 $c11A6XX1 $q事事関心 : 現代漢語高級読本 D2003-00483 $tBlood and history in China : the Donglin faction and its repression, 1620-1627. $A Dardess, John W.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p207 $h23cm $wBA60188391 $o082482475X $o0824825160 $b013X $c11C+1620F:+1627FXX1 $q東林 D2003-00484 $tThe Guodian Laozi : proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998. $A Allan, Sarah;en/Williams, Crispin;en//(ed.) $eSoc.for the Stud.of Early China and Inst.of East Asian Stud.,Univ.of Calif.//Berkeley $d2000 $p289 $h23cm $wGA80685072 $o1557290695 $b138X $c11B090EXX1 $q郭店,老子 D2003-00485 $tHistoire de Shanghai. $A Bergère, Marie-Claire;en//(au.) $eFayard//[Paris] $d2002 $p520 $h24cm $sHistoire des grandes villes du monde $wGA92563640 $o2213609551 $b0362 $c11D+20EXX1 D2003-00486 $tRe-drawing boundaries : work, households, and gender in China. $A Entwisle, Barbara;en/Henderson, Gail;en//(ed.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2000 $p344 $h24cm $sStudies on China ; 25 $wBA48750808 $o0520220900 $o0520220919 $b033X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00487 $tModel rebels : the rise and fall of China's richest village. $A Gilley, Bruce;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2001 $p219 $h23cm $wBA52443540 $o0520225325 $o0520225333 $b0361 $c11C+1980EXX1 D2003-00488 $tDaoism and ecology : ways within a cosmic landscape. $A Girardot, N. J.;en/Miller, James;en/Liu, Hsiao-kan;en//(ed.) $eHarvard Univ.Center for the Stud.of World Religions//Cambridge $d2001 $p478 $h23cm $sReligions of the world and ecology $wBA55335282 $o0945454295 $o0945454309 $b073X D2003-00489 $tThe human tradition in premodern China. $A Hammond, Kenneth James;en//(ed.) $eScholarly Resources//Wilmington $d2002 $p172 $h24cm $sHuman tradition around the world ; no.4 $wGA91548765 $o0842029583 $o0842029591 $b031X $c11A2XX1 D2003-00490 $tHong Kong the super paradox : life after return to China. $A Hsiung, James Chieh;en//(ed.) $eSt.Martin's Pr.//N.Y. $d2000 $p358 $h22cm $wBA46975454 $o0312222939 $b031X $c13C+1990KXX1 D2003-00491 $tDreaming of gold, dreaming of home : transnationalism and migration between the United States and South China, 1882-1943. $A Hsu, Madeline Yuan-yin;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2000 $p271 $h24cm $sAsian America $wBA51284383 $o0804738149 $o0804746877 $b0453 $c91C+1882F:+1943FXX1 D2003-00493 $tChina's trial by fire : the Shanghai war of 1932. $A Jordan, Donald A.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Michigan Pr.//Ann Arbor $d2001 $p309 $h24cm $wBA52328892 $o0472111655 $b013X $c11C+1932FXX1 D2003-00494 $tStaging the world : Chinese nationalism at the turn of the twentieth century. $A Karl, Rebecca;en//(au.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2002 $p314 $h25cm $wBA58177020 $o0822328526 $o0822328674 $b051X $c11C+1990EXX1 D2003-00495 $tLaw and justice in China's new marketplace. $A Keith, Ronald C.;en/Lin, Zhiqiu;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2001 $p315 $h23cm $wBA52104079 $o0333770900 $b061X $c11C+1980E:+2000EXX1 D2003-00497 $tHong Kong from Britain to China : political cleavages, electoral dynamics and institutional changes. $A Li, Pang-kwong;en//(au.) $eAshgate//Aldershot $d2000 $p280 $h23cm $sSocial and political studies from Hong Kong $wBA48969747 $o0754611221 $b051X $c13C+1990KXX1 D2003-00499 $tPublic places in Asia Pacific cities : current issues and strategies. $A Pu, Miao;en//(ed.) $eKluwer Acad.Pub.//Dordrecht $d2001 $p391 $h25cm $sGeoJournal library ; v.60 $wBA55053804 $o079237083X $b0362 $c10A6XX1 D2003-00500 $tThe age of wild ghosts : memory, violence, and place in Southwest China. $A Mueggler, Erik;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2001 $p360 $h23cm $wBA5151495X $o0520226232 $o0520226313 $b0361 $c11A6XX1 D2003-00502 $tIbsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. $A 譚国根;zh[tan guo gen]//著 $eChinese Univ.Pr.//Hong Kong $d2001 $p263 $h24cm $wBA57118591 $o9622019072 $b1075 D2003-00504 $tChinese feminism faces globalization. $A Weskoy, Sharon;en//(au.) $eRoutledge//N.Y. $d2002 $p302 $h24cm $sEast Asia : history, politics, sociology, culture . A Routledge series $wBA57396481 $o0415932254 $b033X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00506 $tMacau in transition : from Colony to autonomous region. $A Yee, Herbert S.;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//Basingstoke $d2001 $p208 $h23cm $wBA54414270 $o0333750098 $b051X $c14C+1999FXX1 D2003-00507 $tDie Asienwissenschaften in Deutschland : Geschichte, Stand und Perspektiven. $A Schütte, Hans-Wilm;en//(au.) $eInst.für Asienkunde//Hamburg $d2002 $p460 $h21cm $sMitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg ; Nr.353 $wBA6116340X $o3889102735 $b17XX $c00A0004 D2003-00508 $tLanguage, ontology, and political philosophy in China : Wang Bi's scholarly exploration of the dark(xuanxue). $A Wagner, Rudolf G.;en//(au.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2003 $p261 $h23cm $sSUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture $wGA90172449 $o0791453316 $b083X $c11C+0226F:+0249FXX1 $q王弼,玄学 D2003-00509 $tDie chinesische Dichtkunst : von den Anfängen bis zum Ende der Kaiserzeit. $A Kubin, Wolfgang;en//(au.) $eSaur//München $d2002 $p416 $h25cm $sGeschichte der chinesischen Literatur ; Bd.1 $wBA63029601 $o3598245416 $b103X $c11A0XX1 D2003-00510 $tThe cult of the goddess Kubjikā : a preliminary comparative textual and anthropological survey of a secret newar goddess. $A Dyczkowski, Mark S. G.;en//(au.) $eFranz Steiner//Stuttgart $d2001 $p84 $h25cm $sPublications of the Nepal Research Centre ; No.23 $wBA63457795 $o3515081062 $b145X $c42A6XX1 D2003-00511 $tLa Sérinde, terre d'échanges : art, religion, commerce du 1er au Xe siècle : actes du colloque international Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, 13-14-15 février 1996. $A Cohen, Monique;en/Drège, Jean-Pierre;en/Giès, Jacques;en//(ed.) $eDocumentation française//Paris $d2000 $p219 $h24cm $sRencontres de l'École du Louvre ; 14 $wBA55878947 $o2110042818 $b013X $c11D+01E:+10EXX1 D2003-00512 $tInternationalizing China : domestic interests and global linkages. $A Zweig, David;en//(au.) $eCornell Univ.Pr.//Ithaca $d2002 $p291 $h24cm $sCornell studies in political economy $wBA58095017 $o0801439671 $o0801487552 $b052X $c11C+2000EXX1 D2003-00513 $tEchoes from Dharamsala : music in the life of a Tibetan refugee community. $A Diehl, Keila;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p312 $h24cm $wBA57700695 $o0520230434 $o0520230442 $b143X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00514 $tChinese provincial leaders : economic performance and political mobility since 1949. $A Bo, Zhiyue;en//(au.