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$tFrontier contact between Chosŏn Korea and Tokugawa Japan.
$A Lewis, James Bryant;en//(au.)
$tA history of Korean literature.
$A Lee, Peter H.;en//(ed.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$tTransforming Korean politics : democracy, reform, and culture.
$A Kihl, Young W.;en//(au.)
$eM.E. Sharpe//Armonk
$sAn East gate book
$tCulturing modernity : the Nantong Model, 1890-1930.
$A 邵秦;zh[shao qin]//(au.)
$eStanford Univ. Pr.//Stanford
$tMobile, and marginalized peoples : perspectives from the past.
$A Heredia, Rudolf C.;en/Ratnagar, Shereen;en//(ed.)
$eManohar//New Delhi
$qnomads,herders,pastoral systems
$tAt America's gates : Chinese immigration during the exclusion era, 1882-1943.
$A Lee, Erika;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of North Carol. Pr.//Chapel Hill
$qChinese Americans
$tThe United States and Cambodia, 1870-1969 : from curiosity to confrontation.
$A Clymer, Kenton J.;en//(au.)
$sRoutledge studies in the modern history of Asia ; 18
$tThe United States and Cambodia, 1969-2000 : a troubled relationship.
$A Clymer, Kenton J.;en//(au.)
$sRoutledge studies in the modern history of Asia ; 18
$tV.K. Wellington Koo and the emergence of Modern China.
$A Craft, Stephen G.;en//(au.)
$eUniv. Pr. of Kentucky//Lexington
$tDie Personennamen in der Ṛgveda-Saṃhitā : Sicheres und Zweifelhaftes : vorgetragen in der Gesamtsitzung von 25. Oktober 2002.
$A Mayrhofer, Manfred;en//(au.)
$eVerl. der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften//München
$sAbhandlungen ; Sitzungsberichte Jahr. 2002, Heft 3
$tTreasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661.
$A Butler, Michael;en/Curtis, Julia B.;en/Little, Stephen;en//(au.)
$eArt Services Int.//Alexandria
$tBurma : art and archaeology.
$A Green, Alexandra;en/Blurton , T. Richard;en//(ed.)
$eBritish Museum Pr.//London
$tHemacandras Kāvyānuśāsana : Kapitel 1 und 2 : eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des indischen Dramas und der indischen Poesie.
$A Both, Leo;en//(au.)
$sDrama und Theater in Südasien ; Bd. 2
$tThe Buddhist murals of Pagan : timeless vistas of the cosmos.
$A Bautze-Picron, Claudine;en//(au.)
$A Bautze, Joachim K.;en//(photo.)
$eOrchid Pr.//Bangkok
$tAgriculture and pastoralism in the Late Bronze and Iron Age, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan.
$A Young, Ruth;en//(au.)
$sBAR international series ; 1124, Bradford monographs in the archaeology of Southern Asia ; 1
$tDiscours sur la theologie naturelle des chinois.
$A 李文潮;zh[li wen chao]/Poser, Hans;en//(ed.)
$eV. Klostermann//Frankfurt am Main
$sVeröffentlichungen des Leibniz-Archivs ; 13
$qLeibniz,Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von,1646-1716,Longobardi, Nicolas
$tThe teachings and practices of the early Quanzhen Taoist masters.
$A Eskildsen, Stephen;en//(au.)
$eState Univ. of N.Y. Pr.//Albany
$sSUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture
$tThe politics of trade : Anglo-French Commerce on the Coromandel coast, 1763-1793.
$A Sinha, Arvind;en//(au.)
$eManohar//New Delhi
$tState, Economy and social transformation : Hyderabad State, (1724-1948).
$A Vaikuntham, Yallampalli;en//(au.)
$eManohar//New Delhi
$tEducation in ancient India.
$A Scharfe, Hartmut;en//(au.)
$sHandbuch der Orientalistik ; Section 2 Indien ; v. 16
$tLegible bodies : race, criminality, and colonialism in South Asia.