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2002 $p183 $h24cm $sStudies on contemporary China $wBA58160469 $o0765609169 $b051X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00515 $tMao's China and the Cold War. $A Chen, Jian;en//(au.) $eUniv.of North Carolina Pr.//Chapel Hill $d2001 $p400 $h25cm $sThe new Cold War history $wBA52327801 $o0807826170 $o0807849324 $b051X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00516 $tStudies on economic reforms and development in China. $A Cheng, Siwei;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2001 $p347 $h24cm $wBA63920619 $o019593377X $b041X $c11C+1980E:+2000EXX1 D2003-00517 $t"A truthful impression of the country" : British and American travel writing in China, 1880-1949. $A Clifford, Nicholas J.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Michigan Pr.//Ann Arbor $d2001 $p231 $h24cm $wBA57236215 $o0472111973 $b024X $c11C+1880F:+1949FXX1 D2003-00518 $tSome did it for civilisation, some did it for their country: a revised view of the boxer war. $A Elliott, Jane E.;en//(au.) $eChinese Univ.Pr.//Hong Kong $d2002 $p610 $h24cm $wBA57597450 $o9622019730 $o9629960664 $b013X $c11C+1900FXX1 $q義和団 D2003-00519 $tTown and country in China : identity and perception. $A Faure, David;en/Liu, Tao Tao;en//(ed.) $ePalgrave//Basingstoke $d2002 $p260 $h23cm $sSt. Antony's series $wBA58026014 $o0333945956 $b0362 $c11A6XX1 D2003-00520 $tIn search of Chinese democracy : civil opposition in Nationalist China, 1929-1949. $A Fung, Edmund S. K.;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2000 $p407 $h24cm $sCambridge modern China series $wBA50092525 $o0521771242 $b013X $c11C+1929F:+1949FXX1 D2003-00521 $tSouth-South transfer : study of Sino-African exchanges. $A Gillespie, Sandra;en//(au.) $eGarland Pub.//N.Y. $d2001 $p263 $wGA85441494 $o0815338708 $b052X $c11/99A6XX1 D2003-00522 $tThe unknown cultural revolution : educational reforms and their impact on China's rural development. $A Han, Dongping;en//(au.) $eGarland Pub.//N.Y. $d2000 $p195 $h24cm $sEast Asia : history, politics, sociology, culture $wBA50486509 $o0815339062 $b051X $c11C+1966F:+1976FXX1 D2003-00523 $tThe Water God's temple of the Guangsheng monastery : cosmic function of art, ritual and theater. $A Jing, Anning;en//(au.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $p294 $h25cm $sSinica Leidensia ; v.53 $wBA59874008 $o9004119256 $b145X $c11A6XX1 $q水神廟,広勝寺鎮 D2003-00524 $tThe image of China in western social and political thought. $A Jones, David Martin;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//Houndmills $d2001 $p238 $h23cm $wBA54434835 $o0333912950 $b081X $c11D+17E:+20EXX1 D2003-00525 $tThe Chinese women's movement between state and market. $A Judd, Ellen R.;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2002 $p216 $h24cm $wBA63676391 $o080474405X $o0804744068 $b033X $c11C+1980KXX1 D2003-00526 $tThe ancestral landscape : time, space, and community in late Shang China (ca.1200-1045 B.C.). $A Keightley, David N.;en//(au.) $eInst.of East Asian Stud.,Univ.of Cailf.//Berkeley $d2000 $p209 $h23cm $sChina research monograph ; 53 $wBA49107851 $o1557290709 $b013X $c11C-1200F:-1045FXX1 D2003-00527 $tNanking 1937 : memory and healing. $A Li, Feifei;en/Sabella, Robert;en/Liu, David;en//(ed.) $eM.E.Sharpe//N.Y. $d2002 $p278 $h24cm $wBA58064727 $o0765608162 $o0765608170 $b013X $c11C+1937FXX1 $q南京大虐殺 D2003-00528 $tPartnering with Chinese firms : lessons for international managers. $A Luo, Yadong;en//(au.) $eAshgate//Aldershot $d2000 $p351 $h23cm $wBA47927231 $o1840147636 $b043X $c11C+1990JXX1 $q跨国公司 D2003-00529 $tNotable women of China : Shang dynasty to the early twentieth century. $A Peterson, Barbara Bennett;en//(ed.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2000 $p402 $h24cm $wBA46905550 $o076560504X $b033X $c11A0XX1 D2003-00530 $tAuspicious omens and miracles in ancient China : Han, three kingdoms, and six dynasties. $A Lippiello, Tiziana;en//(au.) $eMonumenta Serica Inst.//Sankt Augustin $d2001 $p393 $h24cm $sMonumenta serica monograph series ; 39 $wGA91526922 $o3805004567 $b144X $c11B110E:160EXX1 D2003-00531 $tChina's retreat from equality : income distribution and economic transition. $A Riskin, Carl;en/Zhao, Renwei;en/Li, Shi;en//(ed.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2001 $p358 $h24cm $sAsia and the Pacific , An East gate book $wBA52587857 $o0765606909 $o0765606917 $b041X $c11C+1990KXX1 D2003-00532 $tBandits, eunuchs, and the son of heaven : rebellion and the economy of violence in mid-Ming China. $A Robinson, David M.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2001 $p283 $h24cm $wBA55493782 $o0824823915 $b013X $c11B290KXX1 D2003-00533 $tPracticing kinship : lineage and descent in late imperial China. $A Szonyi, Michael;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2002 $p313 $h24cm $wBA60721886 $o0804742618 $b033X $c11B290E:300EXX1 $q離家 D2003-00534 $tChinese urban life under reform : the changing social contract. $A Tang, Wenfang;en/Parish, William L.;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2000 $p388 $h24cm $sCambridge modern China series $wBA47928143 $o0521770858 $o0521778654 $b0362 $c11C+1980E:+2000EXX1 D2003-00535 $tThe crab and frog motion paradigm shift : decoding and deciphering Taipei and Beijing's dialectical politics. $A Yu, Peter Kien-hong;en//(au.) $eUniv.Pr.of America//Lanham $d2001 $p343 $wGA87324899 $o0761821503 $b051X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00536 $tChina and the Vietnam wars 1950-1975. $A Zhai, Qiang;en//(au.) $eUniversity of North Carolina Pr.//Chapel Hill $d2000 $p304 $h25cm $sThe new Cold War history $wBA48930388 $o0807825328 $o0807848425 $b052X $c11/30C+1950F:+1975FXX1 D2003-00537 $tEssays on the moral philosophy of Mengzi. $A Liu, Xiusheng;en/Ivanhoe, P. J.;en//(ed.) $eHackett Pub.//Indianapolis $d2002 $p249 $h22cm $wGA89595070 $o0872206246 $o0872206238 $b083X $c11A2121 D2003-00538 $tOn the epistemology of the senses in early Chinese thought. $A Geaney, Jane;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p267 $h23cm $sMonograph ... of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy ; no.19 $wBA63908373 $o0824825578 $b081X $c11A2XX1 D2003-00539 $tPaul Pelliot (1878-1945) : his life and works : a bibliography. $A Walravens, Hartmut;en//(comp.) $eIndiana Univ.,Res.Inst.for Inner Asian Stud.//Bloomington $d2001 $p248 $h24cm $sIndiana University oriental series ; v.9 $wBA61349780 $o0933070470 $b17XX $c93C+1878F:+1945F001 D2003-00540 $tThe Lhasa atlas : traditional Tibetan architecture and townscape. $A Larsen, Knud;en/Sinding-Larsen, Amund;en//(au.) $eShambhala//Boston $d2001 $p180 $h29cm $wBA59239076 $o157062867X $b112X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00541 $tThe blessings of Bhutan. $A Carpenter, Russell B.;en/Carpenter, Blyth C.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p186 $h23cm $wBA64311296 $o0824826795 $b111X $c47A0XX1 D2003-00542 $tA Chinese bestiary : strange creatures from the guideways through mountains and seas : 山海經. $A Strassberg, Richard E.;en//(ed.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p313 $h26cm $wBA63572578 $o0520218442 $b022X $c11A2XX1 D2003-00543 $tSufism in South Asia : impact on fourteenth century Muslim society. $A Islam, Riazul;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Karachi $d2002 $p489 $h23cm $wBA6374935X $o0195790057 $b078X D2003-00544 $tThe courts of pre-colonial South India : material culture and kingship. $A Howes, Jennifer;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p259 $h24cm $sRoyal Asiatic Society books $wBA60313904 $o0700715851 $b111X $c41D+18E:+19EXX1 $qarchitecture,oil painting,wall painting D2003-00545 $tAnglo-China : Chinese people and British rule in Hong Kong, 1841-1880. $A Munn, Christopher;en//(au.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p460 $h24cm $wBA54440601 $o0700712984 $b013X $c13C+1841F:+1880FXX1 D2003-00546 $tShamans in Asia. $A Chilson, Clark;en/Knecht, Peter;en//(ed.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p199 $h24cm $wBA62265755 $o041529679X $b145X $c00A0XX1 D2003-00547 $tTantra in practice. $A White, David Gordon;en//(ed.) $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2000 $p640 $h25cm $sPrinceton readings in religions $wBA48822432 $o0691057788 $o0691057796 $b0745 D2003-00548 $tCollected papers on Jaina studies. $A Jaini, Padmanabh S.;en//(ed.) $eMotilal Banarsidass Pub.//Delhi $d2000 $p428 $h23cm $wBA48227541 $o8120816919 $b075X D2003-00549 $tCollected papers on Buddhist studies. $A Jaini, Padmanabh S.;en//(ed.) $eMotilal Banarsidass Pub.//Delhi $d2001 $p557 $h23cm $wBA53801941 $o8120817761 $b0745 D2003-00550 $tThree Gāndhārī Ekottarikāgama-type sūtras : British Library Kharoṣṭhī fragments 12 and 14. $A Allon, Mark;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Washington Pr.//Seattle $d2001 $p336 $h29cm $sGandhāran Buddhist texts ; v.2 $wBA58147529 $o0295981857 $b0745 $qTipiṭaka,Suttapiṭaka,Anguttaranikāya D2003-00551 $tThe golden age of the U.S.-China-Japan triangle, 1972-1989. $A Vogel, Ezra F.;en/Yuan, Ming;en/田中 明彦;ja(タナカ アキヒコ)//(ed.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2002 $p268 $h24cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 216 $wBA59376758 $o0674009606 $b052X $c10/91C+1972F:+1989FXX1 D2003-00552 $tSanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden ; T.8 Die Katalognummern 1800-1999. $A Wille, Klaus;en//(ed.) $eF.Steiner//Wiesbaden $d2000 $p289 $h29cm $sVerzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland ; Bd.10 $wBA00868092 $o3515072055 $b138X $c11B210EXX1 D2003-00553 $tThe Columbia history of Chinese literature. $A Mair, Victor H.;en//(ed.) $eColumbia Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2001 $p1342 $h25cm $wBA57450951 $o0231109849 $b101X $c11A0XX1 D2003-00554 $tPour une histoire de la Sérinde : le manichéisme parmi les peuples et religions d'Asie Centrale d'apres les sources primaires. $A Tremblay, Xavier;en//(au.) $eVerl.der Österreichischen Akad.der Wissenschaft.//Wien $d2001 $p337 $h24cm $sVeröffentlichungen der Kommission für Iranistik ; Nr.28, Sitzungsberichte ; Bd.690 $wBA60641073 $o3700130341 $b077X D2003-00555 $tSpeaking of dance : the Indian critique. $A Bose, Mandakranta;en//(au.) $eD.K.Printworld//New Delhi $d2001 $p144 $h25cm $wGA88172617 $o8124601720 $b118X $c41A0XX1 D2003-00556 $tArchaeology and history : early settlements in the Andaman Islands. $A Cooper, Zarine;en//(au.) $eOxford : Oxford Univ.Pr.//Delhi $d2002 $p207 $h22cm $wBA62992374 $o0195657926 $b12XX $c41A2XX1 D2003-00557 $tBuddhist divinities. $A Niyogi, Puspa;en//(au.) $eMunshiram Manoharlal Pub.//New Delhi $d2001 $p198 $h25cm $wBA58852349 $o8121509130 $b113X $c41A0XX1 D2003-00558 $tAcross the Hindukush of the First Millennium : a collection of the papers. $A 桑山 正進;ja(クワヤマ ショウシン)//著 $eInst.for Res.in Humanities, Kyoto Univ.//Kyoto $d2002 $p297 $h26cm $sReport of the Research Project on the Historical Archaeology of the Hindukush areas carried out under the auspices of the Asian Archaeology Section of the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University $wBA58524962 $b12XX $c46A2XX1 D2003-00559 $tBetween China and Europe : person, culture and emotion in Macao. $A Pina-Cabral, João de;en//(au.) $eContinuum//London $d2002 $p256 $h22cm $sLondon School of Economics monographs on social anthropology ; v. 74 $wBA59136335 $o0826457487 $o0826457495 $b031X $c14A6XX1 D2003-00560 $tBoats of South Asia. $A McGrail, Sean;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p316 $h24cm $sRoutledgeCurzon studies in South Asia $wBA60404078 $o041529746X $b0451 $c40A0XX1 $qMaritime anthropology,Boatbuilding D2003-00561 $tChronicles of British Business in Asia, 1850-1960 : a bibliography of printed company histories with short accounts of the concerns. $A Carter, Lionel;en//(au.) $eManohar//New Delhi $d2002 $p227 $h23cm $wGA94944248 $o8173044708 $b041X $c40C+1859F:+1960FXX1 D2003-00562 $tDragons, tigers, and dogs : Qing crisis management and the boundaries of state power in late imperial China. $A Antony, Robert J.;en/Leonard, Jane Kate;en//(ed.) $eEast Asia Program, Cornell Univ.//Ithaca $d2002 $p333 $h22cm $sCornell East Asia series ; 114 $wBA62641992 $o1885445431 $o1885445148 $b013X $c11B300EXX1 D2003-00563 $tRulin waishi and cultural transformation in late imperial China. $A Shang, Wei;en<商偉>//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching inst.//Cambridge $d2003 $p356 $h24cm $sHarvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 59 $wBA63566451 $o0674010957 $b106X $c11C+1740EXX1 $q儒林外史 D2003-00564 $tChinese storytellers : life and art in the Yangzhou tradition. $A Bordahl, Vibeke;en/Ross, Jette;en//(au.) $eCheng & Tsui Co.//Boston $d2002 $p404 $wGA88371464 $o0887273564 $b1077 $q揚州古城與揚州評話 D2003-00565 $tBarons, brokers, and buyers : the institutions and cultures of Philippine sugar. $A Billig, Michael S.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2003 $p320 $h24cm $wBA59483485 $o0824825616 $b043X $c36C+1990EXX1 D2003-00566 $tPeople's economy : Philippine community-based industries and alternative development. $A 佐竹 眞明;ja(サタケ マサアキ)//著 $eSolidaridad Pub.House//Manila $d2003 $p274 $h23cm $wBA61513942 $o9718845372 $b043X $c36A6XX1 D2003-00567 $tPeasants without the party : grass-roots movements in twentieth-century China. $A Bianco, Lucien;en//(au.) $eM.E.Sharpe//Armonk $d2001 $p309 $h24cm $sAsia and the Pacific , An East gate book $o1563248395 $wBA52260460 $o1563248409 $b0361 $c11D+20HXX1 $q自発農民運動 D2003-00568 $tABIA South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology index. $A Raven, Ellen M.;en/Lasschuijt, Helga I.;en//(ed.