$A Anderson, Clare;en//(au.)
$tHigh frontiers : Dolpo and the changing world of Himalayan pastoralists.
$A Bauer, Kenneth M.;en//(au.)
$eColumbia Univ. Pr.//N.Y.
$sThe historical ecology series
$tGutenberg in Shanghai : Chinese print capitalism, 1876-1937.
$A Reed, Christopher A.;en//(au.)
$eUBC Pr.//Vancouver
$sStudies of the East Asian Institute, Contemporary Chinese studies
$q谷騰堡在上海 : 中國印刷資本業的發展, 一八七六-一九三七年
$tFrontier passages : ethnopolitics and the rise of Chinese communism, 1921-1945.
$A Liu, Xiaoyuan;en//(au.)
$eWoodrow Wilson Center Pr.//Washington, D.C.
$tAmbition and identity : Chinese merchant elites in colonial Manila, 1880-1916.
$A Wilson, Andrew R.;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu
$tProducing India : from colonial economy to national space.
$A Goswami, Manu;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Chicago Pr.//Chicago
$sChicago studies in practices of meaning
$tNarcotic culture : a history of drugs in China.
$A Dikötter, Frank;en/Laamann, Lars Peter;en/Zhou, Xun;en//(au.)
$eC. Hurst//London
$qnarcotic habit,opium habit
$tReligion and the formation of Taiwanese identities.
$A Katz, Paul R.;en/Rubinstein, Murray A.;en//(ed.)
$ePalgrave Macmillan//N.Y.
$tBiology and revolution in twentieth-century China.
$A Schneider, Laurence A.;en//(au.)
$eRowman & Littlefield//Lanham
$tTaiwan's imagined geography : Chinese colonial travel writing and pictures, 1683-1895.
$A Teng, Emma Jinhua;en//(au.)
$eHarvard Univ. Asia Center//Cambridge
$sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 230
$tWriting and materiality in China : essays in honor of Patrick Hanan.
$A Zeitlin, Judith T.;en/Liu, Lydia He;en/Widmer, Ellen;en//(ed.)
$eHarvard Univ. Asia Center for Harvard-Yenching Inst.//Cambridge
$sHarvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 58
$t"Patriots" or "traitors"? : a history of American-educated Chinese students.
$A Bieler, Stacey;en//(au.)
$eM.E. Sharpe//Armonk
$qreturned students,Western influences
$tYoung Mongols and vigilantes in inner Mongolia's interregnum decades, 1911-1931 ; v. 1, v. 2.
$A Atwood, Christopher Pratt;en//(au.)
$sBrill's inner Asian library ; v. 6
$tHistorical dictionary of the Mongol world empire.
$A Buell, Paul D.;en//(au.)
$eScarecrow Pr.//Lanham
$sHistorical dictionaries of ancient civilizations and historical eras ; no. 8
$tPoverty reduction in Mongolia.
$A Griffin, Keith B.;en//(ed.)
$eAsia Pacific Pr.//[Canberra]
$tWriting women in Korea : translation and feminism in the colonial period.
$A Hyun, Theresa;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu
$tPainters as envoys : Korean inspiration in eighteenth-century Japanese Nanga.
$A Jungmann, Burglind;en//(au.)
$ePrinceton Univ. Pr.//Princeton
$tKashmir : roots of conflict, paths to peace.
$A Bose, Sumantra;en//(au.)
$eHarvard Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$qJammu and Kashmir
$tPunjab politics, 1936-1939 : the start of provincial autonomy : governors' fornightly reports and other key documents.
$A Carter, Lionel;en//(comp. and ed.)
$eManohar Pub.//New Delhi
$tSensory biographies : lives and deaths among Nepal's Yolmo Buddhists.
$A Desjarlais, Robert R.;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Calif. Pr.//Berkeley
$sEthnographic studies in subjectivity ; 2
$qGhang Lama,Kisang Omu,Helambu Sherpa
$tGandhi in his time and ours : the global legacy of his ideas.
$A Hardiman, David;en//(au.)
$eHurst & Co.//London
$tThe history of history : politics and scholarship in modern India.
$A Lal, Vinay;en//(au.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//New Delhi
$tThree statesmen : Gokhale, Gandhi, and Nehru.
$A Nanda, Bal Ram;en//(au.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//New Delhi
$tHindu rulers, Muslim subjects : Islam, rights, and the history of Kashmir.
$A Rai, Mridu;en//(au.)
$ePermanent Black//Delhi
$tRe-searching Indian women
$A Ramaswamy, Vijaya;en//(ed.)
$tIndia, a national culture?
$A Sen, Geeti;en//(ed.)
$eSage Pub.//New Delhi
$tKashmir in the shadow of war : regional rivalries in a nuclear age.
$A Wirsing, Robert;en//(au.)
$eM.E. Sharpe//Armonk
$tSecurity and Southeast Asia : domestic, regional, and global issues.
$A Collins, Alan;en//(au.)
$eLynne Rienner Pub.//Boulder
$tThe politics of NGOs in Indonesia : developing democracy and managing a movement.
$A Hadiwinata, Bob S.;en//(au.)
$sRethinking Southeast Asia ; 3 . RoutledgeCurzon research on Southeast Asia
$tPeople on the move : Punjabi colonial, and post-colonial migration.
$A Talbot, Ian;en/Thandi, Shinder S.;en//(ed.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//Karachi
$sSubcontinent divided
$qSikh diaspora
$tBetween sacrifice and desire : national identity and the governing of femininity in Vietnam.
$A Pettus, Ashley;en//(au.)
$sEast Asia : history, politics, sociology, culture
$tThe Kraton : selected essays on Javanese courts.
$A Robson, Stuart;en//(ed.)
$A Robson-McKillop, Rosemary;en//(tr.)
$eKITLV Pr.//Leiden
$sTranslation series / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; 28
$tWorking at the bar : sex work and health communication in Thailand.
$A Steinfatt, Thomas M.;en//(au.)
$eAblex Pub.//Westport
$sCivic discourse for the third millennium
$tChinese minority in a Malay state : the case of Terengganu in Malaysia.
$A Tan, Chee-Beng;en//(au.)
$eEastern Univ. Pr.//Singapore
$sEthnic studies
$tCourtly culture and political life in early medieval India.
$A Ali, Daud;en//(au.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$sCambridge studies in Indian history and society ; 10
$tSociety and circulation : mobile people and itinerant cultures in South Asia, 1750-1950.
$A Markovits, Claude;en/Pouchepadass, Jacques;en/Subrahmanyam, Sanjay;en//(ed.)
$ePermanent Black//Delhi
$tText and context in the history, literature and religion of Orissa.
$A Malinar, Angelika;en/Beltz, Johannes;en/Frese, Heiko;en//(ed.)
$eManohar Pub.//New Delhi
$sStudies in Orissan society, culture, and history ; v. 3
$tVotes and violence : electoral competition and ethnic riots in India.
$A Wilkinson, Steven;en//(au.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$sCambridge studies in comparative politics
$tThe good country : individual, situation and society in Saurashtra.
$A Tambs-Lyche, Harald;en//(au.)
$eManohar Pub.//New Delhi
$tModern Indian kingship : tradition, legitimacy & power in Rajasthan.
$A Balzani, Marzia;en//(au.)
$eJames Currey//Oxford
$sWorld anthropology
$tRecasting the devadasi : patterns of sacred prostitution in colonial South India.
$A Vijaisri, Priyadarshini;en//(au.)
$eKanishka Pub.//New Delhi
$tEnjeux contemporains du féminisme indien.
$A Haase-Dubosc, Danielle;en///et al.//(ed.)
$eÉd. de la Maison des sci. de l'homme//Paris
$tBeyond nationalist frames : postmodernism, Hindu fundamentalism, history.