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $h25cm $sHandbuch der Orientalistik ; sect. 2. India ; v.15 $wBA59302911 $o9004124225 $o9004128697 $o9004128700 $b12XX $c20A0XX2 D2003-00569 $tDie Bildersprache Kālidāsas im Kumārasaṃbhava. $A Jackmuth, Martina;en//(au.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2002 $p252 $h24cm $sBeiträge zur Indologie ; Bd.35 $wBA61216255 $o3447046031 $b075X D2003-00570 $tThe good women of China : hidden voices. $A Xinran;en//(au.) $A Tyldesley, Esther;en//(tr.) $ePantheon Books//N.Y. $d2002 $p243 $h22cm $wBA64936410 $o0375422013 $b033X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00571 $tSummit of treasures : Buddhist cave art of Dazu, China. $A Howard, Angela Falco;en//(au.) $eWeatherhill//Trumbull $d2001 $p206 $h29cm $wGA86422826 $o0834804271 $b113X $c11B240EXX1 $q大足 D2003-00572 $tObscene things : the sexual politics in Jin Ping Mei. $A Ding, Naifei;en//(au.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2002 $p333 $h26cm $wBA6034530X $o0822329018 $o0822329166 $b106X $c11D+16K:+17GXX1 $q金瓶梅 D2003-00573 $tFinancial markets and policies in East Asia. $A Brouwer, Gordon de;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2002 $p340 $h25cm $sRoutledge studies in the growth economies of Asia $wBA55276150 $o0415273889 $b0462 $c10C+1990KXX1 D2003-00574 $tMultiple modernities : cinemas and popular media in transcultural East Asia. $A Lau, Jenny Kwok Wah;en//(ed.) $eTemple Univ.Pr.//Philadelphia $d2003 $p250 $h26cm $wBA61636603 $o1566399858 $o1566399866 $b17XX $c10C+2000E001 D2003-00575 $tEncyclopedia of modern Asia. $uv1-6 $A Levinson, David;en/Christensen, Karen;en//(ed.) $eThomson Gale//N.Y. $d2002 $v6 $h29cm $sA berkshire reference work $wBA60137732 $o0684806177 $o0684312425 $o0684312433 $o0684312441 $o068431245X $o0684312468 $o0684312476 $b17XX $c00A6002 D2003-00576 $tSearching for peace in Central and South Asia : an overview of conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities. $A Mekenkamp, Monique;en/Tongeren, Paul van;en/Veen, Hans-Joachim;en//(ed.) $eLynne Rienner//Boulder $d2002 $p665 $h23cm $wBA59426572 $o1588260720 $o1588260968 $b052X $c50C+2000EXX1 D2003-00577 $tFu Shan's world : the transformation of Chinese calligraphy in the seventeenth century. $A Bai, Qianshen;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2003 $p338 $h29cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 220 $wBA63049744 $o0674010922 $b115X $c11C+1605F:+1690FXX1 $q溥山 D2003-00578 $tThe art of calligraphy in modern China. $A Barrass, Gordon S.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p288 $h30cm $wBA6474905X $o0520234510 $b115X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00579 $tEmpire of emptiness : Buddhist art and political authority in Qing China. $A Berger, Patricia Ann;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2003 $p266 $h26cm $wBA63112953 $o0824825632 $b111X $c11D+18JXX1 $q乾隆 D2003-00580 $tBanking reforms and monetary policy in the People's Republic of China : is the Chinese central banking system ready for joining the WTO? $A Guo, Yong;en//(au.) $ePalgrave Macmillan//Basingstoke $d2002 $p186 $h23cm $wBA5945432X $o1403900787 $b0462 $c11C+2000EXX1 D2003-00581 $tChinas unlimited : making the imaginaries of China and Chineseness. $A Lee, Gregory B.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawai'i Pr.//Honolulu $d2003 $p121 $h23cm $sChinese worlds $wBA64335931 $o0824826809 $b1071 $c11A6XX1 D2003-00582 $tBuilding a new China in cinema : the Chinese left-wing cinema movement, 1932-1937. $A Pang, Laikwan;en//(au.) $eRowman & Littlefield Pub.//Lanham $d2002 $p279 $h24cm $wGA8850350X $o074250946X $b1076 D2003-00583 $tArchitectural encounters with essence and form in modern China. $A Rowe, Peter G.;en/Kuan, Seng;en//(au.) $eMIT Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p287 $h24cm $wBA60712670 $o026218219X $b112X $c11D+20EXX1 D2003-00584 $tModernizing China's military : progress, problems, and prospects. $A Shambaugh, David L.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2002 $p374 $h24cm $wGA8877267X $o0520225074 $b062X $c11A6XX1 $q人民解放軍 D2003-00585 $tКаталог монгольских рукописей и ксилографов Института востоковедения Российской академии наук. $uт. 3 $A Сазыкин, А. Г.;ru//(au.) $eВост. лит.//Москва $d2003 $p280 $h25cm $wBA55802796 $o5020183172 $b162X $c11B300EXX2 D2003-00586 $tPerspectives on Korean dance. $A Van Zile, Judy;en//(au.) $wBA58492764 $eWesleyan Univ.Pr.//Middletown $d2001 $p334 $h26cm $o0819564931 $o081956494X $b118X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00587 $tNorth Korea handbook. $A Yonhap News Agency, Seoul;en!//(ed.) $A Monterey Interpretation and Translation Services;en!//(tr.) $eM.E. Sharpe//Armonk $d2003 $p1153 $h26cm $sAn East gate book $wBA60476319 $o0765610043 $b051X $c18A6XX2 D2003-00588 $tBeyond the shadow of Camptown : Korean military brides in America. $A Yuh, Ji-Yeon;en//(au.) $eN.Y.Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2002 $p283 $h24cm $sNation of newcomers : immigrant history as American history $wBA62712376 $o0814796982 $b033X $c18A6XX1 D2003-00589 $tSyncretism of Buddhism and Shamanism in Korea. $A Hogarth, Hyun-key Kim;en//(au.) $eJimoondang Int.//Edison $d2002 $p420 $h24cm $wGA9312123X $o193189700X $b071X D2003-00590 $tThe Columbia anthology of traditional Korean poetry. $A Lee, Peter H.;en//(au.) $eColumbia Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2002 $p358 $h24cm $wGA89403475 $o0231111126 $b108X $c18B100E:110EXX1 D2003-00591 $tL'Inde : désir de nation. $A Assayag, Jackie;en//(au.) $eO. Jacob//Paris $d2001 $p347 $h22cm $wBA59906705 $o2738109616 $b0142 $c41A0XX1 D2003-00592 $tConstruction of an identity discourse : Oriya literature and the Jagannath cult (1866-1936). $A Behera, Subhakanta;en//(au.) $eMunshiram Manoharlal Pub.//New Delhi $d2002 $p244 $h23cm $wBA64093730 $o8121510414 $b108X $c41C+1866F:+1936FXX1 D2003-00593 $tBhartiya [i.e. Bharatiya] Janata Party : periphery to centre. $A Bhambhri, Chandra Prakash;en//(au.) $eShipra Pub.//Delhi $d2001 $p348 $h22cm $wBA5916106X $o8175410787 $b051X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00594 $tChristians, cultural interactions, and India's religious traditions. $A Brown, Judith Margaret;en/Frykenberg, Robert Eric;en//(ed.) $eW.B. Eerdmans//Grand Rapids $d2002 $p241 $h24cm $sStudies in the history of Christian missions $wBA59003739 $o080283955X $o0700716017 $b076X D2003-00595 $tCommunity, gender and violence. $A Chatterjee, Partha;en/Jeganathan, Pradeep;en//(ed.) $wBA54159377 $eHurst//London $d2000 $p347 $h24cm $sSubaltern studies ; 11 $o1850655812 $o1850655804 $b033X $c41A6XX1 D2003-00596 $tThe politics of the urban poor in early twentieth-century India. $A Gooptu, Nandini;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2001 $p464 $h24cm $sCambridge studies in Indian history and society ; 8 $wBA53613704 $o0521443660 $b0362 $c41D+20GXX1 D2003-00597 $tPolitics in Sindh, 1907-1940 : muslim identity and the demand for Pakistan. $A Jones, Allen Keith;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Karachi $d2002 $p214 $h23cm $wBA58581263 $o0195795938 $b0142 $c45C+1907F:+1940FXX1 D2003-00598 $tIslamic leviathan : Islam and the making of state power. $A Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2001 $p231 $h25cm $sReligion and global politics $wBA5463721X $o0195144260 $b051X $c34A6XX1 $qMalaysia,Pakistan D2003-00599 $tIn another country : colonialism, culture, and the English novel in India. $A Joshi, Priya;en//(au.) $wBA59207138 $eColumbia Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2002 $p363 $h23cm $o0231125844 $o0231125852 $b108X $c41B180EXX1 D2003-00600 $tA history of modern India, 1480-1950. $A Markovits, Claude;en//(ed.) $A George, Nisha;en/Hendry, Maggy;en//(tr.) $eAnthem//London $d2002 $p593 $h25cm $wBA60472373 $o184331004X $b0142 $c41C+1480F:+1950FXX1 D2003-00601 $tHorse of Karbala : Muslim devotional life in India. $A Pinault, David;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2001 $p257 $h22cm $wBA56479754 $o0312216378 $b078X D2003-00602 $tThe Indus civilization : a contemporary perspective. $A Possehl, Gregory L.;en//(au.) $eAltamira Pr.//Walnut Creek $d2002 $p276 $h29cm $wBA63389028 $o075910171X $o0759101728 $b12XX $c41B021EXX1 D2003-00603 $tThe fragmentation of Afghanistan : state formation and collapse in the international system. $u2nd ed. $A Rubin, Barnett R.;en//(au.) $eYale Univ.Pr.//New Haven $d2002 $p378 $h24cm $wBA57087680 $o0300095201 $o0300095198 $b051X $c46C+1980E:+2000EXX1 $qSoviet occupation D2003-00604 $tNuclear India in the twenty-first century. $A SarDesai, D. R.;en/Thomas, Raju G. C.;en//(au.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2002 $p316 $h25cm $wBA63599508 $o031229459X $b052X $c41D+21GXX1 D2003-00605 $tNomadism & colonialism : a hundred years of Baluchistan, 1872-1972. $A Scholz, Fred;en//(au.) $A Van Skyhawk, Hugh;en//(tr.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Karachi $d2002 $p328 $h25cm $wBA65282036 $o0195796381 $b0142 $c45C+1872F:+1972FXX1 D2003-00606 $tPangs of Partition. $uv.1 The parting of ways. v.2 The human dimension. $A Settar, S.;en/Gupta, Indira B.;en//(au.) $wBA61852700 $eManohar//New Delhi $d2002 $v2 $h23cm $o8173043051 $o8173043078 $o817304306X $b0142 $c41C+1947FXX1 D2003-00607 $tCivil society by design : donors, NGOs, and the intermestic development circle in Bangladesh. $A Stiles, Kendall W.;en//(au.) $ePraeger//Westport $d2002 $p178 $h25cm $wBA5849840X $o0275975509 $b031X $c44C+1990KXX1 D2003-00608 $tKerala's Gulf connection : CDS studies on International Labour Migration from Kerala State in India. $A Zachariah, Kunniparampil Curien;en/Kannan, Kappadath Parameswara;en/Rajan, Sebastian Irudaya;en//(ed.) $eCentre for Development Stud.//Thiruvanthapuram $d2002 $p230 $h22cm $wBA65814124 $o8186353011 $b032X $c41C+1990EXX1 D2003-00609 $tThe jungle kings : ethnohistorical aspects of politics and ritual in Orissa. $A Schnepel, Burkhard;en//(au.) $eManohar//New Delhi $d2002 $p350 $h25cm $sStudies in Orissan society, culture, and history ; vol.2 $wGA94349459 $o8173044678 $b143X $c41A6XX1 $qDschungelkonige D2003-00610 $tSongs of ecstasy : Tantric and devotional songs from Colonial Bengal. $A Urban, Hugh B.;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//Oxford $d2001 $p187 $h25cm $wGA82233220 $o0195139003 $b144X $c41B180EXX1 $qKartabhaja D2003-00611 $tMaking Mindanao : Cotabato and Davao in the formation of the Philippine nation-state. $A Abinales, P. N.;en//(au.) $eAteneo de Manila Univ.Pr.//Quezon City $d2000 $p235 $h23cm $wBA53755378 $o9715503497 $b051X $c36A6XX1 D2003-00612 $tHanoi : city of the rising dragon. $A Boudarel, Georges;en/Nguyen, Van Ky;en//(au.) $eRowman & Littlefield//Lanham $d2002 $p189 $h24cm $wBA59798930 $o0742516547 $o0742516555 $b0362 $c30D+20EXX1 D2003-00613 $tDiem's final failure : prelude to America's War in Vietnam. $A Catton, Philip E.;en//(au.) $eUniv.Pr.of Kansas//Lawrence $d2002 $p298 $h24cm $sModern war studies $wBA60811978 $o0700612203 $b0142 $c30C+1954F:+1963FXX1 $qNgo Dinh Diem D2003-00614 $tDiaspora and identity : the sociology of culture in Southeast Asia. $A Clammer, J. R.;en//(au.) $ePelanduk Pub.//Subang Jaya $d2002 $p339 $h23cm $wBA61704907 $o9679787915 $b031X $c20A6XX1 D2003-00615 $tMade in Indonesia : Indonesian workers since Suharto. $A La Botz, Dan;en//(au.) $eSouth End Pr.//Cambridge $d2001 $p395 $h23cm $wBA53099972 $o0896086437 $o0896086429 $b032X $c37C+1990KXX1 D2003-00616 $tFear and sanctuary : burmese refugees in Thailand. $A Lang, Hazel J.;en//(au.) $eSoutheast Asia Program, Cornell Univ.//Ithaca $d2002 $p240 $h26cm $sStudies on Southeast Asia ; no. 32 $wBA58290486 $o0877277311 $b051X $c38A6XX1 D2003-00617 $tMalay Muslims : the history and challenge of resurgent Islam in Southeast Asia. $A McAmis, Robert Day;en//(au.) $eW.B. Eerdmans Pub.//Grand Rapids $d2002 $p173 $h23cm $wBA63190684 $o0802849458 $b078X D2003-00618 $tEngineers of happy land : technology and nationalism in a colony. $A Mrázek, Rudolf;en//(au.) $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2002 $p311 $h24cm $sPrinceton studies in culture/power/history $wBA56227638 $o0691091617 $o0691091625 $b0142 $c37D+20HXX1 $qDutch East Indies D2003-00619 $tMagosaha : an ethnology of the Tawi-Tawi Sama Dilaut. $A Nimmo, Harry;en//(au.) $eAteneo de Manila Univ.Pr.//Quezon City $d2001 $p261 $h23cm $wBA6100185X $o9715503691 $b142X $c36A6XX1 D2003-00620 $tPostcolonial Vietnam : new histories of the national past. $A Pelley, Patricia M.;en//(au.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2002 $p326 $h24cm $sAsia-Pacific : culture, politics, and society, A John Hope Franklin Center book $wBA60807981 $o0822329840 $o0822329662 $b0142 $c30A6XX1 D2003-00621 $tReflections on Philippine culture and society : festschrift in honor of William Henry Scott. $A Peralta, Jesus T.;en//(ed.) $eAteneo de Manila Univ.Pr.//Quezon City $d2001 $p233 $h23cm $wBA62692337 $o9715503683 $b17XX $c36A6005 D2003-00622 $tTheater and the politics of culture in contemporary Singapore. $A Peterson, William;en//(au.) $eWesleyan Univ.Pr.