$A Sarkar, Sumit;en//(au.)
$eIndiana Univ. Pr.//Bloomington
$tElegant debts : the social art of Wen Zhengming, 1470-1559.
$A Clunas, Craig;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu
$tThe archaeology of seafaring in ancient South Asia.
$A Ray, Himanshu Prabha;en//(au.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$sCambridge world archaeology
$qmerchant marine,Indian Ocean Region,commerce
$tNationalism and ethnic conflict in Indonesia.
$A Bertrand, Jacques;en//(au.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$sCambridge Asia-Pacific studies
$tPopulation and ethno-demography in Vietnam.
$A Dien, Khong;en//(au.)
$eSilkworm Books//Chiang Mai
$tNature in the global south : environmental projects in South and Southeast Asia.
$A Greenough, Paul Robert;en/Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt;en//(ed.)
$eDuke Univ. Pr.//Durham
$tIn the name of harmony and prosperity : labor and gender politics in Taiwan's economic restructuring.
$A Lee, Anru;en//(au.)
$eState Univ. of N. Y. Pr.//Albany
$sSUNY series in the anthropology of work
$tPerfection makes practice : learning, emotion, and the recited Qur'an in Indonesia.
$A Gade, Anna M.;en//(au.)
$eUniv. of Hawaii Pr.//Honolulu
$tBare branches : security implications of Asia's surplus male population.
$A Hudson, Valerie M.;en/Boer, Andrea M. den;en//(au.)
$eMIT Pr.//Cambridge
$sBCSIA studies in international security
$tExchange rates under the East Asian dollar standard : living with conflicted virtue.
$A McKinnon, Ronald I.;en//(au.)
$eMIT Pr.//Cambridge
$tHistorical thinking in South Asia : a handbook of sources from colonial times to the present.
$A Gottlob, Michael;en//(ed.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//New Delhi
$tMaking history, drawing territory : British mapping in India, c.1756-1905.
$A Barrow, Ian J.;en//(au.)
$eOxford Univ. Pr.//New Delhi
$tLanguages of belonging : Islam, regional identity, and the making of Kashmir.
$A Zutshi, Chitralekha;en//(au.)
$tThe Anglo-Maratha campaigns and the contest for India : the struggle for control of the South Asian military economy.
$A Cooper, Randolf G. S.;en//(au.)
$eCambridge Univ. Pr.//Cambridge
$qMaratha War
$tBuddhist philosophy from 350 to 600 A.D.
$A Potter, Karl H.;en//(ed.)
$eMotilal Banarsidass//Delihi
$sEncyclopedia of Indian philosophies ; v. 9
$tFire and water : the art of incendiary and aquatic warfare in China.
$A Sawyer, Ralph D.;en//(au.)
$eWestview Pr.//Boulder
$q火戦與水攻,military art and science,defensive,offensive,riverine operations
$tAsian art at the Norton Simon Museum ; v. 3. Art from Sri Lanka & Southeast Asia.
$A Pal, Pratapaditya;en//(au.)
$eYale Univ. Pr.//New Haven
$tBuddhist sculpture in clay : early western Himalayan art, late 10th to early 13th centuries.
$A Luczanits, Christian;en//(au.)
$eSerindia Pub.//Chicago
$tThe retreat of the elephants : an environmental history of China.
$A Elvin, Mark;en//(au.)
$eYale Univ. Pr.//New Haven
$qhuman ecology
$tRepresentations of childhood and youth in early China.
$A Kinney, Anne Behnke;en//(au.)
$eStanford Univ. Pr.//Stanford
$tSpeaking of Yangzhou : a Chinese city, 1550-1850.
$A Finnane, Antonia;en//(au.)
$eHarvard Univ. Asia Center//Cambridge
$sHarvard East Asian monographs ; 236
$tThe class of 1761 : examinations, state, and elites in eighteenth-century China.
$A Man-Cheong, Iona;en//(au.)
$eStanford Univ. Pr.//Stanford