//Middletown $d2001 $p287 $h23cm $wBA55033374 $o0819564710 $o0819564729 $b108X $c35A6XX1 D2003-00623 $tRecalling local pasts : autonomous history in Southeast Asia. $A Sunēt Chutintharānon;en/Baker, Chris;en//(ed.) $eSilkworm Books//Chiang Mai $d2002 $p208 $h23cm $wBA5846604X $o9747551683 $b0142 $c20D+11E:+20EXX1 D2003-00624 $tSiam and the West, 1500-1700. $A Cruysse, Dirk van der;en//(au.) $A Smithies, Michael;en//(tr.) $eSilkworm Books//[Chiang Mai] $d2002 $p565 $h23cm $wBA6040263X $o9747551578 $b0142 $c33C+1500F:+1700FXX1 D2003-00625 $tOf Vietnam : identities in dialogue. $A Winston, Jane Bradley;en/Ollier, Leakthina Chan-Pech;en//(ed.) $ePalgrave//N.Y. $d2001 $p280 $h25cm $wBA56675956 $o031223872X $b108X $c30A6XX1 D2003-00626 $tAmerican visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia : US foreign policy and Indonesian nationalism, 1920-1949. $A Gouda, Frances;en/Zaalberg, Thijs Brocades;en//(au.) $eAmsterdam Univ.Pr.//Amsterdam $d2002 $p382 $h24cm $wGA9512343X $o9053564799 $b0142 $c37C+1920F:+1949FXX1 D2003-00627 $tThe gamelan Digul and the prison camp musician who built it : an Australian link with the Indonesian revolution. $A Kartomi, Margaret J.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Rochester Pr.//Rochester $d2002 $p123 $h24cm $sEastman studies in music $wGA87127752 $o1580460887 $b117X $c37D+20EXX1 D2003-00628 $tA dictionary of Pāli ; Pt.1. $A Cone, Margaret;en//(au.) $ePali Text Soc.//Oxford $d2001 $p778 $h31cm $wBA54245537 $o086013394X $b157X $c00A0302 D2003-00629 $tA comparative grammar of the Dravidian languages. $A Andronov, Mikhail Sergeevich;en//(au.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2003 $p334 $h24cm $sBeiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen ; 7 $wBA63055281 $o3477044551 $b158X $c00A0001 D2003-00630 $tIndian logic : a reader. $A Ganeri, Jonardon;en//(ed.) $eCurzon//Richmond $d2001 $p221 $h22cm $wBA52356118 $o0700713069 $o0700713298 $b075X D2003-00631 $tJains in the world : religious values and ideology in India. $A Cort, John E.;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2001 $p267 $h24cm $wBA51897429 $o0195132343 $b075X D2003-00632 $tThe religious traditions of Asia : religion, history, and culture. $A Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge Curzon//London $d2002 $p375 $h24cm $wBA58808970 $o0700717625 $b071X D2003-00633 $tBanasa : a spiritual autobiography. $A Thiel-Horstmann, Monika;en//(tr.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2003 $p92 $h24cm $sKhoj ; v. 7 $wBA64540384 $o3447046392 $b015X $c41C+1896F:+1957FXX1 D2003-00634 $tTransformations on the Bengal Frontier : Jalpaiguri, 1765-1948. $A Ray, Subhajyoti;en//(au.) $eRoutledge Curzon//N.Y. $d2002 $p250 $h25cm $wBA58744040 $o0700714081 $b0142 $c41C+1765F:+1948FXX1 D2003-00635 $tDer Fuchs in Kultur, Religion und Folklore Zentral- und Ostasiens. $uT. 1, T. 2 $A Walravens, Hartmut;en//(ed.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2001-2002 $v2 $h25cm $sAsiatische Forschungen : Monographienreihe zur Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache der Völker Ost- und Zentralasiens ; Bd. 141 $wBA58638666 $o3447043253 $o3447045159 $b141X $c10A0XX1 D2003-00636 $tChinese visions of family and state, 1915-1953. $A Glosser, Susan L.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Calif.Pr.//Berkeley $d2003 $p275 $h24cm $sAsia : local studies/Global themes ; 5 $wBA62255660 $o0520227298 $b033X $c11C+1915F:+1953FXX1 D2003-00637 $tBritish intelligence and the Japanese challenge in Asia, 1914-1941. $A Best, Anthony;en//(au.) $ePalgrave Macmillan//Basingstoke $d2002 $p269 $h23cm $sStudies in military and strategic history $wBA58765051 $o0333945514 $b011X $c10C+1914F:+1941FXX1 D2003-00638 $tThe diary of Kosa Pan (Ok-phra Wisut Sunthon) : Thai ambassador to France, June-July 1686. $A Cruysse, Dirk van der;en//(annot.) $A Busyakul, Viaudh;en//(tr.) $A Smithies, Michael;en//(ed.and tr.) $eSilkworm Books//[Chiang Mai] $d2002 $p76 $h23cm $wBA6040638X $o9747551586 $b052X $c33/93C+1686FXX1 $qKōsāthibǭdī, Čhaophrayā,Government missions D2003-00639 $tThe Asian American century. $A Cohen, Warren I.;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p150 $h20cm $wBA57172429 $o0674007654 $b0453 $c91A6XX1 D2003-00640 $tWomen through the lens : gender and nation in a century of Chinese cinema. $A Cui, Shuqin;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2003 $p304 $h24cm $wBA63389571 $o0824825322 $b1076 D2003-00641 $tAssessing the Lee Teng-hui legacy in Taiwan's politics : democratic consolidation and external relations. $A Chao, Linda;en///et al.//(au.) $A Dickson, Bruce J.;en/Chao, Chien-min;en//(ed.) $eM.E. Sharpe//Armonk $d2002 $p300 $h24cm $sAn East gate book, Taiwan in the modern world $wBA5970119X $o0765610639 $o0765610647 $b051X $c12C+1990EXX1 $q李登輝 D2003-00642 $tAn intellectual history of modern China. $A Goldman, Merle;en/Lee, Leo Ou-fan;en//(ed.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p607 $h23cm $wBA56671988 $o0521801206 $o0521797101 $b081X $c11A6XX1 D2003-00643 $tLes grands entrepreneurs privés à Taiwan : la main visible de la prospérité. $A Guiheux, Gilles;en//(au.) $eCNRS Ed.//Paris $d2002 $p253 $h24cm $sCollection Asie orientale $wBA62326882 $o2271059712 $b043X $c12A6XX1 D2003-00644 $tModern China : a guide to a century of change. $A Hutchings, Graham;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2001 $p530 $h25cm $wBA55742162 $o0674006585 $o0674012402 $b013X $c11D+20EXX1 D2003-00645 $tOrigins of the modern Chinese state. $A Kuhn, Philip A.;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2002 $p162 $h23cm $wBA60727113 $o0804742839 $b013X $c11B300J:310EXX1 D2003-00646 $tChina's leaders : the new generation. $A Li, Cheng;en//(au.) $eRowman & Littlefield Pub.//Lanham $d2001 $p285 $h24cm $wBA53729822 $o0847694968 $o0847694976 $b051X $c11C+2000EXX1 $q胡锦涛 D2003-00647 $tSpirit and self in medieval China : the Shih-shuo hsin-yü and its legacy. $A Qian, Nanxiu;en<錢, 南秀>//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2001 $p520 $h23cm $wBA59865765 $o0824823974 $b106X $c11D+05HXX1 $q世説新語 D2003-00648 $tChina and Taiwan : cross-strait relations under Chen Shui-bian. $A Sheng, Lijun;en//(au.) $eZed Books//London $d2002 $p164 $h24cm $wBA5948741X $o1842773186 $o1842773194 $o981230097X $o9812301100 $b051X $c12C+2000EXX1 D2004-00001 $tRed is not the only color : contemporary Chinese fiction on love and sex between women, collected stories. $A Sieber, Patricia Angela;en//(ed.) $eRowman & Littlefield Pub.//Lanham $d2001 $p201 $h23cm $sAsian voices $wBA62440050 $o0742511375 $o0742511383 $b1073 D2004-00002 $tHong Kong art : culture and decolonization. $A Clarke, David James;en//(au.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2001 $p240 $h25cm $wGA8617826X $o0822329050 $o0822329204 $b111X $c13A6XX1 D2004-00004 $tDas Licht der Edlen : der Mond in der chinesischen Landschaftsmalerei = Junzi zhi guang. $A Lee-Kalisch, Jeong-hee;en//(au.) $eInst. Monumenta Serica//Sankt Augustin $d2001 $p188 $h24cm $sMonumenta serica monograph series ; 48 $wGA91594343 $o3805004575 $b114X $c11B242E:300EXX1 D2004-00005 $tOn Confucius. $A Ni, Peimin;en//(au.) $eWadsworth//Belmont $d2002 $p98 $h22cm $sWadsworth philosophers series $wGA8794485X $o0534583857 $b083X $c11A2111 D2004-00006 $tHindu kingship and polity in pre-colonial India. $A Peabody, Norbert;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//N.Y. $d2003 $p190 $h24cm $sCambridge studies in Indian history and society ; 9 $wBA62016761 $o0521465486 $b0142 $c41D+18EXX1 $qKoṭā(Princely State),Rajasthan D2004-00007 $tFocusing the familiar : a translation and philosophical interpretation of the Zhongyong. $A Ames, Roger T.;en/Hall, David L.;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2001 $p165 $h24cm $wGA8542001X $o0824824784 $o0824824601 $b082X $c11A2241 D2004-00008 $tThe Mongolic languages. $A Janhunen, Juha;en//(ed.) $eRoutledge//London $d2003 $p433 $h24cm $sRoutledge language family series ; 5 $wBA62791408 $o0700711333 $b155X $c00A0401 D2004-00009 $tConflict unending : India-Pakistan tensions since 1947. $A Ganguly, Sumit;en//(au.) $eOxford Univ.Pr.//New Delhi $d2002 $p187 $h22cm $wBA60634271 $o0195651901 $b052X $c41/45C+1947FXX1 D2004-00010 $tChina maritime customs and China's trade statistics, 1859-1948. $A Lyons, Thomas P.;en//(au.) $eWillow Creek of Trumansburg//Trumansburg $d2003 $p184 $h28cm $wGA96766231 $o0972914757 $b0452 $c11C+1858F:+1948FXX1 $qTea trade,福建省 D2004-00011 $tAfter the great Mughals : painting in Delhi and the regional courts in the 18th and 19th centuries. $A Schmitz, Barbara;en//(ed.) $eMārg Pub.//Mumbai $d2002 $p168 $h33cm $wBA64947803 $o8185026564 $b114X $c41D+18E:+19EXX1 D2004-00012 $tReligion and ecology in India and Southeast Asia. $A Gosling, David L.;en//(en.) $eRoutledge//London $d2001 $p210 $h24cm $wBA52163908 $o0415240301 $o041524031X $b031X $c40A6XX1 D2004-00014 $tDas ältere Mittelindisch im Überblick. $u2., erw. Aufl. $A Hinüber, Oskar von;en//(au.) $eVerl.der Österreichischen Akad.der Wissenschaften//Wien $d2001 $p343 $h24cm $sSitzungsberichten. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; 467. Bd. Veröffentlichung der Kommission für Sprachen und Kulturen Südasiens ; Heft 20 $wBA55144706 $o3700107617 $b075X D2004-00015 $tGreat walls of discourse and other adventures in cultural China. $A Saussy, Haun;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2001 $p289 $h24cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 212 $wBA5949551X $o0674008596 $o067400860X $b081X $c11B290E:300EXX1 D2004-00016 $tZhou Mi's record of clouds and mist passing before one's eyes : an annotated translation. $A Weitz, Ankeney;en//(au.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $p363 $h25cm $sSinica Leidensia ; v. 54 $wBA59790043 $o9004126058 $b114X $c11C+1232F:+1298FXX1 $q周密,雲煙過眼録 D2004-00017 $tLord of the dance : the Mani Rimdu Festival in Tibet and Nepal. $A Kohn, Richard J.;en//(au.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2001 $p366 $h23cm $sSUNY series in Buddhist studies $wBA52870031 $o0791448916 $o0791448924 $b0746 $qSteng-chen-dgon,Thyāngboche,Tantric Buddhism,Rnin-ma-pa D2004-00018 $tFluid iron : state formation in Southeast Asia. $A Day, Tony;en//(au.) $eUniv.of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu $d2002 $p339 $h23cm $wBA5884247X $o0824825071 $o0824826175 $b0142 $c20A0XX1 D2004-00019 $tInternational perspectives on Vietnam. $A Gardner, Lloyd C.;en/Gittinger, Ted;en//(ed.) $eTexas A&M Univ.Pr.//College Station $d2000 $p288 $h25cm $sForeign relations and the presidency ; no. 2 $wBA48220699 $o0890968985 $b052X $c30C+1961F:+1975FXX1 D2004-00020 $tChinese reportage : the aesthetics of historical experience. $A Laughlin, Charles A.;en//(au.) $eDuke Univ.Pr.//Durham $d2002 $p334 $h24cm $sAsia-Pacific : culture, politics, and society $wBA64664693 $o082232959X $b1078 $q報告文学 D2004-00021 $tCode, custom, and legal practice in China : the Qing and the Republic compared. $A Huang, Philip C.;en//(au.) $eStanford Univ.Pr.//Stanford $d2001 $p246 $h24cm $sLaw, society, and culture in China $wBA52270216 $o0804741107 $o0804741115 $b061X $c11B300E:310EXX1 $qJustice,Civil law D2004-00022 $tDesire and fictional narrative in late imperial China. $A Huang, Martin W.;en//(au.) $eHarvard Univ.Asia Center//Cambridge $d2001 $p347 $h24cm $sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 202 $wBA53209607 $o0674005139 $b106X $c11B290E:300EXX1 D2004-00023 $tThe grand scribe's records ; v. 2. The basic annals of Han China. $A Nienhauser, William H.;en//(ed.) $eIndiana Univ.Pr.//Bloomington $d2002 $p348 $h25cm $o0253340225 $b012X $c11B111EXX1 $q史記 D2004-00024 $tIn the inner quarters : erotic stories from Ling Mengchu's Two slaps. $A Hu, Lenny;en//(tr.) $eArsenal Pulp//Vancouver $d2003 $p240 $h21cm $o1551521342 $b106X $c11C+1580F:+1644FXX1 $q凌濛初,Sex customs D2004-00025 $tThe demon chained under Turtle Mountain : the history and mythology of the Chinese river spirit Wuzhiqi. $A Andersen, Poul;en//(au.) $eG+H//Berlin $d2001 $p96 $h24cm $wGA93151569 $o3931768554 $b144X $c11A0XX1 $q無支祁 D2004-00026 $tThe Dravidian languages. $A Krishnamurti, Bhadriraju;en//(au.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2003 $p545 $h24cm $sCambridge language surveys $wBA61100294 $o0521771110 $b158X $c00A0001 D2004-00027 $tWater architecture in South Asia : a study of types, development, and meanings. $A Hegewald, Julia A. B.;en//(au.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2002 $p266 $h30cm $sStudies in Asian art and archaeology ; v.24 $wBA65882419 $o9004123520 $b112X $c40A0XX1 D2004-00028 $tSteps to water : the ancient stepwells of India. $A Livingston, Morna;en/Beach, Milo Cleveland;en//(au.) $ePrinceton Architectural Pr.//N.Y. $d2002 $p211 $h31cm $wBA58579884 $o1568983247 $b112X $c41A0XX1 D2004-00029 $tSuitably modern : making middle-class culture in a new consumer society. $A Liechty, Mark;en//(au.) $ePrinceton Univ.Pr.//Princeton $d2003 $p292 $h24cm $wBA62268028 $o0691095922 $o0691095930 $b032X $c42A6XX1 $qKathmandu D2004-00030 $tLes routes de la région de Turfan sous les T'ang : suivi de l'histoire et la géographie anciennes de l'Asie Centrale dans Innermost asia. $A Pelliot, Paul;en//(au.) $A Drège, Jean-Pierre;en//(ed.) $eInst.des Hautes Études Chinoises du Collége de France//Paris $d2002 $p186 $h30cm $wBA62828982 $o2857570627 $b013X $c11B210EXX1 D2004-00031 $tThe Cambridge history of China ; v.9, pt.1, The Ch'ing empire to 1800. $A Peterson, Willard J.;en//(ed.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p753 $h24cm $wBA6067188X $o0521243343 $b013X $c11B300HXX1 D2004-00032 $tSocial connections in China : institutions, culture, and the changing nature of Guanxi. $A Gold, Thomas B.;en/Guthrie, Doug;en/Wank, David Louis;en//(ed.) $eCambridge Univ.Pr.//Cambridge $d2002 $p275 $h24cm $sStructural analysis in the social sciences $wBA58971406 $o052181233X $o0521530318 $b031X $c11A6XX1 $q関係 D2004-00033 $tVoices from the straw mat : toward an ethnography of Korean story singing. $A Park, Chan E.;en//(au.) $wBA66667251 $eCenter for Korean Stud., Univ.of Hawaii//Honolulu $d2003 $p338 $h24cm $sHawaii studies on Korea $o082482511X $b144X $c18A0XX1 $qPansori,Ballads,Folk music D2004-00034 $tClearing a space : postcolonial readings of modern Indonesian literature. $A Foulcher, Keith;en/Day, Tony;en//(ed.) $eKITLV Pr.//Leiden $d2002 $p381 $h25cm $sVerhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; 202 $wBA64258590 $o9067181897 $b108X $c37A6XX1 D2004-00035 $tMon nationalism and civil war in Burma : the golden sheldrake. $A South, Ashley;en//(au.) $eRoutledgeCurzon//London $d2003 $p419 $h24cm $wBA59588100 $o0700716092 $b051X $c38A6XX1 D2004-00036 $tTranscending borders : Arabs, politics, trade and Islam in Southeast Asia. $A Jonge, Huub de;en/Kaptein, Nico;en//(ed.) $eKITLV Pr.//Leiden $d2002 $p246 $h25cm $sKoninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde ; Proceedings ; 5 $wBA58610441 $o9067181846 $b0142 $c20D+18E:+20EXX3 D2004-00037 $tThe Penumbra unbound : the neo-Taoist philosophy of Guo Xiang. $A Ziporyn, Brook Anthony;en//(au.) $eState Univ.of N.Y.Pr.//Albany $d2003 $p186 $h23cm $sSUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture $wGA90383309 $o0791456617 $b083X $c11D+03K:+04GXX1 $q郭象 D2004-00038 $tDie Südliche Seidenstraße-Inseln im Sandmeer : versunkene Kulturen der Wüste Taklamakan. $A Baumer, Christoph;en//(au.) $eP. von Zabern//Mainz am Rhein $d2002 $p108 $h31cm $sZaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie, Sonderbände der Antiken Welt $wBA61104535 $o3805328451 $b023X $c11D+19K:+20HXX1 $qSilk Road D2004-00039 $tWörterbuch Ardhamāgadhī-Deutsch. $A Mylius, Klaus;en//(au.) $eInst.für Indol.//Wichtrach $d2003 $p663 $h20cm $wBA62394168 $o3718700255 $b075X D2004-00040 $tTo the origins of Confucianism : the ru in pre-Qin times and during the early Han dynasty. $A Zufferey, Nicolas;en//(au.) $ePeter Lang//Bern $d2003 $p409 $h23cm $sSchweizer asiatische Studien, Monographien ; Bd. 43 $wGA94791362 $o3906769909 $o0820459267 $b081X $c11A2XX1 $q儒 D2004-00041 $tDas singhalesische Nationalepos von König Duṭṭhagāmaṇī Abhaya : textkritische Bearbeitung und Übersetzung der Kapitel VII.3-VIII.3 der Rasavāhinī des Vedeha Thera und Vergleich mit den paralleltexten Sahassavatthuppakaraṇa und Saddharmālaṅkāraya. $A Bretfeld, Sven;en//(au.) $eDietrich Reimer//Berlin $d2001 $p276 $h25cm $sMonographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie ; Bd. 13 $wBA53826705 $o3496027126 $b0748 $qDhammakitti,Sri Lanka,Epic literature, Sinhalese D2004-00042 $tDer Orden in der Lehre : zur religiösen Deutung des Saṅgha im frühen Buddhismus. $A Freiberger, Oliver;en//(au.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2000 $p278 $h24cm $sStudies in oriental religions ; v.47 $wBA49876889 $o3447042842 $b0745 D2004-00043 $tAtharvaveda-Paippalāda, kāṇḍa five : text, translation, commentary. $A Lubotsky, Alexander M.;en//(au.) $eDept. of Sanskrit and Indian Stud., Harvard Univ.//Cambridge $d2002 $p236 $h23cm $sHarvard oriental series ; Opera minora ; v.4 $wBA59504734 $o1888789050 $b075X $qVedas D2004-00044 $tThe maze of fantasy in Tamil folktales. $A Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella;en//(au.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2002 $p190 $h24cm $wBA64080692 $o344704568X $b144X $c41A0XX1 D2004-00045 $tUnearthing Bon treasures : life and contested legacy of a Tibetan scripture revealer, with a general bibliography of Bon. $A Martin, Dan;en//(au.) $eBrill//Leiden $d2001 $p483 $h25cm $sBrill's Tibetan studies library ; v.1 $wBA54876527 $o9004121234 $b142X $c11A0131 $qGshen-chen Klu-dga,Bonpo literature,Bonpo lamas D2004-00046 $tSanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden und der kanonischen Literatur der Sarvāstivāda-Schule. $u12. Lfg. cāturmahārājakāyka/jv(alad-a)rciḥ-śikhopama, 13. Lfg. jvalana/trayo-daśa(n) $A Waldschmidt, Ernst;en//(begonnen) $A Bechert, Heinz;en//(ed.) $eVandenhoeck & Ruprecht//Göttingen $d2000 $v2 $h25cm $wBA23875020 $o3525261365 $o3525261586 $b157X $c00A0002 $qSanskrit dictionary D2004-00047 $tUntersuchungen zur Gottesvorstellung in der älteren Anonymliteratur des Pāñcarātra. $A Bock-Raming, Andreas;en//(au.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2002 $p405 $h25cm $sBeiträge zur Indologie ; Bd.34 $wBA60841629 $o3447045892 $b075X D2004-00048 $tSüd-und zentralasiatische Literaturen. $A Ehlers, Gerhard;en///et al.//(au.) $eAULA-Verlag//Wiebelsheim $d2002 $p214 $h25cm $sNeues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft ; Bd.24 $wBA56535301 $o3891040725 $b0741 D2004-00049 $tMadhyamakahṛdayam = Madhyamakahṛdayam of Bhavya. $A Lindtner, Chr.;en//(en.) $eAdyar Lib. and Res. Centre//Chennai $d2001 $p169 $h22cm $sThe Adyar Library series ; v.123 $wBA58970323 $o8185141401 $b0745 $qBhāvaviveka,Mādhyamika D2004-00050 $tGeschichte der altindischen Literatur : die 3000jährige Entwicklung der religiös-philosophischen, belletristischen und wissenschaftlichen Literatur Indiens von den Veden bis zur Etablierung des Islam. $u2., überarbeitete und erg. Aufl. $A Mylius, Klaus;en//(au.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2003 $p417 $h25cm $sBeiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen ; 11 $wBA66077713 $o3447047720 $b075X $qSanskrit literature,Vedic literature,Pali literature,Jaina literature D2004-00051 $tDie Pockengöttin : Fastenmärchen der Frauen von Awadh. $A Pandey, Indu Prakash;en/Pandey, Heidemarie;en//(tr.) $eHarrassowitz//Wiesbaden $d2002 $p189 $h25cm $sBeiträge zur Indologie ; Bd.36 $wBA6154307X $o3447046171 $b075X $qAyodhya,Hinduism D2004-00052 $tWhite Mughals : love and betrayal in the eighteenth-century India. $A Dalrymple, William;en//(au.) $eViking//New Delhi $d2002 $p580 $h25cm $wBA64874335 $b0142 $c41D+18EXX1 $qJames Achilles Kirkpatrick,Social life and customs,Race relations D2004-00053 $tTantra and Śākta art of Orissa. $uv.1-3 $A Donaldson, Thomas E.;en//(au.) $eD.K. Printworld//New Delhi $d2002 $v3 $h29cm $wBA57425976 $o8124601968 $o8124601976 $o8124601984 $o8124601992 $b111X $c41A0XX1 $qShaktism,Hindu mythology D2004-00054 $tIndian classical dance : tradition in transition. $A Venkataramna, Leela;en//(au.) $eRoli Books//New Delhi $d2002 $p144 $h31cm $wGA94539115 $o8174362169 $b118X $c41A6XX1 D2004-00055 $tIndian music : eminent thinkers on core issues. $A Mehta, Ramanlal Chhotalal;en//(ed.) $eIndian Musicol.Soc.//Mumbai $d2002 $p113 $h24cm $wGA97866537 $b117X $c41A0XX1